Crediting yourself

Nah but you had the idea to put it out to all of us lot here, credit yourself for that :D
today i would like to credit myself for

going to my weigh in even though i knew i was gonna have a gain

even tho i had a 'day off' i have still only eaten what i planned to and have even worked out the points.

made time to have lunch with a friend who i must admit drives me nuts sometimes,and enjoyed it.

by the way silence have ordered the beck book today from amazon
Yay another Beck convertee!
I love it. It's worked wonders for me.

In spirit of crediting ourselves I'm going to post my list (even though I posted earlier in my diary)

~I didn't eat anything I didn't plan to
~ I resisted going to the supermarket to buy any bingeworthy food
~ I kept to my plan and made minestrone soup this evening
~ I've not binged
~ I'm trying my best to stay positive despite feeling crappy
~ I've done some exercise
~ I've made a lot of headway getting back into Beck.
I'm crediting myself for not being hard on myself for wanting to rest (take a day off from the gym)
Mine for this week would be:-

I credit myself for going to the gym yesterday
I credit myself for sticking to SW 100% this week
I credit myself for not giving in and buying a bottle of Baileys in Asda (even though they were reduced to £5 and I absolutely looooooove Baileys)

I credit myself for going to the gym or on excersise bike last week and this week.

I love baileys too! I bought a bottle at christmas but it wasnt that cheap! if I had seen that offer I would have bought a bottle strait away! :eek:
Well done Nexangelus and Georgiestar for crediting yourselves.
I credit myself for doing the grocery shopping and then planning to head off to the gym when I really just want to curl up into a ball and sleep the rest of the week away, sooooo tired!
*I have stuck to my diet 100% for a whole week today.
*Instead of sitting doing nowt while the powercut was being fixed I made some Uni notes the old fashioned way (I'd almost forgotten how pens and paper worked LOL).
*Managed to do 20mins hard cardio without passing out or puking.

I credit myself for having the lie in I need (keep putting it off and feeling grouchy and tired and coughing more as a result) today...feel better for it...

I also credit myself for NOT commenting on something my OH did with regards to parenting (his own kids)...I was itching but I let it go...
a day late i know but would like to give myself some credits for yesterday

1. i made a food plan for the day and stuck to it.
2. i didnt let a bad start ruin my whole day, as i usually do.
3. i walked into town and back with heavy bags instead of driving-extra credit for not phoning home for a lift when carrier started to split.
4. I realised that i've been doing weightwatchers now for a couple of years and tho i've struggeld at times, and given myself time off for holidays and christmas i have always gone back to it, and when i have gained or stayed the same never once have i said i was giving up.
Ok I'm feeling a bit low today, so I need to give myself a few credits (some about weight loss some not).

1. For realising my self sabotage thoughts and blocking them. The reason I am the size I am is because every time I lose some weight (small or large), I think "Wahey I can go to town now!" and completely go overboard with what and when. Now I know what the problem is I can sort it and hopefully stop myself self sabotaging once I've lost the weight.
2. for losing 6lb on first weigh in (only been on program for 3 days, amazing!).
3. For sticking to the prog 100%, despite self sabotaging thoughts, see no.1
4. For being strong even though I'm really missing my fella! Could do with a man-hug, nothing beats it.
5. for getting round to selling a whole load of stuff on ebay. De-cluttering.
well done, i identify with number 1, i weigh my self everyday, if i've lost i'll have chocolate to celebrate, if i've gained i'll console myself with chocolate:8855:-this has to stop.

sorry you are feeling down, hope you soon feel back up!!
hahah! It's so funny what we do when we don't even think about it.

Actually I thought my energy was dipped today cos I was still catching up with going for a (moderately paced) cycle ride yesterday. But in fact I realised I'd not drunk any water today, since drinking some I feel better :)
Yesterdays credits:
*I stuck to G&T's all night and wasn't tempted once by Guinnes & Blackcurrant. It was a real concern!
I credit myself for eating clean four days in a row without feeling hungry and managing to lose some of the weight I need to to hit my Valentine's Day target...
Way to go everyone!

I credit myself today for preparing my meals last night in advance to save on time and faffing about...