Daily chat...

Good morning ladies, and I hope everyone had a good weekend...

Any (Dukan) confessions?

I stuck to the plan BUT as usual ate mountains of food on Sunday to keep to the straight and narrow. I have a "Sunday problem"... in that, to me, Sundays mean EAT... and so I fight demons all day!

Saturday afternoon, I surprised myself - just before the Argentina/Germany kick off, a neighbour knocked on the door and invited us to come and help ourselves from her cherry trees... how to refuse?! So I picked a bucket of cherries, washed and bottled some in sterilised jars, froze some, packaged some up to give away here... and watched the other half eat a TONNE... all without even eating ONE! Saturdays are good days!!!

Hope you're all ok...
and jo you are a very very good girl indeed re ur cherries mmmmmmmmm :D
mmmmmmmmmmm u should try them jaqys really easy to make !!

and jaqys u just made me remember my couple of CONFESSIONS 3 vodka's and diet coke over the weekend !!

whoops !!

Was BAD on Friday I ate some popcorn! erg. And felt absolutely awful for it! (woke up next morning with 2 spots on my chin-a sign for all of my shame!)

Still I stuck to PV for the rest of the weekend and tomorrow I'll start another PO cycle for 5 days.

Tonight, Dukan friendly fajitas using whole iceberg lettuce leaves as the wrap and fat free yog instead of sour cream. I'm quite looking fwd to it!

My official weigh in today.
Ooh good luck for weigh in hon x
Is cauliflower okay on cruise? Its not on the veg list but is in some recipes for cruise in the book......

Good luck with the weigh in workington
Yes cauli is ok
yeh good luck sj ,when are you weighing i cant wait !!
i think we have hijacked vicks diary mmmmmmmmmmm !!
Afternoon Ladies :)

Well I started on Wednesday Lunchtime and was still on attack until last night...

small confession (caused by hunger :() I went to mcdonalds ordered a plain hamburger happy meal (with the intention of throwing away the bun) with milk and fruit bag to give away...ended up eating the top half of the bun :(.....

Well the scales still show 172lbs this morning - not sure whether to go onto cruise yet ....
oh eck ! sarah how many days on attack did u do ,i personally would do a few more days on attack then go on to cruise but thats my opinion ,lets see wot jo and vicks suggest !!
I personally would do another couple of days PP but thats just me. when were you going to do cruise?
catch ya all in a bit youngest has dentist appointment !!

BYE xxxxxx
aaah Sarah! With your already pretty low weight, you only needed 3-5 days' attack (yes I know some English people choose to do their own thing!)...

After your bun, I'd say another 2 and then go onto Cruise... how come that hunger struck unexpectedly? Nothing planned? No snack you could have grabbed? I really advise thinking this one through... and planning a contingency measure for next time. Mondays, for instance, I bring extra chicken and yoghurt to work and then they roll over if not eaten to the next day etc...
Ugh... I've got the dentist after work! Thanks for reminding me!! ENJOY!
how come that hunger struck unexpectedly? Nothing planned? No snack you could have grabbed? I really advise thinking this one through... and planning a contingency measure for next time.

I did plan! honest guvnor! :)... I took a whole tray of chicken breast to my parents to cook for myself rather than eat what they were having... then their idiot neighbours starting playing music so loud it was giving me a headache so had to retreat outwards.. I figured I could have the burger and milk to tide me over..but I was too hungry by the time we got there... will plan a contingency for the contingency next time!! :)
your weight is low esp for your height babe x
'course... I don't consider "raw chicken" a good contingency... needs to be something you can GET AT if desperate and EAT!!