Countdown to Christmas Challenge

5 Pounds away .... Yay

5 pounds off for me this week! Yay! ....... cmcewn

Devon_Dumpling, 27lbs to lose, 6.5lbs lost
MadameLaMinx, started at 39lb to go, have now 29lbs to lose

Orion83, 42lbs to lose
Hastalavegan, 15lb down, another 15 to go
Mummy_Helen - 47lb to go
Shrimpy, -1.5 out of a total of 28lbs to lose (26.5 left),
Lurverick, 24lbs to lose
Tinkerbellsmum, 1.5lb loss 26lbs to lose
HoneyOc, 20lbs to lose
Izzysmommy - at least 35lbs
Zombiecakes, 3.5 down, 28.5lbs to lose
Linda S, 42lb to lose, -5lbs, 37lbs to lose
Nikki1306, 38lb to lose
Alia, 9.5 pounds off 38.5lbs to lose
skinny_fi, 35lbs to lose
TheChangingMan - 44lbs to go
losingme - (32lbs) -1lbs
Mummoth (Jan) - 5lbs off, 30lbs to go
surreygal-42lbs to lose -9lb off,33lbs to go
Chelsea - 56 lbs to lose - 5 lb down 51 to go
Stacey - 52lb to loose - 7lb down 45lb to go
Becca Wecca 30lbs to lose. 3lb down...27lbs to go!
Janegreen - 42lbs to lose
Meli - reach target of 130lbs- Total Loss (4 weeks) -9lbs
Karen - 56lbs to lose (lost 7lb, 49lb to go)
Christiana 12.5lbs off, 39.5lbs to go
Crazyarmywife - 52lb to lose
Cantstopgaining - 52lbs to lose
lesserme -- 25lbs to loss 2 lbs off 23 lbs to go
cmcewn - 52 lbs to lose - 20.5 lost - 31.5 to go
woodsylou - current weight 12stone 8lb. 28lbs to lose
MancBird - 28lbs to lose
Tanari - 30lbs to lose - 26.5lbs to go
susicab - 46lbs to lose
Nikkiruth - 57lbs to lose - 8lb lost, 49lbs to go
Fionao- 28lbs to lose
riproaringpoptart - 30lbs to lose - 1lb = 29lbs to go
Subs - 26lbs to lose- 5lbs lost, 21lb to lose
emma-louise, 8lbs off, 23lbs to lose
Cailin_Maith, 35lbs to lose - 4.5lbs off so far
eilidhsmummy – 5lbs off - 45lbs to lose
Capricorn -target 34lbs -14.5lbs off -19.5lb to go
Carthago_delendaest – 35lbs to go
princessnicky - 49lbs to lose
*Sally_Cinnamon* - 60lbs to lose (5lbs this week 51 to go)
missemma - 42lbs to lose - 5lbs lost - 37lbs to go.
Queenie24, 24lbs to lose
Pesty - 5.5 lost 14.5lbs to go
Sarah83 - 31lbs to lose
NikkiD - 42lbs to lose
10st10lbs - 26.5lbs to lose, 3.5lbs lost
kel86- 50 lbs to loose
stephie0611 - 38lbs to lose - 3lbs lost - 35lbs to go
sallyannetag - 50lbs to lose
MrsV - 25lbs to lose -7.5, 17.5 to go!
Carolinep - 42lbs to lose - 3lb lost - 39lb to go
Lainie10 - 42lbs to lose
Emzy22- 42lbs to lose
Sarahandmolly - 28lbs to lose
RubyMoss - 30lbs to lose
needtoslim -8lb down. 19.5 to go.
Lorn - 42lbs by Chrimbo, another 42lbs to lose by this time next year!
StacieG - 35lbs - 3lbs gone
Soontobeslim - 28lbs - 1lb gone
Lizabeth - 56lbs -13lb gone
mrsrobinson - 40lbs to go
Well, I lost 2.5lb this week (despite being on holiday last week :)), but ive totally forgot how much I was when I started this challenge, lol!
wow good loses christiana and cmcewn, whats your secret??
well done on the losses everyone :happy096:
Hey Lesserme / MrsRobinson!

No secret really, just stayed to plan without the aid of Xenical for the first time in 7 weeks. I also reduced my fizzy drink intake a bit (because of bloating) and took in more water, had a bit more fish (prawns, tuna) if that helps!

2.5lbs off for me :) updated loss for susicab too

Devon_Dumpling, 27lbs to lose, 6.5lbs lost
MadameLaMinx, started at 39lb to go, have now 29lbs to lose

Orion83, 42lbs to lose
Hastalavegan, 15lb down, another 15 to go
Mummy_Helen - 47lb to go
Shrimpy, -1.5 out of a total of 28lbs to lose (26.5 left),
Lurverick, 24lbs to lose
Tinkerbellsmum, 1.5lb loss 26lbs to lose
HoneyOc, 20lbs to lose
Izzysmommy - at least 35lbs
Zombiecakes, 3.5 down, 28.5lbs to lose
Linda S, 42lb to lose, -5lbs, 37lbs to lose
Nikki1306, 38lb to lose
Alia, 9.5 pounds off 38.5lbs to lose
skinny_fi, 35lbs to lose
TheChangingMan - 44lbs to go
losingme - (32lbs) -1lbs
Mummoth (Jan) - 5lbs off, 30lbs to go
surreygal-42lbs to lose -9lb off,33lbs to go
Chelsea - 56 lbs to lose - 5 lb down 51 to go
Stacey - 52lb to loose - 7lb down 45lb to go
Becca Wecca 30lbs to lose. 3lb down...27lbs to go!
Janegreen - 42lbs to lose
Meli - reach target of 130lbs- Total Loss (4 weeks) -9lbs
Karen - 56lbs to lose (lost 7lb, 49lb to go)
Christiana 12.5lbs off, 39.5lbs to go
Crazyarmywife - 52lb to lose
Cantstopgaining - 52lbs to lose
lesserme -- 25lbs to loss 2 lbs off 23 lbs to go
cmcewn - 52 lbs to lose - 20.5 lost - 31.5 to go
woodsylou - current weight 12stone 8lb. 28lbs to lose
MancBird - 28lbs to lose
Tanari - 30lbs to lose - 26.5lbs to go
susicab - 46lbs to lose - 2.5lbs lost
Nikkiruth - 57lbs to lose - 8lb lost, 49lbs to go
Fionao- 28lbs to lose
riproaringpoptart - 30lbs to lose - 1lb = 29lbs to go
Subs - 26lbs to lose- 5lbs lost, 21lb to lose
emma-louise, 8lbs off, 23lbs to lose
Cailin_Maith, 35lbs to lose - 4.5lbs off so far
eilidhsmummy – 5lbs off - 45lbs to lose
Capricorn -target 34lbs -14.5lbs off -19.5lb to go
Carthago_delendaest – 35lbs to go
princessnicky - 49lbs to lose
*Sally_Cinnamon* - 60lbs to lose (5lbs this week 51 to go)
missemma - 42lbs to lose - 5lbs lost - 37lbs to go.
Queenie24, 24lbs to lose
Pesty - 5.5 lost 14.5lbs to go
Sarah83 - 31lbs to lose
NikkiD - 42lbs to lose
10st10lbs - 24bs to lose, 6lbs lost
kel86- 50 lbs to loose
stephie0611 - 38lbs to lose - 3lbs lost - 35lbs to go
sallyannetag - 50lbs to lose
MrsV - 25lbs to lose -7.5, 17.5 to go!
Carolinep - 42lbs to lose - 3lb lost - 39lb to go
Lainie10 - 42lbs to lose
Emzy22- 42lbs to lose
Sarahandmolly - 28lbs to lose
RubyMoss - 30lbs to lose
needtoslim -8lb down. 19.5 to go.
Lorn - 42lbs by Chrimbo, another 42lbs to lose by this time next year!
StacieG - 35lbs - 3lbs gone
Soontobeslim - 28lbs - 1lb gone
Lizabeth - 56lbs -13lb gone
mrsrobinson - 40lbs to go
Is it too late for me to join this one.

If I can I'll back date to my weigh in on 30th June. I would like to lose 28lb over the 6 months and so far I have lost 2lb this month after a slow start ;)
This works for me ...

wow good loses christiana and cmcewn, whats your secret??

These things seem to work for me ..

I eat six 'small' meals a day as opposed to 3 large meals. I also try to include a good quality protein either fish and chicken as well as the obligatory third superfree (on EE) . I have found that I lose weight much faster when I eat smaller more frequent meals - apparently eating large infrequent meals and going too long between meals makes the body retain more fat because of the survival mode thing (ain't that a right royal pain) :rolleyes: Also eating more frequently keeps the metabolism working harder .. as much as 42% harder. I have ditched our megga huge dinner plates and we now eat from smaller plates.

Water, water, water - I was a real caffeine freak, drinking tons of milky coffee and coke zero every day. I now drink plenty of water instead because if you are not getting enough water your body retains it and it helps clear out toxins etc. It also stops me feeling hungry (you probably know already that sometimes if you are dehydrated it feels like hunger) Also I drink my water icy cold because the body has to heat it up and that burns more calories! This can equate to a pound of fat a month .. or so they say :D

I have ditched the salt ... I love salt but blimey it makes you retain water and it isnt good for the old blood pressure so it just had to go.

I move more .... :D I have started out with the walking but am about to join the gym.

I try not to eat the 'white stuff' or in other words processed foods and eat wholefoods wherever I can.

I am making 'me' a priority for a change. It is important that I lose this weight and find out what I have to change to become healthy - it isn't always easy for women to make 'me' time but it is important. :D

I keep a food diary that way I am not kidding myself that I am eating less than I am .. I am very good at that!

I try to think more ... when I am upset or bored I try to take a step back ... I am definately a real emotional eater and would stuff myself stupid just to change my mood. Now I am making a real effort to try other things that do not include food when I need a distraction.

I thought this was an interesting observation from 'The biggest Loser'

Common Denominators of the overweight

In 3 seasons, they found the contestants shared many characteristics, including:
  • no idea of the number of calories they need or what they actually consume
  • most skip breakfast and snacks and let a long time go between meals
  • most consume very little fruits and vegetables
  • most are not getting enough protein, and what they do get is high in saturated fat
  • most get very little whole grains
  • most have too much “white stuff” (sugar, refined flour)
  • little planning of meals, mostly on-the-go eating and dining out
  • most are meeting their daily caloric needs through beverages alone (e.g. caloric sodas, juices and fruit punch)
  • many consume very little water
  • nearly all reported limited to no exercise
  • nearly all prioritize everything and everyone else in their life ahead of their own health
Good luck everybody ..... we will get there - it is in our hands! :D
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These things seem to work for me ..

I eat six 'small' meals a day as opposed to 3 large meals. I also try to include a good quality protein either fish and chicken as well as the obligatory third superfree (on EE) . I have found that I lose weight much faster when I eat smaller more frequent meals - apparently eating large infrequent meals and going too long between meals makes the body retain more fat because of the survival mode thing (ain't that a right royal pain) :rolleyes: Also eating more frequently keeps the metabolism working harder .. as much as 42% harder. I have ditched our megga huge dinner plates and we now eat from smaller plates.

Water, water, water - I was a real caffeine freak, drinking tons of milky coffee and coke zero every day. I now drink plenty of water instead because if you are not getting enough water your body retains it and it helps clear out toxins etc. It also stops me feeling hungry (you probably know already that sometimes if you are dehydrated it feels like hunger) Also I drink my water icy cold because the body has to heat it up and that burns more calories! This can equate to a pound of fat a month .. or so they say :D

I have ditched the salt ... I love salt but blimey it makes you retain water and it isnt good for the old blood pressure so it just had to go.

I move more .... :D I have started out with the walking but am about to join the gym.

I try not to eat the 'white stuff' or in other words processed foods and eat wholefoods wherever I can.

I am making 'me' a priority for a change. It is important that I lose this weight and find out what I have to change to become healthy - it isn't always easy for women to make 'me' time but it is important. :D

I keep a food diary that way I am not kidding myself that I am eating less than I am .. I am very good at that!

I try to think more ... when I am upset or bored I try to take a step back ... I am definately a real emotional eater and would stuff myself stupid just to change my mood. Now I am making a real effort to try other things that do not include food when I need a distraction.

I thought this was an interesting observation from 'The biggest Loser'

Common Denominators of the overweight

In 3 seasons, they found the contestants shared many characteristics, including:
  • no idea of the number of calories they need or what they actually consume
  • most skip breakfast and snacks and let a long time go between meals
  • most consume very little fruits and vegetables
  • most are not getting enough protein, and what they do get is high in saturated fat
  • most get very little whole grains
  • most have too much “white stuff” (sugar, refined flour)
  • little planning of meals, mostly on-the-go eating and dining out
  • most are meeting their daily caloric needs through beverages alone (e.g. caloric sodas, juices and fruit punch)
  • many consume very little water
  • nearly all reported limited to no exercise
  • nearly all prioritize everything and everyone else in their life ahead of their own health
Good luck everybody ..... we will get there - it is in our hands! :D

Well said cmcewn!
Hi all :p mind if I join in? xx

I started DIY SW 3 weeks ago and have lost 10lbs so far, which has brought me just under 16 stones :D I'd very much like to get below 13 stones by Xmas so will set my target as 42lbs :)

Devon_Dumpling, 27lbs to lose, 6.5lbs lost
MadameLaMinx, started at 39lb to go, have now 29lbs to lose

Orion83, 42lbs to lose
Hastalavegan, 15lb down, another 15 to go
Mummy_Helen - 47lb to go
Shrimpy, -1.5 out of a total of 28lbs to lose (26.5 left),
Lurverick, 24lbs to lose
Tinkerbellsmum, 1.5lb loss 26lbs to lose
HoneyOc, 20lbs to lose
Izzysmommy - at least 35lbs
Zombiecakes, 3.5 down, 28.5lbs to lose
Linda S, 42lb to lose, -5lbs, 37lbs to lose
Nikki1306, 38lb to lose
Alia, 9.5 pounds off 38.5lbs to lose
skinny_fi, 35lbs to lose
TheChangingMan - 44lbs to go
losingme - (32lbs) -1lbs
Mummoth (Jan) - 5lbs off, 30lbs to go
surreygal-42lbs to lose -9lb off,33lbs to go
Chelsea - 56 lbs to lose - 5 lb down 51 to go
Stacey - 52lb to loose - 7lb down 45lb to go
Becca Wecca 30lbs to lose. 3lb down...27lbs to go!
Janegreen - 42lbs to lose
Meli - reach target of 130lbs- Total Loss (4 weeks) -9lbs
Karen - 56lbs to lose (lost 7lb, 49lb to go)
Christiana 12.5lbs off, 39.5lbs to go
Crazyarmywife - 52lb to lose
Cantstopgaining - 52lbs to lose
lesserme -- 25lbs to loss 2 lbs off 23 lbs to go
cmcewn - 52 lbs to lose - 20.5 lost - 31.5 to go
woodsylou - current weight 12stone 8lb. 28lbs to lose
MancBird - 28lbs to lose
Tanari - 30lbs to lose - 26.5lbs to go
susicab - 46lbs to lose - 2.5lbs lost
Nikkiruth - 57lbs to lose - 8lb lost, 49lbs to go
Fionao- 28lbs to lose
riproaringpoptart - 30lbs to lose - 1lb = 29lbs to go
Subs - 26lbs to lose- 5lbs lost, 21lb to lose
emma-louise, 8lbs off, 23lbs to lose
Cailin_Maith, 35lbs to lose - 4.5lbs off so far
eilidhsmummy – 5lbs off - 45lbs to lose
Capricorn -target 34lbs -14.5lbs off -19.5lb to go
Carthago_delendaest – 35lbs to go
princessnicky - 49lbs to lose
*Sally_Cinnamon* - 60lbs to lose (5lbs this week 51 to go)
missemma - 42lbs to lose - 5lbs lost - 37lbs to go.
Queenie24, 24lbs to lose
Pesty - 5.5 lost 14.5lbs to go
Sarah83 - 31lbs to lose
NikkiD - 42lbs to lose
10st10lbs - 24bs to lose, 6lbs lost
kel86- 50 lbs to loose
stephie0611 - 38lbs to lose - 3lbs lost - 35lbs to go
sallyannetag - 50lbs to lose
MrsV - 25lbs to lose -7.5, 17.5 to go!
Carolinep - 42lbs to lose - 3lb lost - 39lb to go
Lainie10 - 42lbs to lose
Emzy22- 42lbs to lose
Sarahandmolly - 28lbs to lose
RubyMoss - 30lbs to lose
needtoslim -8lb down. 19.5 to go.
Lorn - 42lbs by Chrimbo, another 42lbs to lose by this time next year!
StacieG - 35lbs - 3lbs gone
Soontobeslim - 28lbs - 1lb gone
Lizabeth - 56lbs -13lb gone
mrsrobinson - 40lbs to go

melvis - 42lbs to go
Devon_Dumpling, 27lbs to lose, 6.5lbs lost
MadameLaMinx, started at 39lb to go, have now 29lbs to lose

Orion83, 42lbs to lose
Hastalavegan, 15lb down, another 15 to go
Mummy_Helen - 47lb to go
Shrimpy, -1.5 out of a total of 28lbs to lose (26.5 left),
Lurverick, 24lbs to lose
Tinkerbellsmum, 1.5lb loss 26lbs to lose
HoneyOc, 20lbs to lose
Izzysmommy - at least 35lbs
Zombiecakes, 3.5 down, 28.5lbs to lose
Linda S, 42lb to lose, -5lbs, 37lbs to lose
Nikki1306, 38lb to lose
Alia, 9.5 pounds off 38.5lbs to lose
skinny_fi, 35lbs to lose
TheChangingMan - 44lbs to go
losingme - (32lbs) -1lbs
Mummoth (Jan) - 5lbs off, 30lbs to go
surreygal-42lbs to lose -9lb off,33lbs to go
Chelsea - 56 lbs to lose - 5 lb down 51 to go
Stacey - 52lb to loose - 7lb down 45lb to go
Becca Wecca 30lbs to lose. 3lb down...27lbs to go!
Janegreen - 42lbs to lose
Meli - reach target of 130lbs- Total Loss (4 weeks) -9lbs
Karen - 56lbs to lose (lost 7lb, 49lb to go)
Christiana 12.5lbs off, 39.5lbs to go
Crazyarmywife - 52lb to lose
Cantstopgaining - 52lbs to lose
lesserme -- 25lbs to loss 2 lbs off 23 lbs to go
cmcewn - 52 lbs to lose - 20.5 lost - 31.5 to go
woodsylou - current weight 12stone 8lb. 28lbs to lose
MancBird - 28lbs to lose
Tanari - 30lbs to lose - 26.5lbs to go
susicab - 46lbs to lose - 2.5lbs lost
Nikkiruth - 57lbs to lose - 8lb lost, 49lbs to go
Fionao- 28lbs to lose
riproaringpoptart - 30lbs to lose - 1lb = 29lbs to go
Subs - 26lbs to lose- 5lbs lost, 21lb to lose
emma-louise, 8lbs off, 23lbs to lose
Cailin_Maith, 35lbs to lose - 4.5lbs off so far
eilidhsmummy – 5lbs off - 45lbs to lose
Capricorn -target 34lbs -14.5lbs off -19.5lb to go
Carthago_delendaest – 35lbs to go
princessnicky - 49lbs to lose
*Sally_Cinnamon* - 60lbs to lose (5lbs this week 51 to go)
missemma - 42lbs to lose - 7lbs lost - 35lbs to go.
Queenie24, 24lbs to lose
Pesty - 5.5 lost 14.5lbs to go
Sarah83 - 31lbs to lose
NikkiD - 42lbs to lose
10st10lbs - 24bs to lose, 6lbs lost
kel86- 50 lbs to loose
stephie0611 - 38lbs to lose - 3lbs lost - 35lbs to go
sallyannetag - 50lbs to lose
MrsV - 25lbs to lose -7.5, 17.5 to go!
Carolinep - 42lbs to lose - 3lb lost - 39lb to go
Lainie10 - 42lbs to lose
Emzy22- 42lbs to lose
Sarahandmolly - 28lbs to lose
RubyMoss - 30lbs to lose
needtoslim -8lb down. 19.5 to go.
Lorn - 42lbs by Chrimbo, another 42lbs to lose by this time next year!
StacieG - 35lbs - 3lbs gone
Soontobeslim - 28lbs - 1lb gone
Lizabeth - 56lbs -13lb gone
mrsrobinson - 40lbs to go

melvis - 42lbs to go
Devon_Dumpling, 27lbs to lose, 6.5lbs lost
MadameLaMinx, started at 39lb to go, have now 29lbs to lose

Orion83, 42lbs to lose
Hastalavegan, 15lb down, another 15 to go
Mummy_Helen - 47lb to go
Shrimpy, -1.5 out of a total of 28lbs to lose (26.5 left),
Lurverick, 24lbs to lose
Tinkerbellsmum, 1.5lb loss 26lbs to lose
HoneyOc, 20lbs to lose
Izzysmommy - at least 35lbs
Zombiecakes, 3.5 down, 28.5lbs to lose
Linda S, 42lb to lose, -5lbs, 37lbs to lose
Nikki1306, 38lb to lose
Alia, 9.5 pounds off 38.5lbs to lose
skinny_fi, 35lbs to lose
TheChangingMan - 44lbs to go
losingme - (32lbs) -1lbs
Mummoth (Jan) - 5lbs off, 30lbs to go
surreygal-42lbs to lose -9lb off,33lbs to go
Chelsea - 56 lbs to lose - 5 lb down 51 to go
Stacey - 52lb to loose - 7lb down 45lb to go
Becca Wecca 30lbs to lose. 3lb down...27lbs to go!
Janegreen - 42lbs to lose
Meli - reach target of 130lbs- Total Loss (4 weeks) -9lbs
Karen - 56lbs to lose (lost 7lb, 49lb to go)
Christiana 12.5lbs off, 39.5lbs to go
Crazyarmywife - 52lb to lose
Cantstopgaining - 52lbs to lose
lesserme -- 25lbs to loss 2 lbs off 23 lbs to go
cmcewn - 52 lbs to lose - 20.5 lost - 31.5 to go
woodsylou - current weight 12stone 8lb. 28lbs to lose
MancBird - 28lbs to lose
Tanari - 30lbs to lose - 26.5lbs to go
susicab - 46lbs to lose - 2.5lbs lost
Nikkiruth - 57lbs to lose - 8lb lost, 49lbs to go
Fionao- 28lbs to lose
riproaringpoptart - 30lbs to lose - 1lb = 29lbs to go
Subs - 26lbs to lose- 5lbs lost, 21lb to lose
emma-louise, 8lbs off, 23lbs to lose
Cailin_Maith, 35lbs to lose - 4.5lbs off so far
eilidhsmummy – 5lbs off - 45lbs to lose
Capricorn -target 34lbs -14.5lbs off -19.5lb to go
Carthago_delendaest – 35lbs to go
princessnicky - 49lbs to lose
*Sally_Cinnamon* - 60lbs to lose (1lb this week 50 to go) and weigh again tomorrow, forgot to update
missemma - 42lbs to lose - 7lbs lost - 35lbs to go.
Queenie24, 24lbs to lose
Pesty - 5.5 lost 14.5lbs to go
Sarah83 - 31lbs to lose
NikkiD - 42lbs to lose
10st10lbs - 24bs to lose, 6lbs lost
kel86- 50 lbs to loose
stephie0611 - 38lbs to lose - 3lbs lost - 35lbs to go
sallyannetag - 50lbs to lose
MrsV - 25lbs to lose -7.5, 17.5 to go!
Carolinep - 42lbs to lose - 3lb lost - 39lb to go
Lainie10 - 42lbs to lose
Emzy22- 42lbs to lose
Sarahandmolly - 28lbs to lose
RubyMoss - 30lbs to lose
needtoslim -8lb down. 19.5 to go.
Lorn - 42lbs by Chrimbo, another 42lbs to lose by this time next year!
StacieG - 35lbs - 3lbs gone
Soontobeslim - 28lbs - 1lb gone
Lizabeth - 56lbs -13lb gone
mrsrobinson - 40lbs to go

melvis - 42lbs to go

me and my friend have started our sw xmas challenge this week - 1 pound per week or more if possible. good luck everyone!
Devon_Dumpling, 27lbs to lose, 6.5lbs lost
MadameLaMinx, started at 39lb to go, have now 29lbs to lose

Orion83, 42lbs to lose
Hastalavegan, 15lb down, another 15 to go
Mummy_Helen - 47lb to go
Shrimpy, -1.5 out of a total of 28lbs to lose (26.5 left),
Lurverick, 24lbs to lose
Tinkerbellsmum, 1.5lb loss 26lbs to lose
HoneyOc, 20lbs to lose
Izzysmommy - at least 35lbs
Zombiecakes, 3.5 down, 28.5lbs to lose
Linda S, 42lb to lose, -5lbs, 37lbs to lose
Nikki1306, 38lb to lose
Alia, 9.5 pounds off 38.5lbs to lose
skinny_fi, 35lbs to lose
TheChangingMan - 44lbs to go
losingme - (32lbs) -1lbs
Mummoth (Jan) - 5lbs off, 30lbs to go
surreygal-42lbs to lose -9lb off,33lbs to go
Chelsea - 56 lbs to lose - 5 lb down 51 to go
Stacey - 52lb to loose - 7lb down 45lb to go
Becca Wecca 30lbs to lose. 3lb down...27lbs to go!
Janegreen - 42lbs to lose
Meli - reach target of 130lbs- Total Loss (4 weeks) -9lbs
Karen - 56lbs to lose (lost 7lb, 49lb to go)
Christiana 12.5lbs off, 39.5lbs to go
Crazyarmywife - 52lb to lose
Cantstopgaining - 52lbs to lose
lesserme -- 25lbs to loss 2 lbs off 23 lbs to go
cmcewn - 52 lbs to lose - 20.5 lost - 31.5 to go
woodsylou - current weight 12stone 8lb. 28lbs to lose
MancBird - 28lbs to lose
Tanari - 30lbs to lose - 26.5lbs to go
susicab - 46lbs to lose - 2.5lbs lost
Nikkiruth - 57lbs to lose - 8lb lost, 49lbs to go
Fionao- 28lbs to lose
riproaringpoptart - 30lbs to lose - 1lb = 29lbs to go
Subs - 26lbs to lose- 5lbs lost, 21lb to lose
emma-louise, 8lbs off, 23lbs to lose
Cailin_Maith, 35lbs to lose - 4.5lbs off so far
eilidhsmummy – 5lbs off - 45lbs to lose
Capricorn -target 34lbs -14.5lbs off -19.5lb to go
Carthago_delendaest – 35lbs to go
princessnicky - 49lbs to lose
*Sally_Cinnamon* - 60lbs to lose (14lbs off so far) now to maintain on hols for 2weeks

missemma - 42lbs to lose - 7lbs lost - 35lbs to go.
Queenie24, 24lbs to lose
Pesty - 5.5 lost 14.5lbs to go
Sarah83 - 31lbs to lose
NikkiD - 42lbs to lose
10st10lbs - 24bs to lose, 6lbs lost
kel86- 50 lbs to loose
stephie0611 - 38lbs to lose - 3lbs lost - 35lbs to go
sallyannetag - 50lbs to lose
MrsV - 25lbs to lose -7.5, 17.5 to go!
Carolinep - 42lbs to lose - 3lb lost - 39lb to go
Lainie10 - 42lbs to lose
Emzy22- 42lbs to lose
Sarahandmolly - 28lbs to lose
RubyMoss - 30lbs to lose
needtoslim -8lb down. 19.5 to go.
Lorn - 42lbs by Chrimbo, another 42lbs to lose by this time next year!
StacieG - 35lbs - 3lbs gone
Soontobeslim - 28lbs - 1lb gone
Lizabeth - 56lbs -13lb gone
mrsrobinson - 40lbs to go

melvis - 42lbs to go
Devon_Dumpling, 27lbs to lose, 6.5lbs lost
MadameLaMinx, started at 39lb to go, have now 29lbs to lose

Orion83, 42lbs to lose
Hastalavegan, 15lb down, another 15 to go
Mummy_Helen - 47lb to go
Shrimpy, -1.5 out of a total of 28lbs to lose (26.5 left),
Lurverick, 24lbs to lose
Tinkerbellsmum, 1.5lb loss 26lbs to lose
HoneyOc, 20lbs to lose
Izzysmommy - at least 35lbs
Zombiecakes, 3.5 down, 28.5lbs to lose
Linda S, 42lb to lose, -5lbs, 37lbs to lose
Nikki1306, 38lb to lose
Alia, 9.5 pounds off 38.5lbs to lose
skinny_fi, 35lbs to lose
TheChangingMan - 44lbs to go
losingme - (32lbs) -1lbs
Mummoth (Jan) - 5lbs off, 30lbs to go
surreygal-42lbs to lose -9lb off,33lbs to go
Chelsea - 56 lbs to lose - 5 lb down 51 to go
Stacey - 52lb to loose - 7lb down 45lb to go
Becca Wecca 30lbs to lose. 3lb down...27lbs to go!
Janegreen - 42lbs to lose
Meli - reach target of 130lbs- Total Loss (4 weeks) -9lbs
Karen - 56lbs to lose (lost 7lb, 49lb to go)
Christiana 12.5lbs off, 39.5lbs to go
Crazyarmywife - 52lb to lose
Cantstopgaining - 52lbs to lose
lesserme -- 25lbs to loss 2 lbs off 23 lbs to go
cmcewn - 52 lbs to lose - 20.5 lost - 31.5 to go
woodsylou - current weight 12stone 8lb. 28lbs to lose
MancBird - 28lbs to lose
Tanari - 30lbs to lose - 26.5lbs to go
susicab - 46lbs to lose - 2.5lbs lost
Nikkiruth - 57lbs to lose - 8lb lost, 49lbs to go
Fionao- 28lbs to lose
riproaringpoptart - 30lbs to lose - 1lb = 29lbs to go
Subs - 26lbs to lose- 5lbs lost, 21lb to lose
emma-louise, 8lbs off, 23lbs to lose
Cailin_Maith, 35lbs to lose - 4.5lbs off so far
eilidhsmummy – 5lbs off - 45lbs to lose
Capricorn -target 34lbs -14.5lbs off -19.5lb to go
Carthago_delendaest – 35lbs to go
princessnicky - 49lbs to lose
*Sally_Cinnamon* - 60lbs to lose (14lbs off so far) now to maintain on hols for 2weeks

missemma - 42lbs to lose - 7lbs lost - 35lbs to go.
Queenie24, 24lbs to lose
Pesty - 5.5 lost 14.5lbs to go
Sarah83 - 31lbs to lose
NikkiD - 42lbs to lose
10st10lbs - 24bs to lose, 6lbs lost
kel86- 50 lbs to loose
stephie0611 - 38lbs to lose - 3lbs lost - 35lbs to go
sallyannetag - 50lbs to lose
MrsV - 25lbs to lose -7.5, 17.5 to go!
Carolinep - 42lbs to lose - 3lb lost - 39lb to go
Lainie10 - 42lbs to lose
Emzy22- 42lbs to lose
Sarahandmolly - 28lbs to lose - 1lb lost - 27lb to go
RubyMoss - 30lbs to lose
needtoslim -8lb down. 19.5 to go.
Lorn - 42lbs by Chrimbo, another 42lbs to lose by this time next year!
StacieG - 35lbs - 3lbs gone
Soontobeslim - 28lbs - 1lb gone
Lizabeth - 56lbs -13lb gone
mrsrobinson - 40lbs to go

melvis - 42lbs to go
Another half off for me last night! Onwards and downwards everyone xxx

Devon_Dumpling, 27lbs to lose, 7lbs lost
MadameLaMinx, started at 39lb to go, have now 29lbs to lose

Orion83, 42lbs to lose
Hastalavegan, 15lb down, another 15 to go
Mummy_Helen - 47lb to go
Shrimpy, -1.5 out of a total of 28lbs to lose (26.5 left),
Lurverick, 24lbs to lose
Tinkerbellsmum, 1.5lb loss 26lbs to lose
HoneyOc, 20lbs to lose
Izzysmommy - at least 35lbs
Zombiecakes, 3.5 down, 28.5lbs to lose
Linda S, 42lb to lose, -5lbs, 37lbs to lose
Nikki1306, 38lb to lose
Alia, 9.5 pounds off 38.5lbs to lose
skinny_fi, 35lbs to lose
TheChangingMan - 44lbs to go
losingme - (32lbs) -1lbs
Mummoth (Jan) - 5lbs off, 30lbs to go
surreygal-42lbs to lose -9lb off,33lbs to go
Chelsea - 56 lbs to lose - 5 lb down 51 to go
Stacey - 52lb to loose - 7lb down 45lb to go
Becca Wecca 30lbs to lose. 3lb down...27lbs to go!
Janegreen - 42lbs to lose
Meli - reach target of 130lbs- Total Loss (4 weeks) -9lbs
Karen - 56lbs to lose (lost 7lb, 49lb to go)
Christiana 12.5lbs off, 39.5lbs to go
Crazyarmywife - 52lb to lose
Cantstopgaining - 52lbs to lose
lesserme -- 25lbs to loss 2 lbs off 23 lbs to go
cmcewn - 52 lbs to lose - 20.5 lost - 31.5 to go
woodsylou - current weight 12stone 8lb. 28lbs to lose
MancBird - 28lbs to lose
Tanari - 30lbs to lose - 26.5lbs to go
susicab - 46lbs to lose - 2.5lbs lost
Nikkiruth - 57lbs to lose - 8lb lost, 49lbs to go
Fionao- 28lbs to lose
riproaringpoptart - 30lbs to lose - 1lb = 29lbs to go
Subs - 26lbs to lose- 5lbs lost, 21lb to lose
emma-louise, 8lbs off, 23lbs to lose
Cailin_Maith, 35lbs to lose - 4.5lbs off so far
eilidhsmummy – 5lbs off - 45lbs to lose
Capricorn -target 34lbs -14.5lbs off -19.5lb to go
Carthago_delendaest – 35lbs to go
princessnicky - 49lbs to lose
*Sally_Cinnamon* - 60lbs to lose (14lbs off so far) now to maintain on hols for 2weeks

missemma - 42lbs to lose - 7lbs lost - 35lbs to go.
Queenie24, 24lbs to lose
Pesty - 5.5 lost 14.5lbs to go
Sarah83 - 31lbs to lose
NikkiD - 42lbs to lose
10st10lbs - 24bs to lose, 6lbs lost
kel86- 50 lbs to loose
stephie0611 - 38lbs to lose - 3lbs lost - 35lbs to go
sallyannetag - 50lbs to lose
MrsV - 25lbs to lose -7.5, 17.5 to go!
Carolinep - 42lbs to lose - 3lb lost - 39lb to go
Lainie10 - 42lbs to lose
Emzy22- 42lbs to lose
Sarahandmolly - 28lbs to lose - 1lb lost - 27lb to go
RubyMoss - 30lbs to lose
needtoslim -8lb down. 19.5 to go.
Lorn - 42lbs by Chrimbo, another 42lbs to lose by this time next year!
StacieG - 35lbs - 3lbs gone
Soontobeslim - 28lbs - 1lb gone
Lizabeth - 56lbs -13lb gone
mrsrobinson - 40lbs to go

melvis - 42lbs to go
One and a half off for me this week :)

Devon_Dumpling, 27lbs to lose, 7lbs lost
MadameLaMinx, started at 39lb to go, have now 29lbs to lose

Orion83, 42lbs to lose
Hastalavegan, 15lb down, another 15 to go
Mummy_Helen - 47lb to go
Shrimpy, -1.5 out of a total of 28lbs to lose (26.5 left),
Lurverick, 24lbs to lose
Tinkerbellsmum, 1.5lb loss 26lbs to lose
HoneyOc, 20lbs to lose
Izzysmommy - at least 35lbs
Zombiecakes, 3.5 down, 28.5lbs to lose
Linda S, 42lb to lose, -6.5lbs, 35.5lbs to lose
Nikki1306, 38lb to lose
Alia, 9.5 pounds off 38.5lbs to lose
skinny_fi, 35lbs to lose
TheChangingMan - 44lbs to go
losingme - (32lbs) -1lbs
Mummoth (Jan) - 5lbs off, 30lbs to go
surreygal-42lbs to lose -9lb off,33lbs to go
Chelsea - 56 lbs to lose - 5 lb down 51 to go
Stacey - 52lb to loose - 7lb down 45lb to go
Becca Wecca 30lbs to lose. 3lb down...27lbs to go!
Janegreen - 42lbs to lose
Meli - reach target of 130lbs- Total Loss (4 weeks) -9lbs
Karen - 56lbs to lose (lost 7lb, 49lb to go)
Christiana 12.5lbs off, 39.5lbs to go
Crazyarmywife - 52lb to lose
Cantstopgaining - 52lbs to lose
lesserme -- 25lbs to loss 2 lbs off 23 lbs to go
cmcewn - 52 lbs to lose - 20.5 lost - 31.5 to go
woodsylou - current weight 12stone 8lb. 28lbs to lose
MancBird - 28lbs to lose
Tanari - 30lbs to lose - 26.5lbs to go
susicab - 46lbs to lose - 2.5lbs lost
Nikkiruth - 57lbs to lose - 8lb lost, 49lbs to go
Fionao- 28lbs to lose
riproaringpoptart - 30lbs to lose - 1lb = 29lbs to go
Subs - 26lbs to lose- 5lbs lost, 21lb to lose
emma-louise, 8lbs off, 23lbs to lose
Cailin_Maith, 35lbs to lose - 4.5lbs off so far
eilidhsmummy – 5lbs off - 45lbs to lose
Capricorn -target 34lbs -14.5lbs off -19.5lb to go
Carthago_delendaest – 35lbs to go
princessnicky - 49lbs to lose
*Sally_Cinnamon* - 60lbs to lose (14lbs off so far) now to maintain on hols for 2weeks

missemma - 42lbs to lose - 7lbs lost - 35lbs to go.
Queenie24, 24lbs to lose
Pesty - 5.5 lost 14.5lbs to go
Sarah83 - 31lbs to lose
NikkiD - 42lbs to lose
10st10lbs - 24bs to lose, 6lbs lost
kel86- 50 lbs to loose
stephie0611 - 38lbs to lose - 3lbs lost - 35lbs to go
sallyannetag - 50lbs to lose
MrsV - 25lbs to lose -7.5, 17.5 to go!
Carolinep - 42lbs to lose - 3lb lost - 39lb to go
Lainie10 - 42lbs to lose
Emzy22- 42lbs to lose
Sarahandmolly - 28lbs to lose - 1lb lost - 27lb to go
RubyMoss - 30lbs to lose
needtoslim -8lb down. 19.5 to go.
Lorn - 42lbs by Chrimbo, another 42lbs to lose by this time next year!
StacieG - 35lbs - 3lbs gone
Soontobeslim - 28lbs - 1lb gone
Lizabeth - 56lbs -13lb gone
mrsrobinson - 40lbs to go

melvis - 42lbs to go