Corkscrews Cruise to the Curves :)

Todays grub - Red

Bran flakes (Hexb)
FF Greek yoghurt


Chicken salad
Salad cream (3 syns)
Ryvitas (Hexb)
LC (again lol) (Hexb)

Pork steak
Gravy (2 syns)

FF nat yog
Hello Corkey, well done on your loss. .....that new shiney will be yours this week for sure hun :hug99:

OMG you don't know how good it is ...even if it's because they really hear you call these p-ratts twonks, not heard that in an eternity lol and was one of my favourite expressions as I too used to work with loads of them and told them they were too at times .....I am so peed they aren't all perfect like me :giggle:

Have a fab evening hun :bighug: xxxx
Gooooooooooooooood Morning :D

OMG I've neglected my own flipping fred this week :eek: *slaps own wrist* lol

With regard to the prats and the twonks............why are they all usually men? :confused: I'm sure men must be genetically flawed in some way ya know! :giggle: And what gets me with the twonks I work with is that they actually think they're great!! lol Ohhhhhh don't get me started on men!! They're such flipping aliens! LOL

Me and the girls at work were discussing marriage the other day. Anyway, one thing lead to another and I was asked what attributes my 'perfect' man should had. So (in no particular order) I reeled some of them off...............

1. Sense of humour is essential
2. Intelligent but not a total geek
3. clean teeth (preferably real ones! lol)
4. Kind but not a total sop
5. Generous but not a complete pushover
6. Loving but not clingy
7. Strong but not bossy
8. Principled but not boarishly opinionated
9. tall.............must be tall :D
10. Accomplished cook
11. Good at DIY
12. House trained :D
14. Ability to operate heavy machinery...........washer, dryer, hoover etc
15. Ability to recognise with ease a dirty kitchen floor, a full wash basket......etc
16. Has no addictions to games consoles and such like
17. Good worker (can't abide lazy men)
18. Well built but not fat
19. Not a picky eater
20. Respects my space and independence
21. Helpful but not a control freak

There was more, but you get the picture :D lol So anyway, after listing all these attributes, one of the girls said "Soooooooooo you won't be getting married again then?" LMAO
Oh yeah, and I forgot to say I lost 3lb this week :D That gets me my 2.5 shiney and I've dropped into the 16's :woohoo: Another 4.5lb and I'll have ditched 3 stone!! 3 stone!! :wee: lol
AND it's Green Saturday (I looooooooooove green days :D)

Mahoosive omelette (peppers, mushrooms, onion, 4 :eek: eggs)
baked beans...........a full tin :eek:

Well I was very hungry after my 1.5 hour walkies with mi pooches :D lol

Lunch will be
Actifry chips :drool:
Mushy peas :drool:
chicken (Hexb)

Dinner will be
mixed bean chill

Supper will be
vodka..............etc :D :8855:
I'd just like to have a little grumble about the weather :D

I'm sick of the flipping rain!
I'm sick of getting wet walking the dogs!
I'm sick of being bloody cold!
I just want some warm weather and some flipping sun!!

Right gonna take the dogs the rain..............again!! Grrrrrrr

Grumble over :D
Corkscrew said:
I'd just like to have a little grumble about the weather :D

I'm sick of the flipping rain!
I'm sick of getting wet walking the dogs!
I'm sick of being bloody cold!
I just want some warm weather and some flipping sun!!

Right gonna take the dogs the rain..............again!! Grrrrrrr

Grumble over :D

I will Grumble with you!

Grumble grumble
I've got summat to grumble about ya know! Took the dogs down the fields a bit ago and the water came half way up mi wellies!!!! I had to pick mi little girl dog up cos it was deeper than she's tall! lol My clever boy dog found a route round it though :D lol
tis getting a bit boring all this rain isn't it :rolleyes:

have to paddle across the road to get to the field and the bottom of my garden is water logged :eek:

silly me has a white dog who thinks running through puddles is a really good game, so is looking increasingly grey !!!!!!

hope the rain stops for tomorrows walkies, and if you ever find that perfect man i think it only fair to share :D
WTG LC fantastic loss :woohoo:..........................loved the list of attributes that you are looking for in a man :8855:
tis getting a bit boring all this rain isn't it :rolleyes:

have to paddle across the road to get to the field and the bottom of my garden is water logged :eek:

silly me has a white dog who thinks running through puddles is a really good game, so is looking increasingly grey !!!!!!

hope the rain stops for tomorrows walkies, and if you ever find that perfect man i think it only fair to share :D

Yes it is getting very boring now Mandy! I've been wet that much this week that I'm starting to feel like the woman from atlantis! lol Hey, lucky you though, having a swimming pool at the bottom of your garden :D Very posh! lol

What sort of dog have you got Mandy? One of mine is black and the other one is very very blonde......needless to say it's a rather muddy looking blonde atm :D The black one has wiry hair so a quick shake and 5 mins later he's dry, but the blonde on has hair like a human! Very thick and it gets very very wet. Takes ages to dry too. I did try whizzing her with the hairdryer to speed up the drying process, but she goes nuts, tires to bite it, has a growl or three and runs off! lol

Oh there's no such thing as a perfect man Mandy, not that Im looking mind. I wouldn't have another one thrown at me! lol I love being single again and I plan on staying that way :D

WTG LC fantastic loss :woohoo:..........................loved the list of attributes that you are looking for in a man :8855:

Thank you LP :D

Errrrr I'm not looking for a man, perfect or otherwise LP :D Please refer to that up there ^^^^ lol

I like men, I like dolphins too, but I don't want either of them living with me! lol

I forgot to say well done on the loss and the shiney:eek:

so well done that is a fab loss :banana dancer:

Awwww thanks Mandy :D

And it's still raining :( lol

I've just decided on what to buy myself for my 3 stone treat :D I'm gonna buy a couple of new, posh, swivelly, tall, adjustable padded chairs for my breakfast bar :D lol 2 of these.....


Or two of these..........

love the chairs :D xxx

libby is a bitsa,as in bits of this bits of that :giggle: will try and post a picture at some point. best guess is that she is spanial most likely springer and saffordshire bull terrier, she is about springer size and short haired has spaniel ears . kids often think she is a dalmation but i love her, what ever she is :eek:

hope you didn't get too wet walking i got soaked :raincloud:
love the chairs :D xxx

libby is a bitsa,as in bits of this bits of that :giggle: will try and post a picture at some point. best guess is that she is spanial most likely springer and saffordshire bull terrier, she is about springer size and short haired has spaniel ears . kids often think she is a dalmation but i love her, what ever she is :eek:

hope you didn't get too wet walking i got soaked :raincloud:

Yeah I like the chairs too, just can't decide which I like best :D Do you think 2 of each would look silly?? Who says all your chairs have to match anyway? lol
Libby sounds lovely :D Love the bitsa :giggle: A pic would be lovely - I love to see other peoples dogs :) Mine won't have their picture taken. I think they think the camera is a gun or summat because they both run off with their tails between their legs :( they actually hide under the bed in the spare room! lol

I've been soaked twice so far today Mandy, and in approx 3.5 mins (lol) I shall be getting wet again as it's time for evening walkies and doggies are beginning to circle me like a couple of.......well, dogs that want a wee really! :8855:

I like walking in the rain, but it's really taking the pee now isn't it? :D lol

Right. where's mi wellies.................
Hi LP...........just catching up and hope you had a rain free walk today as the weather in Lincolnshire has been really good :) for a change :giggle: .................on the idea of men, knew you weren't looking for one to live with, but one for the occasional evening is OK or don't their attributes matter on those occasions, well the ones we can list anyway :8855: :8855: