day 1/2- feeling really please...

Well done for sticking at it - those first few days are horrible for some and i really feel for you.
try to drink the water whenever you feel hungry it real is a lifesaver and the more you drink the more you'll lose.

Well done you. keep focusing on that first weigh in - you'll be so pleased you stuck it out when you get on the scales. :)
Gen- my weigh in is next Tuesday at 1.00pm... here's hoping for the best!
Gen- my weigh in is next Tuesday at 1.00pm... here's hoping for the best!

you will have an amazing result anna, and it will be just what you need to keep you going.

seeing the amazing difference in the scales every week is one of the major factors in keeping you going. you're gonna love seeing yourself transform in front of the mirror - there's nothing like it!
Thanks Karen & congrats on your own weight loss- 81lb wow now that's truely amazing, how long have you been on it?

It took me 8 months to lose 6.5 stone. I was perfectly abstinent food wise but for the last four months due to my social life rocketing i starting drinking wine 2/3 times a week. I still lost every week but it delayed me getting to target by 1.5 months. It was worth it though cos at Xmas i was a size 14 (i'm now a size 10/12) and that was when my life truly turned the corner and my dating life spiced up!! Can't go on a date sober now can you? haha

Good luck babe i can't tell you how this diet will change you, i thought i'd be fat forever but miracles really do happen and the great thing is it's not difficult if you stick with the plan and don't cheat. You have done it for a few days now so you've proved you can, just stick with it....
