Constantly dizzy- back from the wilderness

EE for me today. Been A VERY GOOD GIRL SO FAR *polishes halo*

B big dish of melon activia yog

L asda tikka chicken slices, ainsley chilli cous cous, toms, cucumber, lettuce, onion, yog/mint/cayenne pepper sauce 1 apple

T Beef casserole cauli carrots green beans new pots

HEA milk for teas HEB fibre plus

choc option 2
penguin wafer 4.5
cornflour 2
maybe a fox's classic 6 (if I feel the urge):p

so thats either 12.5 or 14.5 syns - just scraped through :eek:
Morning Lovelies

I had a pretty good polish my halo day yesterday !!

the planned for penguin wafer 4.5 and the (maybe) fox's classic 6 DIDNT ENTER MY TUM
hows that for willpower.

Instead I chose a slice of WM bread to have with some spicy veg & tomato soup that I made earlier in the day....go me with the superfrees
So I actually finished the day under syn at 9
Im really not drinking enough still so this is on my 'to do list'

Today is another EE day and its looking like this

B scrambled eggs melon

L spicy veg & tom soup melon activia yog

T liver & Onion sw roasties carrots peas rasbs & 0% greek yog

HEA milk for teas HEB fibre plus

snacks fruit & maybe a part frozen yog if OH is late home from golf & I get hungry before tea

choc option 2
cornflour 2
fox classic 6 total 10
Afternoon All from a wild & wet West Yorkshire.

Well we appear to have aquired a crow over the weekend :p hes a big bugger too! he keeps coming and landing on the balcony then strutting on and staring in the patio doors at us.
my OH went out and put some more bread & digestive biscuits out (we put those out as we have a couple of wood pigeons & some jackdaws from the nearby fields that come....we dont seem to get any little birds as its an apartment block but near to fields, were lucky enough to have one of the penthouse ones with the outside patio area) Anyway he just looked at it...looked at us and started making a right racket :D so we chopped up some cheese and put that out while he sat at the far end of the balcony spying on us....then he strutted along gave a big loud caw caw sound and started eating ha ha. Hes been coming & going ever since, but if there is no cheese he goes nuts :D:D

Diet wise Ive been good again today on EE up early & had a big dish of melon for Brekkie.

Then went with OH to take his golf shoes back as they were letting in water (hes not a happy bunny-3rd pair hes had to return :mad:) BUT they are covered by warranty so all is good. He decided to put some money towards a better pair in the hope these will be more reliable.....the flippin better be at £89.99 :eek:

Anyway where was I....

Oh yes my food,
Lunch was some sainsbury chilled chicken tikka, cous cous, tom, cucumber, lettuce, onion, yog/mint cayenne pepper sauce & 1 yellow plum.

Tea will be tuna (yack
jacket spud cottage cheese salady stuff couple of yellow plums....(just noticed these are ss and the normal plums are only s ;))

HEA milk for teas HEB fibre plus OR 2 alpen lights

choc options 2 penguin wafer 4.5
Morning all

Im feeling all sorry for myself :cry:had to go to the emergency dentist - I look like the elephant man....and feel like ive been punched in the jaw :( abscess :cry: but my tooth has a really big temporary filling that was due to be replaced on the 28th, but because the tooth is so painful to touch its infected so has to come out :( Im a big wuss with dentists so Im shaking already at the thought as Ive got to have another filling at the same time :eek:
Still - the upside is I cant eat choccie chewy things at the mo so I might get a bit of a loss this week eh :eek: god it hurts though!
Just how in the hell do you get an abscess when you've been on antib's & steroids for 2 weeks anyway! :confused: Got a course of Amoxicillin 500s to take for 5 days now.

So far today the menu has been

Brekki oats so simple (golden syrup) HEB+1.5 syns 1/2 HEA +water
1/2 HEA for teas

lunch Dyno Rod soup....whizzed up (not as nice this way

Tea ?? (will update later)

I may do a green day today so I get 2 HEA/HEB and have some more Oats so simple for supper when I get my choccie craving instead of the (unchewable) penguin or fibre plus
Still look like a cross between the elephant man & a Hamster filling its cheek with its entire dish of food today :sigh:
But the pain from the tooth itself is not 'quite' as bad, though the lump underneath is now a lot bigger :(

Anway todays food I think will be EE or it may be green? actually at this point I havent got a clue ha ha

Brekkie was
oatso simple (golden syrup) HEB+1.5 syn
HEA for oats and teas

Lunch will be dyno rod soup....will try to have it un'whizzed' as i really didnt like it all smooth yesterday :eek: but I couldnt chew at all :(

Tea not a clue....depends how the soup goes:confused: will update later