Cruising for Eternity

Yesterday: A kind of restrained day, but didn't really want any of the extras.

Breakfast: 2 Egg Omelette
Snack: Gojis
Dinner: Grilled Chicken with Leeks, Courgettes, Peppers and Spinach
Snack: Galette

Exercise: Again no walking, just yoga.

Realised it's been over 10 days since I've had any Dr. Pepper or Coke Zero - I've never been into drinking sodas or carbonated drinks, but have become quite fond of them as a sweet-tooth during this diet! Moved over to sweetened fruit teas.

Breakfast: 2 Egg Omelette
Snack: Gojis
Dinner: Chicken Arabbiata with Pasta and Spinach
Snack: Galette with Apple and Cinnamon

I don't have any wholewheat pasta so I used durum wheat as suggested in the book. I didn't weigh it cooked, but uncooked I weighed about 170g which went between three people - hopefully divided up I was under the allowed weight.

Exercise: A little yoga. Can't wait to be able to go back out and walk or run or something!

Did you just chew on your gojis dry? or presoak them?
Just dry. I like them either way, but sitting at work it was something to mindlessly snack on - especially when there was a huge bag of Cadbury's Creme Eggs being passed around!

Tomorrow is my second celebration meal since starting conso - restaurant this time, so, unlike last week where I could still ensure that everything was cooked appropriately, even for a celebration, this week it really will be unrestrained.
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Well done on resisting the Easter eggs - I'm afraid I've already had a couple of mini Eggs - they were integral in the crispie cakes my kids made for me (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

Have fun tomorrow and ENJOY your meal.
- restaurant this time, so, unlike last week where I could still ensure that everything was cooked appropriately, even for a celebration, this week it really will be unrestrained.

He actually does recommend going to a restaurant for the first few galas, to ensure to get the "normal" quantity correct in a meal (we do tend to overdo the protein on cruise of course so need to readjust downwards!). You can't get seconds in restaurants either.

So relax. You are supposed to eat whatever you like on a gala. OK no need for a three course blow out with aperitif and glass of wine, but at least have something decent, else how is it a gala and how will your body get used to increased carbs.

And we don't weigh ourselves for a few days, do we?!
I know what you mean, but at the same time since starting the diet it has taught me to look at what is really necessary and what is really unnecessary when cooking.

For example, last week I made a blue cheese sauce for my gala meal - I'd made it many times before, but looking over the recipe, I realised it called for half a block of butter, half a pint of double cream, white flour - and it seemed so wrong to me to include all of that in it when it didn't need it.
It was perfect without the butter and with milk instead of cream. Sure, it was less rich and ultimately less decadent than it would if I'd followed the recipe exactly, but after a year on the diet it still tasted rich and decadent to my palate :D

Also, seeing as I was using butter, cream etc. in the dessert anyway, it just seemed so excessive, gala or otherwise, to have used the other ingredients just for the sake of it - to make it less healthy than it needed to be.

So my point overall about dinner tonight is that I hate the idea of having something say like a side salad covered in oil or vegetables covered in butter when it's fine without it - if I spoil myself with a good meal I still want to avoid a binge on things I know I can live without.


Breakfast: 2 Egg Omelette
Lunch: Er... some of what I was preparing for dinner! Grilled Chicken and a mix of vegetables.
Dinner: Jamaican Jerk Chicken with Roast Butternut Squash and Spinach - that felt like a celebration meal alone!
Snack: Galette with Pink Lady Apple - forgot how much I love those!

Exercise: Yoga - tested out my ankle and managed a short walk.

Baking for tonight - having dinner out but dessert at home!
Oh yes I see what you mean! Fair enough yes. I do that sort of thing naturally at home too, as I'm an ex-calorie counter and healthy eater, so it seems quite normal at home. Out, mind, I'd be sure to have something VERY complicated for me to cook (or VERY dirty to wash up after!)! No point otherwise!


Breakfast: Wheatbran Galette and 2 Egg Omelette
Lunch: Galette
Dinner: Starter - Breaded Jalapenos and Meatballs with Cornbread and Cheese; Main - 2 Chicken, Bean and Rice Chimichangas with Guacamole, Sour Cream and Salad; Dessert - Walnut Chocolate Brownie with White Chocolate Sauce and Icecream

Exercise: Yoga

Well - that was a good meal! I like to cook Mexican but I went for something that I don't cook at home - Chimichangas, because they're deep fried!

However I feel like I at just way too much dessert - I think I truly binged but it was good!

Aching all over again today :confused: Not hungry at all, going to have to make myself eat today and it's not going to be much!

Brownie - You should really try to include some veggies with your lunch for PV meals. Hope you don't mind me saying this, but that seems like a lot of mainly just eggs for breakfast and lunch. Maybe less eggs and some fruit and veg might make it a bit more balanced.

Also, again I hope you don't mind me suggesting this (particularly since I'm having probs with losing too much weight myself!), but I find that balancing things out a bit so that I don't eat too heavily for every meal during days with a gala helps to make me feel better (less bloated) and probably counters the naughty factor somewhat.

That does sound like one heck of a delicious gala, I have to say! :)

I certainly don't want to put you off your stride now that you've been brave enough to fully dip your toes into Conso, but I really want you to succeed with this. It all seems to be a question of getting the balance right. I'm sure we'll get there, though, just like Anja and Laura have managed. :)
I don't mind you suggesting anything, I appreciate the input :)

I am not really much of a lunch eater full stop - I never skip breakfast and I like a decent dinner, but I find I don't usually desire lunch. I don't lunch at work mainly because my shift i slimited - but more recently I have been snacking on gojis at that time. I tried to keep the menu fairly small on Friday because I knew the celebration meal would be a big one!

As far as the eggs go - I have only started having yolks now I am on cruise, and I have just two a day. I use egg white only in the galette. I really get the desire for - not particularly hunger, just the desire - for something sweet inthe evenings, so I save the fruit and galette for then. I haven't weighed myself in a while but I am saving that until my PP day is done ;)


Limited day because I was not hungry at all!
Breakfast: 2 Egg Omelette
Dinner: Grilled Chicken, Courgette, Mushroom and Spinach
Snack: Galette

Exercise: Long walk
Well, three days after my celebration meal and one day after my protein only day, I did my weigh in: 1 1/2 lb OVER my target weight, so 3 1/2lb over my weight last week.

I know my exercise has been down this past week but I surely shouldn't be over target, I haven't slipped up once and I didn't think I'd overdone the celebration that badly.

Not happy at all... have been sticking to everything very rigidly, makes me want to go straight back to cruise :mad:


Breakfast: Egg White Omelette
Dinner: Salmon Fillet, Chicken Breast, Prawns
Snack: Chicken Drumstick
Snack: Galette

Exercise: Decent walk
Oh, Brownie, you poor thing. Maybe it's just an initial reaction to the new foods introduced on Conso before your metabolism calms down again?

I'm not sure exactly what to suggest, but I'd probably give it at least another week to see what happens. Hopefully, someone more knowledgeable will be able to offer better advice soon.

Funnily enough, Jo has just started a thread today about weight in the main section regarding this kind of possible situation.
Thanks for the heads up about the other thread.

Even heavier again today :(

I'm thinking I surely haven't really gained weight - who ever gained weight from introducing apples and the odd slice of bread? And two big meals in two weeks again surely can't have really made that much of a difference?

I'll stick it out this week and make the most of the easter weekend but after that I am going to have to modify something, even if it's back to cruise and one celebration meal a month instead!

Yesterday: 2 Egg Omelette
Lunch: Grilled Chicken and Spinach
Dinner: Grilled Chicken and Salmon with Courgette and Mushroom
Snack: Oatbran and Wheatbran Galette with Apple

Exercise: Long walk
Oh dear BE - my commiserations :-( I have no practical advice I'm afraid. Are you drinking enough (I'm sure you probably are). you're right stick with it to see what happens. One big meal should not make the difference. Sorry TMI: How about transit - if you eat more fibrous veg etc now and they still take several days to pass out (as it was in my case until I got to Stab) you're just carrying more bulk in your digestive system, but not actually 'put weight on', if you see what I mean. And weighing 'before' a transit event could show you much heavier....
And weighing 'before' a transit event could show you much heavier....

How very polite you are Anja ;)

Hear hear BE... now that the subject is opened in the other thread, several of us will be talking about it, and I've definitely seen this happen to some on French forums too. I'm really pleased it didn't happen to Anja, Robin or DD, but we're far from alone in having it happen to us!
If the glycogen is stored in the muscle tissue - you're obviously of a more muscular build than those of us who did not see such a noticed bounce upwards! No muscles = no glycogen stored.... or something similar! Apologies if I get the medical science mixed up on this one!
BE, I definitely was more bloated after carbs - my wi tended to be well after consuming them, so maybe some of that is hanging on... I also often had rice cakes (2) instead of the bread portion which I found much easier on the tum.

Good to know that Jo's experience shows that it is normal though (if a little annoying). I'm sure it will even out over time.
Thanks again for the responses everyone.

Heavier again today - 2 1/2lb over goal :mad:

Delicately phrased, Anja! I am sure that your suggestion may be a part of the problem, but even so, I don't think if that was the only issue that the increase in weight would be what it is.

As I mentioned in the other thread I wonder if sugar intake could be a problem (and I have no idea about the possibilities of this) but as I have PCOS I have only recently found out that the issue of weight gain in PCOS sufferers is down to insulin resistance and blood sugar levels etc. resulting in increased weight gain, particularly around the waist/middle.
I don't know if it's feasible or not but as I have abstained from sugar obviously for months and months, I wonder if the sudden intake over the celebration meals could be a factor?

Again, due to the PCOS I often don't have a TOTM, which throws things even more - water retention is obviously expected at the TOTM, but if you're due for it and it never arrives - do you still experience the same water retention? This is essentially a rhetorical question, doctors are NO help in this field whatsoever.

Felt for the first time like caving yesterday - I didn't, instead I made an extra galette and had half a Muller Vanilla Yoghurt, which was actually very unpleasant and has left me today painfully bloated - only Mothercare could make clothes to fit me today!

Yesterday: Still keeping the conso items in.

Breakfast: Egg-White Omelette
Lunch: Half Roast Chicken Breast with Salad
Dinner: Jerk Chicken with Butternut Squash with Spinach
Snack: Galette with Apple and Cheese and that nasty yoghurt :(

Exercise: Long walk
