Credenhill's Diary

Well done you!!! Fab result. Sorry I don;t have time to do the smilie thing!! :):):) ... only them.

I know what you mean about the long haul, you can stick to it better if you have a life as well!! :)
Thanks Jan :) I rarely hit the "post reply" - that quick reply box at the bottom is just so overwhelmingly tempting :p

Just ordered my next box, but it's not DC :O Nope, gone for Go Lower this time round for a change. Still going to stick around if people don't mind - it's kind of like DC. I'm going to rotate the boxes, so after Go Lower will be Weight to Go, then DC again. With 9 stone to lose, I don't want to get bored. Even the same packaging can give me the psychological feeling of boredom. Yes, there is sometimes no pleasing me - as my husband can no doubt confirm.
Glad you're gonna stick around!! Is Go Lower still the 3 meals? How many cals is that one? Same questions about the weight to go - if you don't mind ..... ;)
Go Lower - they say 1,500 but well, that's kind of like saying that Diet Chef is 1,200. If the instructions are followed to the letter, it's probably around 900 to 1,000 on Go Lower - it's basically their food with berries on your cereal, if you want them, and 200g of low carb veg (mainly green) or salad at dinner. To be fair, they are going to give me weekly phone calls and unlimited support via phone - not sure if that is a good thing or not hehe!

Weight to Go - this is a very low cal diet - about 800 to 900 cals. Just add some veg for dinner. It's downright pricy though, but I'm familiar with the programme having looked into attending their clinic in Cheadle at the Alexandra Hospital. I'm so chuffed to see it now available as an online programme :D
Thanks for the info! Are they real food meals like DC or are there any shakes or dried soups involved? (I couldn't cope with those) Do you get snacks?

Tell me go away and do my own research if you want ;(
Go Lower is real food :)

Weight to Go is a mixture of real food, including dinners and soups, and shakes that you mix with water.
Thank yoooooo :) think I'll stick with DC, for now anyway, but nice to know there are alternatives out there if I get fed up..... HA!! should I say 'tired of this plan' rather than 'fed up'!! Freudian or what?? :):)
It's weird now the brain works - not at the point yet, but when my brain finally goes cuckoo I see food everywhere in the most bizarre things.
LOL I know what you mean!
Hmmmm - same number of letters as in your name - same colour as YOUR signature and starting with the same letter ...... it's just meant to be ... (sorry!! ;))
:O lol!

I'm having a real good day today - just remembered I had some of the Marigold low sodium bouillon in the cupboard so had a nice warm mug full whilst watching the snow falling outside.

Got the sausages for dinner with loads of veg.

Going to see if I can lose 3.75 lbs this week - bit of a tall order but you never know hehe! Would be nice to at least hit that 19 stone mark.
The Go Lower site put me off at the thought of phone consultations, I really hate talking to strangers on the phone, don't care if they're meant to be being supportive I'd just be like 'yep, yep, everything's fine g'bye now!'

Glad you're in a good mood today - what was the Ken Dodd thingy you saw?
Oh I so know what you mean about phone calls - me, I prefer the Internet. Less involvement with humans when buying stuff, happier I feel haha!

It was the Ken Dodd Happiness Tour - it's very old style variety. Can't say I laughed as much as the lady in front who never seemed to stop, but it sure was different.
Cool :D I want to go see Ross Noble (geordie stand-up bloke, mental), not been before but m'brother's been lots of times. I think I might wet myself laughing though at a live show so I'd best not overdo the fluids beforehand if I do get tickets to a gig heehee
Tena Lady - that's all I'm saying :silly:

Actually, I didn't drink a thing last night ;) Was very thirstly when I got home.
Wow yeah! That'd be great and put you way ahead in terms of your Blackpool goal, but as you say it's a tall order so you won't be despondent if you don't quite make it .... it's not allowed :p

I haven't had the sausage meal yet - I'm waiting for some to come. This is the first time I've ordered that they've had them in stock. I hope they're worth waiting for! :eat:

Thanks V much for the rep comment! :bunnydance: you're very kind :bunnydance:
Yeah the sausage is real nice. The sausages themselves are not bad considering how they are cooked.

I'm pretty sure I can make that Blackpool target if I put my mind to it. If I don't well my goals are not static - I think I worked it as 2 lb a week or thereabouts. I don't believe in pressurising myself hence there being just the one goal. As long as I lose a reasonable amount I'll be content :D

Just got to avoid :17729:
Just got to avoid :17729:


Going to watch Come Dine With Me now ..... blooooody 'ell .... food again!!!!:eek: .... I really watch it for the comments though, I think the commentator guy is hysterical!
I've only ever watched a few of the Come Dine with Me programmes. To be honest, I don't watch a lot of TV. There are some programmes I watch and that's it. Love documentaries and obviously diet programmes - and the US version of extreme makeover! UK version is good but the US one does miracles!