Curv-a-licious Countdown

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Harebell Fairy said:
Thanks Lisa. Make sure you have a whip along with those boots!!! He he!!

Ok. New day today. Will try claw back the past few days of disastrous eating!! Here's hoping for no gain on tues!!!

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Kinky!!! ;-)

I'm sure you'll get back on track. Loads of water, superfree and speed foods!

You came back from a 3 week holiday with a loss didn't you?

Just be good today and tomorrow :)

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Oh and Cinta - you have a whole week so I expect great things from you ;-)

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lsf666 said:
Oh and Cinta - you have a whole week so I expect great things from you ;-)

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He he he... I promise I will be good all week!! Baileys is locked away now!! Lol

I have a healthy day planned today!! :) xx
Hey lovelies, just a quickie as it's our anniversary today and hubby is preparing our lunch, won't let me lift a finger and has spoilt me rotten as for a lovely meal tonight...decided this was going to be a week off plan as I spent the whole week shopping and lunching with my girls, not done that since I had my accident 15 years ago, so was really special, so any weight I have put on this week and I know there will be a gain, will be dealt with as from tomorrow.
Have a lovely day all :bighug: I am off to get more snuggles ;), catch you laters :giggle: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning Curvies,

Tree now up here and starting to feel Christmassy now but holding my resolve but loving the sound of the biscotti baileys.

Nice leg of lamb in the oven so going to have a red day for a change.
Lucia Lucia said:
Morning Curvies,

Tree now up here and starting to feel Christmassy now but holding my resolve but loving the sound of the biscotti baileys.

Nice leg of lamb in the oven so going to have a red day for a change.


It was soooo Yummy!!

But it should come with a warning, as one glass is just not enough!! Xx
lsf666 said:
Hi Curvies.

Having a really lazy day here.

Hope you're all good x

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Lazy day in Sugar household too!!

I am watching all the Christmas Cooking programmes and planning my Christmas menu!! (I have all the family to mine from Christmas Eve till Boxing Day!)

Watching all the yummy food is making it hard sticking to plan... But I have been good today, promise!

Need to make up for yesterday!! Lol xxx
*SugarPlum* said:
Lazy day in Sugar household too!!

I am watching all the Christmas Cooking programmes and planning my Christmas menu!! (I have all the family to mine from Christmas Eve till Boxing Day!)

Watching all the yummy food is making it hard sticking to plan... But I have been good today, promise!

Need to make up for yesterday!! Lol xxx

How lovely :)

We're off to my sister in laws for Xmas day but she's a vegetarian so hubby's doing the cooking. It will not be SW friendly ;-)

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lsf666 said:
How lovely :)

We're off to my sister in laws for Xmas day but she's a vegetarian so hubby's doing the cooking. It will not be SW friendly ;-)

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I don't think Christmas Day should be SW friendly... We all deserve off to enjoy ourselves. :) xxx
LittleFlutterby said:
well done Cinta *hug*

are you going to update the list or what? ;) heehee I'd do it but you totally should- get some enjoyment out of it too!!!

awesome loss :D


Thank you for reminding me!! I told you, I was rubbish at updating myself! Lol

Feel free to kick me up the bum!! Xx
*SugarPlum* said:
I don't think Christmas Day should be SW friendly... We all deserve off to enjoy ourselves. :) xxx

Heeeell no - we've already got the goose fat!!!

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This is the latest list I found and I have been careful to not chop anyone off. :)

2lb loss needed to hit my target!! :)

Addibelle 22lbs (18.5lbs lost - 3.5lbs to go)
Bb65 22lbs (21.5lbs lost - 0.5lbs to go)
Broadsbean 27lb (17lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
Bron 22lbs (18 lost~ 1lb to go)
carriebrad 22lbs (6.5lbs lost ~ 15.5lbs to go)
Eyden Hainsworth 22lbs (7lbs lost - 15lbs to go)
fat&40 28lbs (20lbs lost ~ 8lbs to go)
Harebell Fairy 26.5lbs (12.5lbs lost - 14.5lbs to go)
JackieN 14lbs (2lb lost ~ 12lbs to go)
Jo-85 26lbs (4lbs lost - 24lbs to go)
Lily42uk 22lbs (8.5lbs lost - 13.5lbs to go)
LittleFlutterby 22lbs (26 lbs lost - ****target met****)
LoChan1984 28lbs (17.5lbs lost - 10.5lbs to go)
Lollypop1985 14lbs (4lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
LSF666 18lbs (7.5 lbs lost 10.5 lbs to go)
Lucia_Lucia 29.5lbs (25lbs lost - 4lbs to go)
missjlouise 29lbs (7lbs lost - 22lbs to go)
Sugarplum 22lbs (20lost - 2lb to go)
Welshtigger 12lbs (-5.5lbs lost - 17.5lbs to go)
lsf666 said:
Heeeell no - we've already got the goose fat!!!

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It has to be roasties done in goose fat at Christmas!! :)

I have just been watching Nigella Christmas Cooking... Now she is DEFINATELY not SW friendly! Lol

I am going to enjoy Christmas without feeling guilty, then I am going to kick A@s come the New Year!! :) xx
*SugarPlum* said:
It has to be roasties done in goose fat at Christmas!! :)

I have just been watching Nigella Christmas Cooking... Now she is DEFINATELY not SW friendly! Lol

I am going to enjoy Christmas without feeling guilty, then I am going to kick A@s come the New Year!! :) xx

Valentine Vixens - and thus time I'll make my target!!!

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lsf666 said:
Valentine Vixens - and thus time I'll make my target!!!

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I am going to give myself a really tough target!

I will be ready for really knuckling down after Christmas!!

It's 6 weeks till Valentines from 1st Jan... I am going to go for a stone I think! X
i have roasties with goose fat- the amount we use is minimal- and probably about 1 syn a roastie.....not too bad :)

I might go a little over, if i can get myself an alcohol-free pudding. since i havent had one since i got sober :(

the advantage of not drinking- that saves my syns for xmas pud, roasties and stuffing :D
LittleFlutterby said:
i have roasties with goose fat- the amount we use is minimal- and probably about 1 syn a roastie.....not too bad :)

I might go a little over, if i can get myself an alcohol-free pudding. since i havent had one since i got sober :(

the advantage of not drinking- that saves my syns for xmas pud, roasties and stuffing :D

The other plus side Tanya...

You don't need to try and avoid Baileys!!

Baileys is going to be my down fall this Christmas! Lol x
LittleFlutterby said:
i have roasties with goose fat- the amount we use is minimal- and probably about 1 syn a roastie.....not too bad :)

I might go a little over, if i can get myself an alcohol-free pudding. since i havent had one since i got sober :(

the advantage of not drinking- that saves my syns for xmas pud, roasties and stuffing :D

Can you not make your own pudding Tanya?

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I'm just not buying any baileys as i'll just keep at it til its gone!

Sugar plum dont worry about chopping a bit off me- bout 8 stone would be great! You've done great only 2lbs to go.

I'm going to match that stone for the valentines!
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