Attack Day 3

Hi All,
I would like to share my journey with you and get some tips on the way!
I'm on day 3 and lost 2lb yesterday but this morning was a dispointing 0lb. I wondered if it was the muller lite yogurts so have cut them out today.
Yesterday I had the worst headache but all side effects seem to have gone today. I would appreciate any support and will offer the same!
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Today's menu was/is
Oat bran pancake with smoked salmonawing 1.5% cottage cheese YUM!
Crab sticks
1 hard boiled egg
Packed of cooked chicken
Duken recipe chicken curry

2 litres of water so far and just trying to find some energy to go for a run/ cross trainer!

Is this all ok? I'm new to this! Xxxxxxx
Sounds good to me, keep it up! You've done better than me, when I'm in ketosis I really struggle to eat enough. Don't worry about the 0lb it'll catch up.
just be careful with the crab sticks (they're notorious for stalling people) & cooked chicken (no hidden nasties, you'd be amazed what they add to the pre-packed stuff! I found pea starch in one packet the other day?!) go for the lowest fat cottage cheese you can find, ideally 0.1% (theres a discussion on the best ones in the forum at the moment). :) otherwise, fab! Make sure you eat enough too! x
Thanks for the advice.. I have eaten loads of crab sticks so hopefully it won't stall me!

I'm preying for a good result tomorrow morning. I can't believe how my appetite has gone today, it's crazy!

I've got 2 nights out coming up, Friday and Saturday so need to be strong and stick to diet coke.
I was worried about going out slipping and having a drink, but keep your goal in mind before you go out, its just about breaking habits and when them scales keep dropping, that feelings better than an alcohol buzz x Good luck
Hi There!

Don't worry about staying the same some days/even going up a bit. Mine has fluctuated day to day, but it always goes down eventually! As long as that's the over all trend! You're doing well :)

I think the Muller lights have added sugar as well as sweetener, so think you made the right choice to cut them out. If you like sweet yogurt - I buy plain low fat (no added anything), add my own sweetener and vanilla essence and it's really nice and gives me that sweet something when I need it :)

One thing that seemed to stall me, incidentally was lattes, even with skimmed milk I think it was too many carbs for me, but everyone's different!

I'm like you Flicka - dairy stalls me more than anything else. He says up to 1K in Cruise, but over about 350g is a disaster for me!

Crabsticks contain loads of sugar so he limits them to 8 per day and, even then, I'd stay away where possible. If you like to "snack", why not make yourself some Dukan chicken nuggets and nibble on those. (Chicken breast, cut into bite size pieces, season, dip in egg and oatbran and fry in good non stick pan (or bake)).

Good luck!
Only trouble is I'm having my oat bran allowance for breakfast so I can't have anymore. Otherwise the chicken sounds yummy. I need to get better at making something more interesting to take with me for lunch at work. It sounds like packets if cooked chicken and crab sticks aren't the solution. What do you do?

I lost 1lb when I weighed in this morning so that's 3 lb in 3 days!!!! So excited!!!!!! This I think will give me all the motivation not to drink tonight.
there are lots of things you can make for packed lunches... meat loaf, quiches, cooked chicken with different spices... when ur in cruise leftovers are great if you have facilities for heating up bolognese, chilli, stews etc :D search the recipe section for ideas
Well I'll get my hands slapped but I'm in week 5 cruise and I eat bernard mathews turkey/chicken and loosing if I stall I'll cut them out. Try the mince tart its good hot or cold for lunch.
I think nothing but they advise us to keep away from pre-packet sliced meats where possible but I love them to snack on or to make salads enjoy your lunch x
Well done! That's a great loss. Yes - do stick with your motivation not to drink. I was worried about this when I started, thinking I wouldn't be able to socialise properly, but I've had a great time just drinking diet drinks AND have saved a lot of money at the bar :) Let that weight loss spur you on. You'll probably only regret drinking after you've done it, and will feel demotivated if the scales do go up.

Just in case you are ever tempted (and again, I really encourage you not slip) it's always good to know the relative carb levels of each drink - wine/beer really sugary - vodka no carbs apparently (though it is the ALCOHOL ITSELF and not just the carbs that matter, so don't think this means you can drink it) BUT a little does a little harm, a lot does a lot of harm, as my mother always says....

saying all this I haven't had a drink in nearly three weeks now (and I normally would every weekend with friends), and I promise you it's ok. And I feel much better all round for it

p.s. really good idea to make pack lunches for work - makes it much more interesting (after a while the limited supermarket selections get monotonous) and cheaper - because those pre-packaged meats/fish tend to be pretty pricey. x
Thank you so much for the message. I had no issue last night without the alcohol and everyone was hammered when I got there! Best part was I drove in to central London, found parking right outside and didn't have to worry about how to get home etc... Easy!
Unfortunately I've got a spitting headache this morning which feels like a hangover! I didn't drink nearly enough water yesterday so completely dehydrated.
Im staying with a friend this weekend who has done Dukan and managed to lose all the baby weight she put on so she is very sympathetic and making me Dukan friendly meals!
It's definitely the packed lunches I need to work on next. Xxxxx
Great! So glad you resisted. And the driving is a great perk! Sorry about the headache - yes just drink loads of water now (which Dr. Dukan would be very pleased about anyway :) ). Great to be staying with such a supportive friend too. Have a lovely week together. And we can trade packed lunch recipes!

p.s. I have my own challenge now going to my boyfriend's birthday meal with his family, but actually I think it'll be fine not partaking in the bubbly - such a nice day I'd be very happy sipping on a diet coke and eating a nice piece of fish with greens :) x
Well done for alcohol free night,and flick, keep up the possitive vibes x
So after attack weight in = dah da da dah....7lb loss!!!! Unbelievable!
I looked today at the carb content in those crab sticks I've been snacking on...oh dear, there's loads, oops!
So Anyway, starting cruise phase now I guess. I can see why people get addicted to the attack phase but I keep reminding myself that this is about a life change not just short term weight loss. The temptation is definitely there though!
Off to bed with the book to recap what I need to do on phase 2!