couldnt think of a title

am back from a totally wicked few days away, mega exhausted, i did drink copius amounts of vodka and coke also ate some lush salads with steak, also crisps made a cheeky hello,
but i have had such a tough time with my crohns i have been on the loo nonstop and have dropped nearly a stone in a week, not good although the dress i wore out for my birthday night in benidorm fitted great, my throne was in use alot!!!
i wont be going back onto s&s until after next weds after my op as i have to not eat at all from sat but drink a chalky drinky thingy i am going to be famished!!!!!
hope you have all been doing well, i will try and keep up when i get a spare few minutes.
Hmm need to update my tickers and measurements, can't do it on my phone so will tomorrow on the laptop,
Today I have had
Vanilla shake
Slice ham, wrapped round a gherkin.
For tea its chicken breast with sweetcorn.
Glad u had a great Time hun, lovin the pic!!!!

Sorry to hear Uve been unwell, hope the op makes a difference to your health and ur feeling much better!!

A stone wow was that on holiday??? Xxxx

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yes it was, i had a great time but was so poorly, am looking forward to tomorrow evening when i can eat, am famished, then back on s&s on weds.
Ohhh hope ur feeling better now kay, Hows today been xxx
its been ok i am just starving as cant eat until tomorrow night after op, i will be back on here properly then, all this talk of food driving me insane lol, hope you are doing ok steff x
Ahhhhh ur doin great!!!! Good luck for the op let me know how u get on xxxxx

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right i am starting back on s&s tomorrow, today is the first day i can actually eat since the weekend so i am actually going to enjoy and savour, although it will be healthy stuff i have, so much choice i dont know what to have lol.
op went well, just need to recover now, but feel much better than i thought i would, will be back tomorrow as day 1 back on my weight loss journey and with freshh measurements and weights.
Ohhhh what have u chose to eat today Kay?
Wishing u a speedy recovery xxxx

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what havent i had, i made myself:
3 ryvitas with philadelphia, and ham, didnt eat
1 vienese whirl
bite of a prawn sandwhich
1 chicken wrap with lettace
ice cream
spoon sugar puffs
have found i really want to eat but just didnt have any appetite as been bit sore tonight so although it probably looks alot, i havent really eaten much, bit of a shame as i will be back on tomorrow and know i will look back and think i shoud have enjoyed my days off.
Ohhh doesn't look like loads!!!

How u feeling today? Xxx

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blimming hurt more today than i have since op, anyways am back on today for the first time in weeks, have had my morning porridge, and have just done my measurements, am scared to weigh in as i feel so bloated i know alot is air, hehe.
cant believe i have lost 15.5 inches off myself since i started , makes it worthwhile :)
Wooohoooo thats brill hun well done you!!!!

How's ur day been? Hope the pain is easing off xxxx

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am feeling much better today, yesterday was a good day diet wise was 100% on s&s, today not so good, i had a friend pop round and ended up drinking coffee and earting chocolates, really pooed off with myself !!!
seriously wondering wether or not my heart is really in this now i am bored to death with it and may give atkins a try for a while , i still have my s&s to go back to now and then whilst on it, i am feeling good and have more confidance than i have in a while,
maybe just a down day as i have failed today eating the chokkie, see how i feel tomorrow...

steff thankyou so much xxx
Ahhhh listen Hun Uve been through a lot this past couple of month don't be too hard on urself, u have done great considering everything, I would of done much worse, u do what u feels best, hope u have a good sleep and see how u feel in the mornin xxx

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hmm last night started off good i had friends round for dinner (takeout mexican) i had a lush chicken salad very virtous then .... we all drank 4 bottles of veuve oops!!!
mind you i was so sick after , i look like a panda where i have burst all of the blood vessels around my eyes.

today i though yes i am going to try atkins and see how i go, so far i have had
2 rashers of bacon with egg, (didnt stay in long)
i chicken wing
corn on the cob
2 chicken thighs
i think a hangover has contributed to the weird selection today so will see how tomorrow goes. am feeling alot happier and know this is more sustainable and during the week i can still have a s&s for brekkie if i choose to as i love the shakes.
Hows the atkins going hun?

Im coming back to s&s sunday :eek:

hi steff, i have found it weird eating so many foods, and i really have , i am actually missing s&s, i am having a shake for brekkie today i think its better for my digestion , i am off to henley this morning and just know all of my friends will be tucking in and enjoying their ice cream alongside the river this will be a right test for me,
i am all over the place but as long as i have s&s or atkins i am not going to beat myself up, am a bit more relaxed than i was a few months ago,

you always know how to make someone feel better , thanks steff x