Countdown to my wedding

I think I'll have to try that pasta dish as well and just leave out the chilli as I'm allergic.
I'm trying the pasta dish two... though will have to make 2, one with chilli for me and one without for the hubby (he's a little picky!!)

Sounds like you had a great weekend :) x
Enjoy all, its really yum. And the beauty of it is you can chuck anything in to bulk it out! I just remembered we also whacked in a load of baby spinach and let that wilt down too before adding the pasta.

Look forward to hearing what you think :)
I think I'll have to try that pasta dish as well and just leave out the chilli as I'm allergic.

Booo!!! We have chilli in everything. Think OH would have a meltdown if we had to leave it out of food - he is a chilli addict!! I have got used to eating super hot food these days!!
Booo!!! We have chilli in everything. Think OH would have a meltdown if we had to leave it out of food - he is a chilli addict!! I have got used to eating super hot food these days!!

It's not as bad as it once was, I seem to have built up a bit of a tolerance. I can go to Nando's now but have to be super careful and take my anti-histamines before I start and make sure my epi-pen is in my bag. Had a moment just before Christmas when they accidentally brought me a medium spiced butterfly chicken and I ended up in A&E after one bite! My OH is also a chilli addict, but as I do most of the cooking, he has his spicy food when we go out for dinner, hence now being regulars in Nando's.
Good lord that's a little scary! Lemon & herb nandos for you!

Dinner tonight-spiced cod from the summer tastes book with broccoli, green beans and cabbage.


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Yummy :) we had fish too last night and was beaut! xx
Morning world!

How are we all today? It started a bit grey here, but sun trying to come through now. Mind you - im in the office, so it doesnt matter too much! Lol!

1lb off for me this week, thatw as over the birthday - woo! I attribute it to getting my ass back down the gym, although i didnt make my spin class this morning as had to drive my boy to work as his car is poorly. Scuppered my plan but might bike ride or jog after work.

Im going to give Success Express a blast this week, or at least 'try' to base my meals around the principles. Here it goes:

B - Porridge, skim milk, banana, honey & nuts (hea, Heb & 4 sins)
S- starbucks latte (other Hea)
L - Pea soup, WW petit pan (other Heb), ff yogurt
s - apple
D - chicken curry - chicken breast, aubergine, corn, onion, garlic, spinach, broccoli, mangetout, 40g brown rice. Coconut milk and thai paste - 10

Sins for day - 10
Sins remaining - 95
Yay well done on the loss honey :) xxxx
Hello lovelies and happy Thursday!

Have to say, i'm loving a short week at work! Its flown by so far, and I WFH on a Friday, so thats nice to look forward to! Had to drop OH off again this morning, so no early gym for me. I miss it - what a geek! But it does put you in such a good place for the day! Hopefully his car will be ready tonight and we can go tomorrow morning. I hope.
Bit of a challenging weekend ahead, I am out tomorrow with some of my girlfriends for dinner and drinks. We are going to an Asian fusion restaurant tomorrow eve, so that shouldn't be too tough or sinful. Thinking some sort of stir fry with prawns and veg, and then a couple of G&T's while we boogie the night away! Two of my friends dont drink, so it wont be a boozy one. Then Saturday we are out with some other friends for lunch, and im thinking some sort of veggie chilli or lasagne. Or actually, after perusing the menu they have a seared tuna fettucine which sounds lush. Its in pesto, but if i keep the rest of my sins low then it should be do-able?

I am gyming tomorrow (or running at lunch if OH has my car), gym sat am and then training walk sunday (only a 12 miler!), so balances out. Its just the dessert board I have to ignore Saturday arvo, which will be tough as I know the desserts in this place are immense!!! :)

Right, onto todays diary - and I am going EE:

B - 2 x wholemeal bread from 400g loaf (heb), baked beans, 2 poached egg, mushrooms
L - Salmon Kedgeree (LOVE this lunch!) Mango & Kiwi, ww yogurt.
S - Banana
D - Home made meatballs in a veg packed sauce with 'courgetti'

Ex - to be updated later.

Sins - EDIT - didnt have the hot choc, and the parmesan i realised could be my 'A' for the day, so instead we had some red wine in the sauce, and in a glass beside my plate :). So 12 used.

Sins left for week -83 /105

Have a lovely day xxx
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It sounds like you have a very sensible approach to the food challenges facing you :) You are a stronger woman than me to be able to resist dessert BUT think of your wedding dress and how you can thoroughly enjoy your wedding cake and dessert ;)

Loving meatball and courgetti day ;) xxxx
It sounds like you have a very sensible approach to the food challenges facing you :) You are a stronger woman than me to be able to resist dessert BUT think of your wedding dress and how you can thoroughly enjoy your wedding cake and dessert ;)

Loving meatball and courgetti day ;) xxxx

Its going to be tough! I have such a sweet tooth and the desserts are amazing! I will have a bit of the boy's one (if he lets me - he is like Joey, he doesnt share food!!)!!

Meatball thursday should become a regular event!! :)
Haha it could catch on ;) xxxx
Congratulations on you up and coming wedding, so exciting! I am a feb 2015 bride and currently messing around woth the last 7-10lbs so subscribing for inspiration as your food spunds great!
I really need to try those carrot cake oats you mentioned before :)

Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
Congratulations on you up and coming wedding, so exciting! I am a feb 2015 bride and currently messing around woth the last 7-10lbs so subscribing for inspiration as your food spunds great! I really need to try those carrot cake oats you mentioned before :) Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app

Welcome Hun! Let's do this together! :)

How are your plans coming along? I got the call from my bridal gown shop last fri to say my dress has arrived!! Eek! No fitting until nov, but it's there, it's made! Now operation 'bingo wing' is in full swing!!

No ex in the end today, late at work then had to pick hub to be up, so going in the morn as I don't need to drop him off! So I think it will be 30 mins interval running, 20 mins stepper and arm weights. Going sat morning too, might do a class x
I am waiting on my call it should be any day now!! Bet you are itching for it to be Nov already. Think I am going to try get a fitting asap to help kick myself into gear -:)
Getting there slowly with plans have done a bit of everything but not finished anything apart from my bridesmaid!
How are you getting on? It is scary how fast it is going

I start a morning fully motivated but by end of the day I am fighting not to pinch toddler leftovers and DH's sweets :'(

Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
I am waiting on my call it should be any day now!! Bet you are itching for it to be Nov already. Think I am going to try get a fitting asap to help kick myself into gear -:)
Getting there slowly with plans have done a bit of everything but not finished anything apart from my bridesmaid!
How are you getting on? It is scary how fast it is going

I start a morning fully motivated but by end of the day I am fighting not to pinch toddler leftovers and DH's sweets :'(

We have most of the big things all done, just the little bits and asthetics to focus on, I've enjoyed it all and have to say (and this may bite me on the bum! I havent 'yet' found it hard or stressful. But ask me again in Jan and I might give a different reply! lol!

Today is a good day, and its not even yet 9am! Up at 5:30 for the gym, great session done and 612 cals burnt before breakfast. Then home, shower, brekkie and now logged on working (I am working in amongst typing on here - honest!!)

Today is an EE day, and I have decided to drive tonight to save my sins. And then if I do give in to a pudding tomorrow (likely, I am weak), I will have a sin 'balance' in the bank to cover me. Planning on doing a lot of dancing tonight too, so thats some more body magic right there :)

Thursday 8th Aug

B - 35 g muesli, skim milk, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, red grapes (hea, Heb) and a tsp of honey - 1s. (I freaking LOVE this breakfast!)
L - 2 linda Rosemary and red onion sausages, 2 bacon, beans, musroom, tomato, 3 poached eggs (brunch!). 1 x slice of bread from small loaf - 3s. Melon, Banana
D - Out - Prawn veg stir fry with Lemongrass, Turmeric and cashew nuts OR Wheat noodles with stir fry veg, prawns and thai paste. Both sound divine and i cant imagine will blow more than 8-10 sins (please correct me if you think I am wrong!). 1 x G&T - 2

Ex - 25 mins stepper, 20 mins running, 10 mins x-trainer, arm weights.

Sins - 16
sins for week 79/105
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Aww it's so lovely hearing you ladies talk about your wedding prep .... Enjoy this bit too, I loved it!! I made everything myself so it took ages, but it was so worth it when people got the invites and the order of services, place cards etc on the day :) the only time I got stressed in the lead up to my wedding was on the morning when I woke up and it was raining at 2am....however it stopped just as we got to the church, started again once we sat down for dinner, and stopped again for the evening guests arrivals .... I obviously ran on my luck that day haha :)

Good effort getting up for the gym so early today :) I also have decided to be DES tomorrow to hopefully do damage limitation ... Tonight however will be different haha x