Dannielleas diary, time for change.

Ah yes I totally know what you mean , using food as a treat also 'ohh I've lost a lb lets get a pizza' etc thankfully now I feel that mentality has broken! I'm feeling super guilty and a bit of a failure haven't done shred or been for a run since Saturday! My daughter came home from her fathers ill and I think I'm picking it up! Seriously feel so god damned lazy! Every time I plan things it seems to fall apart! I think I'm getting ill as well can feel the head ache eyes nose and throat, feeling supper sorry for my self need some motivation to just get up and do it. What is wrong with me! Need a boot up the bum with immediate effect!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Really feeling sorry for my self today spent most of it in bed, the daughter is sick and I think I have picked it up had my 3 packs for the day! Can smell Shepards pie cooking and I could butch a lump of it lol. Supposed to have another date tomorrow but we will see what happens lol x

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Awh poor you :( must feel horrible not being able to just snuggle up and have what you want when your sick :(
thats exciting to have another date! Any idea what your doing for this one? X
It's not brilliant :( I'm not sure he said something about the zoo and penguins :)

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
He's lovely, nice guy a friend of a friend so she has nothing but nice things to say about him lol :)

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
I feel like utter crap!!! :( going to try loosen up with a cup of coffee and pump some pills in me, I don't think I'll be getting out today :(

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Thanks hon :) I still feel and look like hell and simply had to eat yesterday so I had some chicken and salad feel so mad at my self but was shaking and throwing up I had to have something :( i will forgive my self soon. At least it wasn't a big lump of cake or toast or anything like that could have butched a lump of chocolate cake and a jacket spud

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
100% rest of the way for sure no way being ill is guna throw me off ok I can't be doing with the workouts because I'll puke but I am spending so so so much money on this NOTHING will stop me!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Thanks hon :) I still feel and look like hell and simply had to eat yesterday so I had some chicken and salad feel so mad at my self but was shaking and throwing up I had to have something :( i will forgive my self soon. At least it wasn't a big lump of cake or toast or anything like that could have butched a lump of chocolate cake and a jacket spud

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x

if you are throwing up your shakes you need SOMETHING to replace those nutrients you would have got from it so don't be hard on yourself for being ill and needing to have susitnence!!
I'm feeling a little better today just been so frustrated and in a bit of a downer for the past2days truth be told just want to lay in my bed all day... People telling me there same problems over and over I'm sick of giving the same advice it always falls on deaf ears, everything just bubbled over last night and almost broke down in to tears. I'm not even sure what's wrong... On the plus side I'm completely on track with the diet side of things, need to get my energy back up and back to the exercise!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
I'm feeling a little better today just been so frustrated and in a bit of a downer for the past2days truth be told just want to lay in my bed all day... People telling me there same problems over and over I'm sick of giving the same advice it always falls on deaf ears, everything just bubbled over last night and almost broke down in to tears. I'm not even sure what's wrong... On the plus side I'm completely on track with the diet side of things, need to get my energy back up and back to the exercise!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x

Diet related advice or just about life in general?
Ah life, nasty boyfriends in particular my poor friend... Hurts that she can't see what he is doing but it's going the same way as my marriage did I just want to help because I recognise the situation all I can do is listen until she realises for her self :(

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Crap crap crappy crappy crap crap! Just had a cup of tea with semi-skimmed milk with out even thinking, boo! I hope it won't take me out of ketosis :( bah what an idiot :( need to check the book :( I think it's a huge muck up! Right that's it just water for a full week now! Bugger :l

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
I'm not having a good week am I... :(

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
So from this looks like I'm ok

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x


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I think I'm ok... If I'm wrong I'd like someone to correct me please! Anyways dinner put a tea spoon of coffee in a vanilla shake left the kettle for 15mins to cool down it was nice but don't think I'd have it again... I think the rest of today I'm going to be hungry hungry hungry!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Oh and my bmi is 26.5 (did a sneaky wi as I was feeling guilty about that salad, 10.7.something....so provided I put the info in correctly) so that's awesome!
Damned migraine! Thought I was ok but no eyes stinging head pounding etc :(

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x