Day 2 and wishing the weekend was over!

I decided to break the diet to have a very small meal last night - a 2 finger slice of tortilla and salad - had an early night and have woken up feeling better (and not a pound to show for it as i showed a loss again this morning). Have made an appointment to see the doc this afternoon so hopefully should be able to get back on it once i get the all clear from him.
Hey Margarino - im doing a similar diet (New You) which works in same way as Exante as best to my knowledge! I too suffer from IBS and I AM lactose intolerant! Can you try products with the exception of soups for a few days to see if that helps ease up the cramps etc?! That is what i did and ever since i can honestly say i have never felt sooooo good!
As our bodies get used to change its a small price to pay for trial and error! As other ladies say water is a MUST, but it must be paced throughout the day!
How are u feeling now? Hopefully much better! Keep me posted...
theres a lot of soya in the products too
and too much of that can cause *ahem* problems

if you are feeling reallly bad Marg-its not for you Dear
I had a little bad day(had a headache, so took brufen-gave me diarrhoea-which made me feel quite freaky)
how can you balance out if your insides are fighting it??

Its difficult when you don;t know if its a bug, or Ladies problems or plain intolerance
Hope you are soon feeling better.
I decided to break the diet to have a very small meal last night - a 2 finger slice of tortilla and salad - had an early night and have woken up feeling better (and not a pound to show for it as i showed a loss again this morning). Have made an appointment to see the doc this afternoon so hopefully should be able to get back on it once i get the all clear from him.

Good. After all it's only a diet, and can easily be postponed or changed to suit. I'm glad you're feeling better. :)
I'm completely off it now girls. I couldn't handle the pain any longer. I went to the doc's yesterday and he has given me antibiotics to treat the urinary tract infection and was told by the pharmacist to drink more water - it took all my control to smile politely and say that i had been drinking a lot rather than punch her in the face! The doc didn't say i needed to come off the diet, but i think i need to sort my kidney pain out before i can handle the hunger pains again! Hopefully will be able to give it another go by the end of the week. It was a really hard decision to start eating again and i was giving myself a really hard time about not sticking to the diet, but i'm just going to chill out, get better and reserve that energy for when i restart exante for good this time!
Glad you're getting treament, hope you're soon better. Look forward to seeing you back here when you are.
Look after yourself.
Yeah, I think you've probably made the right decision.

Get yourself mended first then you can always come back to the diet. :)

In the meantime, don't think you have to leave the forum, just don't be telling us what you've had for dinner every day.........:D
Thanks Yambabe! Promise i wont write what i've been eating, but to be honest, i've been more or less good except for last night when i was in a lot of pain and needed some comfort, but even then i limited my damage considering all the yummy goodies my boyfriend bought at ASDA on the weekend - in my head that is his food and i can't touch it or he will get mad (he wont but so far its stopping me from touching it!!!)

Meanwhile i am using my time to work on my blog, if any one wanted to look at it... :eek:
Marge's Journey to Healthy Eating
Good idea. No point overdoing it. TBH, if the antibiotics play up your stomach/gut, you may well need the extra cals anyway.

When you feel better you can attack the project head on. :)

No worries.