Dannielleas diary, time for change.

It's very hard to find anything on here! Mine is very dull so far so your not missing out! I'm just enjoying having somewhere to vent x

Haha :) it's the good thing about it! The anonimity (is that the right word?) of the Internet...this thing has some has some of my deepest darkest thoughts on because no one knows me online I find it helpful beyond words :) x

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Shred is done for today! Feeling better and not sore now it will probably ware off and I'll be sore again in an hour but wait what's that dinner time?! Don't mind if I do think ill have a porridge and a cuppa! :)

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Nom nom nom dinner was lush! Turkey asparagus spinach and balsamic all done on the grill pan so nice! <3

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
So jealous your on actual food!
Nearly puked after the tomato soup today it's really gross!

Ye the anonymity is great gives you so much freedom!
Yeah the tomato and vege soup is vile! Makes me gag I did have a taste of the oriental chilli that was nice I may get some when I go back to ss. :) haha don't be my hair loss is so bad I think because of the food, I think it's going to be harder to ss again after 1 meal a day this week, I'm determined though so I know I will do it :) x

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Yeah the tomato and vege soup is vile! Makes me gag I did have a taste of the oriental chilli that was nice I may get some when I go back to ss. :) haha don't be my hair loss is so bad I think because of the food, I think it's going to be harder to ss again after 1 meal a day this week, I'm determined though so I know I will do it :) x

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x

Ye of course you will go back to it no problem! The food will probably do your body a lot of good after being on SS for 12 weeks, I only planned on doing it for 2 and moving to 810 but your losses are great so reconsidering my plan now. Really want 3.7 stone gone in 15 weeks x
Ye of course you will go back to it no problem! The food will probably do your body a lot of good after being on SS for 12 weeks, I only planned on doing it for 2 and moving to 810 but your losses are great so reconsidering my plan now. Really want 3.7 stone gone in 15 weeks x

Well I hope so :) some weeks Im 'only' losing 1lb and thinking all that hard work and for what! Any loss is only positive and should be celebrated! Will be in need of motivation next week! Will be upset tbh as I think this week will be a sts...plus totm AGAIN!! Seriously feel like its only been days since last time it was here! Anyways the daughter is going nuts so time to get up... Think we will get some coffee and a bar or vanilla shake haven't decided yet what I want, oh and I'm sore from shred again haha :D feeling it in arms and legs today!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Need to get me a box of lemon bars ran out and the others are just rubbish in comparison!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Hate totm so much! Feeling a bit sorry for my self Atm

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Well I'm done for the day! Did shred had my meal (turkey and broccoli, 80g of broccoli is nothing btw) have a tiny drop of milk allowance left so shall have my last cup of tea for the day! In other news!!! Blew £100 on crap boots,socks, benefit bronzer and blush (eBay<3 saved about £10) other bits of make up... My ita kabuki brush <3 (for contouring, anyone that's into makeup will know) and another make up brush... A girls got to have nice things right? Not spending another penny til I get my 2 weeks of products... That's another £90 gone!(I still have a weeks but no lemon bars so it simply will not do) Then my dirty evil nasty nicotine habit to feed that's about another £30 a week! (This pack then im going cold turkey, i sware!!!) Then I have another date next week so whatever I spend then...the daughters birthday next month then my sisters the month after...I'm going to be in need of new clothes... Then Christmas... Oh god it never ends! But I can notice my waist is getting nice and small so this is a good thing :D

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Bah I probably won't have even lost any weight by Monday due to intermission week and totm! Grr! Wait and see... Here's to hope right?!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Oh and full leg underarm bikini wax and brow wax and tint on the 25th that's about another £50 ... Argh

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Well last day of intermission week, eep lets hope I've at least lost 1lb for wi!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Also have figured out the site a bit more and my diary is In the forum weight loss diaries and called Cambridge for Christmas xxxx
Good luck with the wi! Hope you get a nice big number, let me know how it goes! I lost 1lb this week even with totm! Not excited about this week but I know I will do it! Do or do not there is no try, a little but of yoda wisdom goes a long way lol x :D

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
It's really good to hear you still lost after moving up to a meal. I suppose it goes to show it will work if done right!
Sneakily weighed myself this morning and I think it's about 9lb, I know week 1 is always big! Ill let you know how the official one goes later! Can't wait to e able to have the bars and flavoured water just for something new! Xxx
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Ah good :) yeah the lemon bars are my fave! It works if you stick to it just want to get to goal back ssing until I hit it or another interim week then gradually go up steps it will be a long process but its worth it :D xx

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Ye the SS removes temptation for me I think. Food just isn't in my realm, on a calorie counter I just end up saying ah well I can have a little bit of chocolate, next thing goodbye diet!