Curv-a-licious Countdown

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Wow... That's Fantastic Hunny!! I can't imagine weighing 18 stone at the moment!!!

I cant wait till I do though!! :)

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To be honest- in April I never thought I would be 18 stone something! I've been over 20 stone for about 3 years, and thats an age to me lol

I have this as well mine was caused by me wearing rubbish trainers whilst doing the race for life last year I have found its loads better since losing a bit of weight and also if I wear High heels. Sometimes its so bad I can hardly walk and its because of this that I put quite a bit of weight on last year. I went to ny Doctor and also to a drop in clinic when it first happened and was told I just have to love with it. I have memory foam insoles and they help a little bit. I got mine from Matalan

Mine started getting bad when I was wearing those crappy cardboard slip on shoes from Primarni, and a pair of pumps that i got from netto for £2.50....I love wearing boots with a little heel, but after too long the balls of my feet start hurting like mad *sigh* i cant win lol. We have memory foam insoles somewhere- just not sure where lol.

OMG... I have only been gone a couple of hours and I have pages to catch up on!!

I live how Chatty we all are!! This is by far the best thread on here!! :) xxx

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We're too chatty- this is taking me forever to reply lol

I don't have plantar facilitis, but I do have palmoplantar pustulosis and have had for over 40 years, anything to do with the feet or hands I can totally identify with. I would give everything I own to be able to get up and not have to hobble about or feel sore or just to be able to wear a proper pair of shoes or boots instead of slippers or in snowy weather something to cover them. Cos I can't wear shoes, as they make my feet sweat and the sweat makes it itch and then the itch gets out of control and I end up with no skin on my feet, I often suffer with Chilblains in winter too....gosh I wish it was summer 24/7/365 lol
Oh and I would love to be able to get up and not have everything covered in the cream and ointments I use, even though I wear special gloves and socks at night time. xxxx

That sounds horrible :( there are some days where i just wanna chop my feet off....but mind, i wouldnt be able to walk then either :sigh:

Ask to be referred to a physio , thats how i got ultrasound, also don't wear really flat shoes cos that makes it worse, apparently.
You can also get inserts for your shoes specially designed to allieveate the problem:D
You don't have to just put up with it !!!!

I'll see my doctor later on in the month- she's on her hols at the moment so I can't see her for a week or so :( my trainers aren't quite flat, but i might need to invest in *proper* shoes....if i can find some money :(
Lucia Lucia said:
Hi Jo, re ibs, I have peppermint and fennel and pomegranate teas and they are all suposed to help with digestion and the fennel with weightloss too. I find the peppermint best for trapped wind/bloating and the fennel best with upper pain/acid stuff and the pomegranate, tastes lovely. I have them prob around three times a day.

We also have one that I can really recommend for weightloss called Dr Stuarts liver detox- will have you on the loo a lot! The week I started taking it I lost 7 lbs!

Valerian tea is a great sleep aid and nettle is nice too. We also have hawthorn which is grat for the heart and circulation.

Finally back on line after my husband sawed through the telephone cable sanding the floor- will catch up with all your lovely posts in a mo everyone.

Thanks for that really informative post I am giving the peppermint a go but will try the others you have suggested too. It's wind I struggle with terribly and trying not to be TMI get bouts of times where everytime I eat I have to run to the loo. I'm just drinking my first cup of peppermint tea and am pleasantly surprised at the taste :) time will tell for the aiding with wind etc but after you wonderful ladies feedback I'm most optimistic.

Oh and think I may give dr Stuarts a go as well, I did spot that in the supermarket
Hi Lisa,

My name is Jacinta (it's very unusual!!) LOL its pronounced Ja-Sin-Ta

Friends call me Cinta xx

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No waaaaaaaaaaaaaay

My best mate (and neighbour) is Jacinta (or Cinta) too!! spookyyyyyyy :D xx
Hey chatty ladies! How did we all do on our 100% today? Pleased to say I have had no syns today. As trying to make up for yesterday.

Stacey Xx
little_bubblez said:
No waaaaaaaaaaaaaay

My best mate (and neighbour) is Jacinta (or Cinta) too!! spookyyyyyyy :D xx

Wow... People have never usually heard of the name! Lol

:) xxx

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Hey chatty ladies! How did we all do on our 100% today? Pleased to say I have had no syns today. As trying to make up for yesterday.

Stacey Xx

I've had 5 1/2 so far today. 4 mini meringue shells, and a creamy cheese mugshot :D
How many syns are the meringues each?? Homemade?? Xx

They're from asda- just "Mini Meringue Shells" 20 for a quid. Syn value- they're 2 for 1.5 syns :)
*SugarPlum* said:
Hi Lisa,

My name is Jacinta (it's very unusual!!) LOL its pronounced Ja-Sin-Ta

Friends call me Cinta xx

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Ah. Like the actress? Hi Cinta :) x

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bb65 said:
How many syns are the meringues each?? Homemade?? Xx

Home made could be free, if you made with Splendur xx

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Home made could be free, if you made with Splendur xx

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I've heard they're horrible, there were a few people that told i decided that those are something that i'm willing to syn ;) i only need 4 really to get my sweet craving under control. and they're awesome in an eton mess- nom nom nom
*SugarPlum* said:

That's sounds Yummy.. Let me have the recipe :) xx

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Sorry I had nothing to do with it so can only guess...

Bns was chopped into small cubes and chucked in the actifryer
Risotto was made up using chicken oxo. Oh and onions were sweated first.
When rice done stir in some fromage frias and combine with bns.

I hope that's right! But don't blame me if not!!!

Anyway it was LOVELY!!!

We now have about 40 bns left. Any ideas for other recipes???

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little_bubblez said:
I've heard they're horrible, there were a few people that told i decided that those are something that i'm willing to syn ;) i only need 4 really to get my sweet craving under control. and they're awesome in an eton mess- nom nom nom

I agree... I use my sins when I am making Eaton Mess :) x

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Wow, been out for the day and am amazed how many posts there are!
WI in the morning, getting nervous, one rum and coke led to another and another and then some salted nuts!
Haves good week all
Bron said:
Wow, been out for the day and am amazed how many posts there are!
WI in the morning, getting nervous, one rum and coke led to another and another and then some salted nuts!
Haves good week all

Good luck for your WI Hun :)

You will be fine with a few Rum and coke (as long as it was diet coke! Lol) I think they are only 3 sins per shot.

It's Wine that's a real killer!! :-(

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good luck for tomorrow hun :)

im glad that i don't drink- i can save my syns for things like meringues, lol
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