Step 1 Sole Source Day one. Here goes EVERYTHING.

Hey - maybe Lemon is considered safe by Cambridge - Most of my knowledge has come from doing LIghter Life initially and they said no citrus at all. Speak with your counselr - thats the best thing when in doubt. I don;t want to steer you wrong if the rules have changed I am not aware. :)

Als - I believe in Step 2 - you still have 3 packs and yur small meal. Double check this too. I thinki for proper nutrition you need a third pack - which even with a small meal is quite low calorie.

Good luck (late) for today! xx
I have spent the last three days doing major wardrobe overhauling. I have thrown out things that are too big - and things that are smaller than I desire to go this time around, so things I no I never will wear again - shoes I can not wear but cannot yet part with are going up in the loft. And I tried on every item I had to see does it fit now? Will it fit "soon", or will it fit at goal. And have set up a system - "staging order" so I was so happy to see that much more of my clothes fit than have for a very very long time. Just shy of 2 stone has made a difference, but not until about 1.5 stones down. But its going to be fun now seeing things work their way up the staging are to being "new" or "new again" :D

I have a MOUNTAIN of clothes for charity. After already sending mountains last spring. I am trying so hard to be hard core. Its hard letting go of things for me. But its feeling good. :) And has been good exercise! :D Bonus!
I'm going to be doing that over the weekend. Already got back into some smaller clothes which is nice (I'd already lost around 10lb this year before starting Cambridge.). Realised I don't need to keep everything from every size, just the things I really like.
No citric acid allowed, seems it bumps most of us out of ketosis like a light! This diet is quite strict and as long as you take your shakes/packs you get your macros in and your complete daily nutrients too - just enough to keep starvation mode at bay, promote mild ketosis and keep blood sugar relatively stable. Phew, what a geeky mouth full:D....I told y'all my consultant rocks ;). She makes me see the reason why an apple with zilch calories is still a bad idea as well as a sprig of lime! Who would have thought!!! I think I'm doing a lot better now. Seen some improvement at least in my mood these days. Feels good to lose weight!
Well done everyone your doing fab! I have decided I don't like weekends anymore .... Before I started CD I used to look forward to weekends- no work, time at home with family, a little drinkies on a Friday night, roast dinner on a Sunday, I just used to love it.... But now since doing this, yes I'm still at home ( no work) but I feels miserable as I don't have the food side of it to look forward to .... I don't know what's up with me lately, my whole life revolves around food( even going to college p/t to finish catering course so that I can maybe one day in future become a catering teacher!haha... I wake up in morning and go to bed at night thinking about food.
I know I have to loose the weight as that makes me feel uncomfortable and miserable being the size I am.... But am also quite miserable doing this CD as well. Just having a downer this weekend I think and I needed to just write down something.... Sorry everyone I just have to keep reminding myself that I can do this and it will be worth it in the end just so blimin hard!!! Xx
No citric acid allowed, seems it bumps most of us out of ketosis like a light! This diet is quite strict and as long as you take your shakes/packs you get your macros in and your complete daily nutrients too - just enough to keep starvation mode at bay, promote mild ketosis and keep blood sugar relatively stable. Phew, what a geeky mouth full:D....I told y'all my consultant rocks ;). She makes me see the reason why an apple with zilch calories is still a bad idea as well as a sprig of lime! Who would have thought!!! I think I'm doing a lot better now. Seen some improvement at least in my mood these days. Feels good to lose weight!

hahaha LOL at the "geeky mouthfull" comment. :D

So glad you are feeling better - just a better mood will help everything else seem better too. :)
Well done everyone your doing fab! I have decided I don't like weekends anymore .... Before I started CD I used to look forward to weekends- no work, time at home with family, a little drinkies on a Friday night, roast dinner on a Sunday, I just used to love it.... But now since doing this, yes I'm still at home ( no work) but I feels miserable as I don't have the food side of it to look forward to .... I don't know what's up with me lately, my whole life revolves around food( even going to college p/t to finish catering course so that I can maybe one day in future become a catering teacher!haha... I wake up in morning and go to bed at night thinking about food.
I know I have to loose the weight as that makes me feel uncomfortable and miserable being the size I am.... But am also quite miserable doing this CD as well. Just having a downer this weekend I think and I needed to just write down something.... Sorry everyone I just have to keep reminding myself that I can do this and it will be worth it in the end just so blimin hard!!! Xx

I totally get you - and where you are coming from. It CAN be difficult. And it CAN be so little fun its not even funny. But the important thing to try and remember - is this is only temporary - life WILL return to normal - better than normal - as you will be a new, slim, happy confident person by then.

You can do this. And you do need to keep reminding yourself. Something that helped me hugely was visualisation - and seeing myself at goal - right down to what earrings I was wearing. And for your weekends, maybe see if you can find some other kind of "treat" you can look forward too. A pampering night with bubble bath, body butters etc. A manicure/pedicure, just somethign for you that makes at least part of the weekend a special treat.

Hang in there - I wish I could bottle what it feels like when you get to goal. I am so sad I have to do this AGAIN. BUt because I have that "insider knowledge" - it helps me to keep going.

But if I could bottle it and give it to you, you would know that all these sacrifices and missed things are going to seem like absolutely nothing at the end - they will all be worth it, ten times over. Nting tastes as good as being slim feels.

Knuckle down - do this for you and you always have support here - we are all in the same boat. Keep yer chin up and go for it. One day at a time. You will never believe how fast this diet has gone until you can look back from the finish line. Be over in no time.

Thank you lovely its so nice to have someone who understands me! And give me a good kick up the bum when I'm feeling a bit errrrr yes, I need to plan things at the weekend that don't revolve around food.... Good ideas!! and yes I know this will not be forever I just think it's gets too much for me sometimes, with a new job and going to college and doing this CD all at the same time!!! Crazy I know but I just thought it's now or never and I have to give it a go!!
You sound very positive and you make me see sense! Thankyou...
Weigh day Wednesday... Not sure if I have lost this week...but will be happy with a pound as I have had big losses last couple of weeks will keep you updated!!
I think we all need the kick up the butt once in a while. Anything restricting food sucks big time, yeah we all know its worth it in the end...but doesn't stop the journey from sucking. Guess that's why we have each other on this forum to rant, groan and cry to. Thanks all for being here, would have been realllly lonely without y'all. Try to keep dropping by so we keep on pulling each other up at our various stages :D .

Meanwhile, in the blues again this week due to a wacky weekend....weekends always set me back as well; what do you guys do to handle weekends on sole source? Back on track today at least....
I am quite lucky in the sense I am not a huge drinker, and my husband and I are both pretty content staying watching movies, etc., so we do not go "out" much at all which makes weekends easier for me. But for you who are younger and go out with your mates - that would be a big challenge. Again, I think if you just keep reminding yourself its only temporary and it wall be over faster if you just stay the course - so when you go out ith your frineds - drink fizzy water, or something that might look like a cocktail. Make up excuses why you won;t have a meal if persueded - upset tummy, toothache, already ate, etc. :)

This site was invaluable when I did LL. Then it closed for awhile, and its not quite what it was before but it seems to be livening up. I am really glad you all stopped here too as it is good to have support with others going through it too. Safety in numbers!!! :)

Good luck at your weigh in tomorrow Cym! When do you have your weiugh ins JC? Mine are on Thurs of Fri deending on work week. :)

Have a good week - and kick this diets arse!
Hi everyone! Well week 3 and kicked butts! 3 pound gone forever.... So that 18 pound in 3 weeks:0clapper:
On to week 4 ... Gotta keep at it now... I can do this....
How's everyone doing.... Good luck with your weigh ins!!
I don't go out much... Well hardly ever... And have got invited to a birthday meal next month.... But have made excuses as I don't want to blow everything on one meal... I know I would love to go as I don't go out hardly ever...
Weekend is approaching soon and so I need to plan something's to take my mind off of food and my mindset of what my typical weekend would involve( a little drinks and pizza, chocolate etc..... Need to ask hubby for a massage!haha
Well good luck everyone with weigh ins and let us know how you are getting on! U all keep me going and I love reading your messages of inspiration! X
Hey everyone.

You guys have done great work so far. I'm going to do my bestest to stay on this program.
I started the diet today and I've bought enough so that it will last me for 3 months. I'm super excited but I am already noticing how my mind is playing tricks on me.
It's only the first day but still every food scent is making me crave for food. But I know I can do it. One day at a time right?

I'm having trouble sleeping tonight so I'm up late trying to find support forums. It's always inspiring reading about other peoples success.

Last time I weight myself was on the 14th, I did the body measurement analysis, that said I weight 87,7 kg or 193,4 lbs. I will try and get weighed again tomorrow for a more accurate weight.

Hope everything is still going great for you all!
Well done buttercups ur doing fab! and its so nice to come on here and chat and get support from friends who are going through the same thing! Knowing that your not on your own!
Are you doing step 1? Or step 2? I think the first week is the hardest and then it gets easier keep in touch on here and let us know how you are getting on! Good luck
Thanks cym.
I'm doing step 1 so I'm hoping that I will see amazing results the first two-three weeks before it slows down.
My longtime goal is to get down to a healthy BMI which is 58kg/128lbs. But during these three month i would be happy if i lose 30lbs/13,6kg. But Im really hoping for 40lbs/18kg that way i will be at a weight i used to be and i didn't struggle to keep that before I got as big as I am today.
Once I'm there I don't mind if it takes me another year to get to my goal weight :)

How long are you planning on doing CD and are you sole 1 or 2 atm? What are you hoping to lose while on it?
Hello and welcome Buttercup!!! How are you getting on? The first 2-3 weeks are the most difficult - if you can grit your teeth and power through - just get through those adjusting weeks and it then becomes the easiest diet E V E R with great and quick results - you will be amazed!!! SO wishing you huge success - if you have any questions - this forum is a great place to ask - we have all "been there done that" and can always find answers among us. Can't wait to see how you get on and to hear about your great losses!
Hi everyone! how are you all doing? Well lost another 4 pound this week! So chuffed with this! Weekend here again and I hate them......:( Still hard going because I associate weekends with letting your hair down and having a little drinkie but gotta put all that behind me now and find other things to keep me busy.... Like coursework!! haha...
Keep up all your hard work everyone... And keep posting on here I love reading everyone s comments.... Xx
Thank you Blonde.
Congratulations Cym! Another 4 pounds is amazing.

I've been doing quite well. I got in to ketosis quite quickly I think, I had a headache one evening and the next morning but by that afternoon I felt really good. Don't get me wrong, I've been fantasizing about food and felt like eating but not because I was hungry but because I was bored. And I always think this is just for a few weeks of your life.

I've gotten an almanac where I've noted down how many days left and how many days done so that I can cross it off at the end of the day so that I can see what I have accomplished. I've also written down a list of reasons to why I am doing this so that I don't "forget" in the heat of the moment. If that don't work, I've also written a list of course of action to take if I feel like I have to "cheat". I think doing all of this has helped me mentally.

Hope it will keep on being this easy. I just need to keep myself busy so that I don't get bored.
Hi all - I lost another 3 pounds this week - so now a total of 33 which is about 1/3 of the way to goal. I wanted to have all this done by CHristmas but because I faffed so much at the start I know I wont but it feels good to be making my through.

I have been viewing all sorts of sites looking at new clothes dreaming of being able to buy anything off the rack or from any site again. I have already bought myself quite a few "Joe Brown" dresses for when I get to goal - there was a good sale and I could not resist. So now I have some lovely things to look forward too.

I work in a bank, and have to find out what to do about my uniform as I can now pull my trousers up and down without undoing them and there is a lot of room in the caboose!! HAHAHA I did my measurements 2 weeks ago and lost a total of 12 inches, so not surprised. I must get them soon as there are no belt loops so once they are bigger then my hips theres nothing keeping them up!

LOL reminds me - when I lost 10 stone in 2008 I went home to visit my family in San Francisco, CA. My husband and I were crossing the street at Fishermans Wharf and my jeans literally fell off. :D :D :D I had to rush to a loo and my hubby gave me his belt. It was a great feeling, and I was thankful it was so early in the morning there was not any traffic at the crossing to witness it! :D

Have a good week everyone - keep your noese down and your focus on. :) Rock this diet! xxx
How Is everyone doing?
Had a day earlier weigh day today as CDC away from tomorrow.... Lost 2 pound so was happy with that!:0icanfly:
just had my small 200 cal meal ... This is just my way of life now.... I still crave chocolate and alcohol ... Haha .... It's my mums 70th birthday this weekend and everyone is going out for lunch.... Awkward no alcohol for me!! Haha...well done on your loss... Your all doing brilliant!! What days does everyone get weighed? Keep up the good work everyone and keep in touch... Love hearing from everyone! I'm Natalie by the way!x