couldnt think of a title

Ohhhh thats a toughie!

How did u get on today xxxx

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It was horrendous stef, I went to my I laws where I had scrambled egg which was fine, at about 3pm I started to get all dizzy so hubby bought me home.
We had a party to go to last night and on the way there I didn't feel right but didn't say anything or eat anything, whilst there I felt like I was going to keel over felt sick and dizzy so we left early and I actually ate "normal food" just to see if I would feel better, (chicken salad, and some rice, and hubbie made me drink a hot choc. Was a bit peed off but I was not good.
Have woken feeling ok so am going back on s&s sandwhich instead of my 3 o'clock shake I will have some chicken and veg.
Oh blimey thats no good!! Glad ur feeling better, it's weird isnt that the body can just have a funny turn!?

S&s sandwich ha never know they may make one of them next!!


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Blimey hubbies trying to make me eat chicken , I was you g to put for breakfast but its midday, weirdly not hungry???

I will have something at mother in laws about 1ish , im just having a coke zero then we can go, I still feel a bit weird and achey like im going to get a cold- flu.
Hope Its not the flu!! Its going Round again!
Hope today goes ok xxx

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Had a better day, today i have had:
Coke zero
Chicken & beg
Slice of ham & salad
Bite of bar.
No shakes but have still been good.
Haha wouldn't it!!!

Had a bad night woke around 3am sick , my tummy still feels like a washing machine and have woken to the dreaded bleeding,
Part from that everythings great.
I got son up and ready for school then just thought I would look on the schools homepage it turns out he has an inset day which is perfect, so a good practice run for tomorrow, daughter wasn't happy her school is open.

Am going to have my coffee now hope my tummy stays settled , oh and my breath could be used as a laser .
Morning hun,

oooo very efficient having a practice run :) good job you checked the page :)! bet he was happy to have another day off was'nt he?

:S hope you feel better and coffee settles you a bit xxx
am feeling loads better, had my coffee without any adverse reaction.

i have had a huge burst of energy so have sorted out all of the wardrobes in my bedroom, a massive feat i have been promising myself i would do for ages, now its time for my first shake of the day, i'm not actually hungry but find it hard to beleive i could be back in ketosis already seeing as i took myself out on saturday night??? any ideas wether or not i could be or not would be welcomed, or is it in my head?

hubby and i actually sat and watched the first 2 episodes of 24 last night, is it sad i cant wait til the kids go to bed tonight so we can catch up on some more, frienfds have been saying for ages how good it is and as last nights tv was dire we thought we would give it a try, i love it!!! next is for me to watch all of the downton abbeys as i have never seen them.

anyways get to my shake and then start my doll a lady has ordered or i will be on here all day.
24 is awesome!! You'll be hooked in no time! Well done on the wardrobe attack, it's actually amazing how much
energy you suddenly feel on this plan. Can't wait for mine to kick in as the wardrobes are crying out for attention!!
Shivie it is amazing , less cals more energy I dont get it but I like it.
I am hooked already we have been wondering for ages wether or not to get Netflix but it is definitely worthwhile now we can catch up on anything thats been missed.
Hope you are having a good day x
Oh and if you haven't seen "Homeland" or "Breaking Bad" yet, I highly recommend them...warning: highly addictive viewing!
My day's going great so far ta luv. On day 2 of re-start so only one more day or so until ketosis starts to kick in.
Bring on the corpse-breath eh!! ;)
I will remember them thanks, corpse breath , could cut glass with mine lol, chewies at the moment just in case I have to talk to someone.
OMG!! Kay 24 is amazing!! We have watched every series twice over lol it gets very addictive!!!

Weve finished watching homeland and now where on lost!

But seriously we got so obsessed over 24 ha!

Glad ur feeling abit better xxx

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The last time I saw lost was when I was in labour it started to get to weird , will watch that homeland its had great reviews hasn't it, 24 is so compulsive for me as being in real time my god you dont get to see what's going to happen and being a nosey bum like me I need to watch them all, I'm sure if we didn't work and had no kids me and hubby would have a 24 marathon :).

Just had my bar I need to get a shake or my 3rd pack won't get see today, I am just relaxing doing dolls hair waiting for housewives of Beverly hills these women are so vicious to each other it makes my eyes bleed but I love it.
Yeah it is very strange lol but we need to finish it now we've started ha

Wen we was both at college we started watching 24 and we skipped college for 3 days and sat in bed watching every series hahaha how bad!! We literally didn't move just ordered food every night!

Ohhhh I don't watch anything like that, I should though, used to love laguna beach wen I was younger I'd imagine it's like that but *****ier so even better lol xxx

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Just had 3rd pack I didn't even wait for hubby to get in it was relish
So today I gave had
Hazelnut shake
Shake cant remember?
Macaroni cheese, lamb slice
In all a good day :)
Can't remember lol

Sounds good :)

Your doing brill on this diet mrs :) keep It up!!

Any plans tonight? Xxx

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