Daisy's Diary!

Atomic pink said:
Hmmm, netflix seems an interesting option but I already watch so much tv and spend so much time on my laptop I am not sure there are enough hours in the day for me to find more stuff to watch... I guess I could sleep less but that doesn't sound like a good option - I love my sleep. I am pretty much the opposite of you it seems Daisy in that I am generally asleep by half ten and really struggle to have lay ins generally even if I have been out late the night before.

How are things going at home? Have they improved or is it just a case of coming to terms with the decisions made.

Hope all is good on the food front too. When's your next sundae date?? I must book my train ticket to suffolk for it ;)

I love my sleep too! OH was like you but since becoming a student he lies in when no Uni is on lol.Things have improved at home,thanks for asking.Its a slow process of course but hopefully we will get there! As to tv I mainly watch it in the evening but am on my iPod loads in the day!
Have just returned from food shopping and brought some different bits so I don't get bored of what I am having plus need to start batch cooking again! Might well have a Sundae this weekend if you're free ;0)
*packs bag for weekend visit to Suffolk

What new things have you bought to try? I am always up for new foods, unfortunately over the years this leads to less and less new foods to try. Partly why I was so excited about my wild garlic discovery at the weekend.
Hmm not so much new but new since started WW.i got bagels,crumpets(thanks for saying about those) extra cheap pasta,very lazy garlic(and the chilli one) some Quorn mince,my finances have just changed sooo really got to go back to batch cooking and to making things last :0)
Good call on all the cheap tasty goods - just make sure the lids tight on the lazy garlic so you don't have a smelly fridge lol!

Quorn is fab so much cheaper than lean mince and tastes great as leftovers the next day when it's absorbed all the flavours.

Also good for cheapness is dried soya mince from holland & Barrett. I use that times that I can't even afford quorn lol! X
icklerockchick said:
Good call on all the cheap tasty goods - just make sure the lids tight on the lazy garlic so you don't have a smelly fridge lol!

Quorn is fab so much cheaper than lean mince and tastes great as leftovers the next day when it's absorbed all the flavours.

Also good for cheapness is dried soya mince from holland & Barrett. I use that times that I can't even afford quorn lol! X

Lol yup will make sure about the lid with the garlic :0) wil be making my lasagne on Thursday! Thanks for the heads up on dried soya mince.
Just jumping in here but anyone had hotdogs?? Got some princes hotdogs here it says 5pp for 100g but there's only 185g in the tin?! So is tht like 1pp per hotdog??? Xx

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All sounds very tasty, Daisy. I quite like quorn mince but I do actually prefer the dried soya mince, which is SO cheap from health shops its insane.

I wonder how I survived before re-discovering the wonder of crumpets. Given they are free on SF and only 2PP each if on a PP day I find they are great for controlling cravings/ inbetween meal hunger or attack if the killer nibbles when fruit or veg just isn't going to cut it. Had one this afternoon with 1/2 pot of chocolate philadelphia. Very nom-tastic for 1 PP on SF and allowed me to resist the evil (but oh so very very good!) dark chocolated coated flapjacks.
stef2009 said:
Just jumping in here but anyone had hotdogs?? Got some princes hotdogs here it says 5pp for 100g but there's only 185g in the tin?! So is tht like 1pp per hotdog??? Xx

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I'm doing hotdogs tomorrow funnily enough,not had the Princes ones though.I don't know bout the points,depends how many hotdogs there are I guess!
Atomic pink said:
All sounds very tasty, Daisy. I quite like quorn mince but I do actually prefer the dried soya mince, which is SO cheap from health shops its insane.

I wonder how I survived before re-discovering the wonder of crumpets. Given they are free on SF and only 2PP each if on a PP day I find they are great for controlling cravings/ inbetween meal hunger or attack if the killer nibbles when fruit or veg just isn't going to cut it. Had one this afternoon with 1/2 pot of chocolate philadelphia. Very nom-tastic for 1 PP on SF and allowed me to resist the evil (but oh so very very good!) dark chocolated coated flapjacks.

Thanks about the food I got :0) i'll have to nip to Holland and Barrett next time I go to town to check out the dried soya mince.Yup am looking forward to having some crumpets,I decided that now i'm more easy going about my weeklies that i may aswell use some for foods I haven't had in awhile :0) got myself some Orange Juice too.
Mmmmm. Orange juice. I used to have it every day but in the last two years the only time I have it is on our long weekend in London every February, and then there's freshly squeezed orange and grapefruit juice as part of the breakfast buffet. I find I enjoy things like that so much more when I have them now that I don't have them very often. Think its definitely worth incorporating more foods into your week with your weeklies.
Thanks about more foods using my weeklies :0) Mmm to freshly squeezed orange juice! Yea I find that with alot of things food wise that I appreciate them more if have them now and again.
Update for food so far today,made a bit of a boob as had gotten chicken out of the freezer for tonight's dinner then saw chicken for the wraps needed to be eaten today!both tasted different so it was fine!!

Tuesday 12th June


Apple/banana 0pp


Chicken salad wrap 6pp snack bar 2pp quavers 2pp banana 0pp=10pp


Spicy coated chicken 7pp Mediterranean couscous 3pp fried vegetables 0pp=10pp

20pp with 7pp left for snacks :0)


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Ohhh looks good! I always see ppl having cous cous but I've never tried it! What's it like? Xx

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stef2009 said:
Ohhh looks good! I always see ppl having cous cous but I've never tried it! What's it like? Xx

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Hard to explain lol,comes in a few different flavours and you just add boiled water to it and it's ready in 5 minutes.
Your food always looks Fab hun goin to have to try cous cous never tried it x