Daily Morning WI

sts again i've decided exercise is way to go now.
lb off this morning and i had a slip up yesterday so i don't know if that means i need more cals but i have started my over due period so it could be that will carry on as normal for now and increase next week ready for my hols a week on monday.
Day 19 - -0.6lb down. I was hoping for bigger losses but I am in week 3 where everything seems to slow down. :(
Day 69 - 13.4 got WI on Monday so let's hope I have lost a few lbs this week.

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0.8lb down :) to 252.8

I really would have liked to get to 250 by monday for my weigh in but I dont think thats going to happen! :(
Day 70 - 13.3

WI tomorrow, hope it shows on CDC scales. Need a good loss this week 3+ I'll be happy with.

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Any other Daily weighers out there???

I admit it! I weigh myself every single day, I can't help it, I just have to!
The good news is that this is a positive step for dieters... research has proven that daily weighers who lose weight are much more likely to maintain their weight loss than those who weigh less frequently or stay away from the scales altogether... See they ARE our friend after all!! :p:p

BUT it doesn't help the fact that the scales can be misleading! Today I found what I hope will be the solution to those daily fluctuations AND those weeks where you just don't see the fruits of your dieting labour....
I found an iphone app called TRUE WEIGHT! it tracks your daily weight and calorie intake and over time shows what you 'REALLY' weigh... so minimising those days when you end up thinking
'why do I bother?'