Dannielleas diary, time for change.

I love reading everyones weight loss stories just keeps me going when im down i just hope iv done well in my 1st weigh in its tonight!!
I really want to fit in size 10 so bad!!!!

Hehe yeah it's a really big help isnt it, I like having a space to vent! If you have stuck to it 100% I'm sure you have done fine and will have a nice big loss :D let me know how you get on fingers crossed its a good number for you! As for me well I've just had my meal spinach and scrambled eggs :D forgot how nice spinach is, not adventurous today at all so just stuck to something easy! Xx

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Haha I love your happy mood lately! Keep going fabulous! :D

I hope too :D I can really feel my life changing! shifting some weight has helped me a tremendous amount with my personal demons, I'm not even scared of my ex anymore he can just get lost, held me down for 5/6 years yes we have a child and she needs to see him I get that I'm not unreasonable I suppose I forgive him and in some twisted way appreciate the abuse for making me a stronger person! I'm in a really good place right now, feeling free getting back to the happy, loving, smiling idiot I used to be but only 1000x better :) these forums have been invaluable to me! And a massive thank you to everyone that's read my rambling and given me support I know I will never meet you guys but thankyou so much I don't think I'd of got this far without you xxx

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
I still have a helluva ways to go! But really thank you from my heart :) I'm really touched by the support x

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Ohh I can feel shred today in my upper arms and shoulders little sore but maybe I'm a massacist Enjoying the feeling lol now the ex needs to get his ass here get this baby so I can get day 2 done before I get ready for me date!! :D xx

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Intact I'm going to do shred tonight when I get in because its going to take forever for me to get ready for this date lol remind me!! :D xx

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Hope this looks ok (size 12 jeans!!!!) I have a little bit of hang over round the waste band so that's why the baggy jumper! Sorry for bluryness! Xx

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x


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Ok so shred got knocked on the head been out with the guy all day, just got back home and I'm beat have had 2 products and 240g of chicken breast need to force another product down... Just had a cup of tea with semi skimmed milk in its the only milk I've had all day though not sure that's okay? I hope it is will consult the book! I'm disappointed about shred but starting from day 1 again tomorrow. Made the decision to go back on ss Monday and hope I hit target within about 6 weeks I think another 2stone should be doable then was thinking step 2 for 12 weeks and so on until I'm maintaining its about making the right choices I think the longer the process the better xx

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Ok so shred got knocked on the head been out with the guy all day, just got back home and I'm beat have had 2 products and 240g of chicken breast need to force another product down... Just had a cup of tea with semi skimmed milk in its the only milk I've had all day though not sure that's okay? I hope it is will consult the book! I'm disappointed about shred but starting from day 1 again tomorrow. Made the decision to go back on ss Monday and hope I hit target within about 6 weeks I think another 2stone should be doable then was thinking step 2 for 12 weeks and so on until I'm maintaining its about making the right choices I think the longer the process the better xx

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x

Hi Danielle,
Been reading your diary today, really inspirational to see you losing so much weight and gaining so much confidence :) well done girl !
Glad you had a good day, you have to live too so don't be too disappointed about the shred! Xxx
Hi Danielle,
Been reading your diary today, really inspirational to see you losing so much weight and gaining so much confidence :) well done girl !
Glad you had a good day, you have to live too so don't be too disappointed about the shred! Xxx

Thankyou :) it's a hard road but so worth it I'm getting back to happy it's a good place to be xx

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Ok so shred got knocked on the head been out with the guy all day, just got back home and I'm beat have had 2 products and 240g of chicken breast need to force another product down... Just had a cup of tea with semi skimmed milk in its the only milk I've had all day though not sure that's okay? I hope it is will consult the book! I'm disappointed about shred but starting from day 1 again tomorrow. Made the decision to go back on ss Monday and hope I hit target within about 6 weeks I think another 2stone should be doable then was thinking step 2 for 12 weeks and so on until I'm maintaining its about making the right choices I think the longer the process the better xx

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x

What did you end up doing for the date? You said you hoped it wouldn't be food related...
It wasn't :) got some coffee looked at books had a wee walk on the beach and harbour in the rain

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Talked about all sorts :) it was good just nice to be treated well and told you look good! He was *****ing about food I said eat if you want it's not an issue for me he still didn't eat though, nice guy :) like him so far!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Talked about all sorts :) it was good just nice to be treated well and told you look good! He was *****ing about food I said eat if you want it's not an issue for me he still didn't eat though, nice guy :) like him so far!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x

Great that you found someone supportive! My journey is only at day three! Have 4.7 stone to lose! But a very supportive man I think it really helps to have someone in person who knows about your struggles and can give you back up x
Great that you found someone supportive! My journey is only at day three! Have 4.7 stone to lose! But a very supportive man I think it really helps to have someone in person who knows about your struggles and can give you back up x

It does help it can be a really dark place sometimes! You will crush that 4.7 stone :D you deserve it for you're self just have to keep believing! Let me know how you're first wi goes! Fingers crossed its a nice big number! Day 3/4 hard days but hey to transform what's a little hard work?! :) xx

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
I know your so right! Have to stay focused on the end result! Started my own blog tonight, it feels good to have somewhere to vent and share because I don't like to tell friends my weight! Hopefully I get there in the next 6 months. I'd love to get just under the 13 by late December when I go away but it seems a long way off to me now!
I know your so right! Have to stay focused on the end result! Started my own blog tonight, it feels good to have somewhere to vent and share because I don't like to tell friends my weight! Hopefully I get there in the next 6 months. I'd love to get just under the 13 by late December when I go away but it seems a long way off to me now!

You will do it :) will have a poke around see if I can find you're blog! X

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
I haven't found it just yet lol but then again I still can't get rid of this sig thing saying I weigh 11.2 x

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
I haven't found it just yet lol but then again I still can't get rid of this sig thing saying I weigh 11.2 x

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x

It's very hard to find anything on here! Mine is very dull so far so your not missing out! I'm just enjoying having somewhere to vent x
Well! Woke up to a load of texts and Facebook spam from friends, came down stairs the dog wasn't locked in his cage properly so has wrecked the place... So cup of tea a smoke and I'll get some cleaning done brekkie then shred time before the daughter comes home, I'd also like to go for a run but will see on that one I think shred is the way to go for getting toned as the weightloss is going well! Xx

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x