de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

Sneak Peek for the Week: May 12 - 18, 2013

This week we are in Zone 3: The Bathroom and One Extra Room
This week we are in the bathroom and another room. The other room will be our Guest Room/ area! This means whatever room that you have that is your dumping ground. For most people it would be the guest room/area.

This month's Habit is: Moving

Zone 3: Mission #1 Monday

Clear off the Hotspots that have gathered on the back of the tub and the bathroom sink tops.

Guest/Extra Room:
Grab a bag and do a 27 fling boogie of things to throw away. The things that are obvious trash. We are not doing anything other than getting rid of things to toss. Set your timer for 15 minutes and do as many 27 flings as you can! Have fun with these missions!
Zone 3: Mission #2 Tuesday

For the Bathroom:

Check the supplies that are needed in your bathroom. Do you need toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, mouthwash, soap etc. Add these to your shopping list this week. Take a visual inventory to make sure you have what you need so one of your
family members are not stuck in the bathroom yelling for toilet paper, nothing says "I Love You" like plenty of toilet paper! LOL!

Guest/Extra Room:

Another 27 Fling Boogie but this time with things that need to be put away into other areas of the house. Get a box or bag and put the things that have obvious homes and place them in the box or bag. Then go deliver them to their proper homes.
Have fun!
Zone 3: Mission #3 Wednesday

Bathroom Mission: Today you are to wash your bathroom rugs, shower curtains and accessories. This will take longer than 15 minutes and for those of you that are working outside the home you may have to schedule this out over the next few days. In total to take the rugs to the machine and bring them back to the bathroom is less than 15 minutes but the wait time for the washing machine and dryer will take up some time.

Guest/Extra Room:

Back in we go - can we say 27 Fling again? This time we are going to gather up 27 things to give away. Things that have gotten tossed in this room that we no longer love, need or use. After you have completed this take the bag straight to the car to drop off at a donation location of your choice.
Zone 3: Mission #4 Thursday

For the bathroom today, take 10 minutes to toss old cosmetics and perfumes. If you have these items that you have not used for over a year but they are still hanging around, it is time to dump them.
Let's dump those lipsticks, mascaras and eye-shadows that we have held on to since high school and college. The key to what to not to keep is: If you have not worn anything in the past year then....... TOSS TOSS TOSS!
Most cosmetics have a limited shelf life and are harboring grounds for bacteria.This also applies to lotions and moisturizers.

For the Guest/Extra Room:

If you have noticed the trend that we are working on in this room - it is de-cluttering! With BabySteps. We are going back in this room for our last 27 fling boogie! Once again look for 27 things that need to be put away. Are there some clothing items that have been dumped? Coats that need to be hung up? Books that need to go back to the book shelf? Just 27 things put away
throughout the house back where they belong.
Zone 3: Mission #5 Friday

Today I want you to grab those old toothbrushes that you have just for cleaning and scrub those sink faucets and tub faucets. It is amazing how gross those faucets can get! Just a little soap and water with the toothbrush will make a huge difference! I know this is one of those missions that makes you groan but it takes less than 5 minutes to do and those faucets will shine!

For the Guest/Extra Room:

It does not mater if you still have clutter in this room, after this week of missions you have made a dent in it and you now know the BabySteps to use to continue de-cluttering. Today you are going to vacuum the floor. Even if there is only a little bit of floor showing that is fine. Just vacuum what you can. When we can see we are making progress we are able to stay motivated and not feel defeated.

Remember, Progress not Perfection!
Sneak Peek for the Week: May 12 - 18, 2013

This week we are in Zone 3: The Bathroom and One Extra Room
This week we are in the bathroom and another room. The other room will be our Guest Room/ area! This means whatever room that you have that is your dumping ground. For most people it would be the guest room/area.

XXXX Family Bath has been under renovation -- new tiling. I'm going to take photos and clean it up. Then I'm going to prep it to paint it. I need to measure for a roller blind and have a think on other bits and pieces.

This month's Habit is: Moving

XXX Been trying and wearing the FitBit now -- but will try to do better.

Zone 3: Mission #1 Monday

Clear off the Hotspots that have gathered on the back of the tub and the bathroom sink tops.

Guest/Extra Room:
Grab a bag and do a 27 fling boogie of things to throw away. The things that are obvious trash. We are not doing anything other than getting rid of things to toss. Set your timer for 15 minutes and do as many 27 flings as you can! Have fun with these missions!

XXX Did this, but needs lots more work.
Zone 3: Mission #2 Tuesday

For the Bathroom:

Check the supplies that are needed in your bathroom. Do you need toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, mouthwash, soap etc. Add these to your shopping list this week. Take a visual inventory to make sure you have what you need so one of your
family members are not stuck in the bathroom yelling for toilet paper, nothing says "I Love You" like plenty of toilet paper! LOL!

Guest/Extra Room:

Another 27 Fling Boogie but this time with things that need to be put away into other areas of the house. Get a box or bag and put the things that have obvious homes and place them in the box or bag. Then go deliver them to their proper homes.
Have fun!
Zone 3: Mission #3 Wednesday

Bathroom Mission: Today you are to wash your bathroom rugs, shower curtains and accessories. This will take longer than 15 minutes and for those of you that are working outside the home you may have to schedule this out over the next few days. In total to take the rugs to the machine and bring them back to the bathroom is less than 15 minutes but the wait time for the washing machine and dryer will take up some time.

Guest/Extra Room:

Back in we go - can we say 27 Fling again? This time we are going to gather up 27 things to give away. Things that have gotten tossed in this room that we no longer love, need or use. After you have completed this take the bag straight to the car to drop off at a donation location of your choice.
Zone 3: Mission #4 Thursday

For the bathroom today, take 10 minutes to toss old cosmetics and perfumes. If you have these items that you have not used for over a year but they are still hanging around, it is time to dump them.
Let's dump those lipsticks, mascaras and eye-shadows that we have held on to since high school and college. The key to what to not to keep is: If you have not worn anything in the past year then....... TOSS TOSS TOSS!
Most cosmetics have a limited shelf life and are harboring grounds for bacteria.This also applies to lotions and moisturizers.

For the Guest/Extra Room:

If you have noticed the trend that we are working on in this room - it is de-cluttering! With BabySteps. We are going back in this room for our last 27 fling boogie! Once again look for 27 things that need to be put away. Are there some clothing items that have been dumped? Coats that need to be hung up? Books that need to go back to the book shelf? Just 27 things put away
throughout the house back where they belong.
Zone 3: Mission #5 Friday

Today I want you to grab those old toothbrushes that you have just for cleaning and scrub those sink faucets and tub faucets. It is amazing how gross those faucets can get! Just a little soap and water with the toothbrush will make a huge difference! I know this is one of those missions that makes you groan but it takes less than 5 minutes to do and those faucets will shine!

For the Guest/Extra Room:

It does not mater if you still have clutter in this room, after this week of missions you have made a dent in it and you now know the BabySteps to use to continue de-cluttering. Today you are going to vacuum the floor. Even if there is only a little bit of floor showing that is fine. Just vacuum what you can. When we can see we are making progress we are able to stay motivated and not feel defeated.

Remember, Progress not Perfection!

I've had a repairman (the World's worst) here for days. He says he's done with the family bath -- my DH will have to redo the chalk. It looks so bad. Plus, crack fill. I'm going to have to sparkle and paint the walls, door and trim. I need to new blind and to sort the decoration and a medicine cabinet. I threw the cheap plastic one away.
It never ends mel! I need a new medicine cabinet too :(
I'm still ticking along but now I've the car I've been making the most of getting the kids out. The house isn't sitting like a show home anymore but I know about 2 days of housework will see it straight again. Downstairs isn't that bad that I couldn't let anyone in so making the most of the freedom & housework can go at a slower pace.
I'm still ticking along but now I've the car I've been making the most of getting the kids out. The house isn't sitting like a show home anymore but I know about 2 days of housework will see it straight again. Downstairs isn't that bad that I couldn't let anyone in so making the most of the freedom & housework can go at a slower pace.

Sounds reasonable -- you don't get these years back with the kids.
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I'm terrible for that. Mornings are housework afternoons are going out to visit people and places time! I can't stay in all day every day.
I'm terrible for that. Mornings are housework afternoons are going out to visit people and places time! I can't stay in all day every day.

It should be. I spend too much in this house. I didn't used to, but it seems to be my life. I need to make changes. Seriously.

Oh that note -- I'm leaving the Island again on the 28th. I'm getting in the car and driving my daughter to Germany. She might bring a friend, as might I... But we've had great times with just the two of us. And, we're going back to our old village to see our "peeps".
Next week's Fly Zone is Zone 4: Master bedroom/bath/closet - Third full week of the month.

My bedroom is pretty good, but I'll do the window and mirrored closets, dust and oil, and then scrub the bath. This bath was supposed to be renovated this week, but the plumber has done such a poor job of the family bath and a dreadful start on this one -- I don't think he's coming back. I'm not sure where this long-over due work stands.

I'm going to take photos of the family bath. Scrub it up (the workman made a real mess of it). We'll fix the poor grout and sealant work. We'll go get the specialized trim for the tub and install that. We'll patch the wall, sugar soap the door and trim and properly paint the walls with bathroom grade paint and the doors and trim with high gloss. We'll seal the grout as well. And after a week (at least) -- we'll put up the shower curtain and then hopefully the bat will be "set". Mind you we don't own this house and should not have to do this -- but the owner has never been good about fixing things. I'm taking photos, keeping m receipts and insisting he reimburse me for the materials. Free labor and good quality work -- is a bargain for him.

Then, we'll have to figure out about getting the en suite sorted. I want to remove the rest of the tiles from the flat surface. Level it and retile with plain white tiles that should look okay with the old ones that can't be sourced. Once that is sorted and the tub tiles cleaned and regrouped, plus the deal sorted (it's badly mildewed and we've redone it at least twice).

MinnieMel said:
It should be. I spend too much in this house. I didn't used to, but it seems to be my life. I need to make changes. Seriously.

Oh that note -- I'm leaving the Island again on the 28th. I'm getting in the car and driving my daughter to Germany. She might bring a friend, as might I... But we've had great times with just the two of us. And, we're going back to our old village to see our "peeps".

Good for you mel. It's good to step outside of the box from time to time. Gives you some perspective :)
This week's Fly Zone is Zone 4: Master bedroom/bath/closet - Third full week of the month.

I sorted and cleaned the bottom of DH's closet on Monday and put a new (better) shoe rack in it. I tossed one pair of shorts (very worn) and removed the ones that are too tight right now) to the "storage zone". He's agreed to do his shelves on the weekend.

The master bedroom is not too bad - but I'll get the glass cleaned, carpet vacuumed and perhaps do an underbed storage reorganize. (All part of BIG SPRING CLEAN.)

The en suite bath needs cleaning - but repairs will need to wait until after 1/2 term and the family bath sorting.


Monday Hamster Wheel:
DD (morning: breakfast, bag check, hearing equipment sorted, out to school/afternoon: oversee dog walk, piano practice, homework and swim lesson (had DS take her as friend with bad day came by for a cuppa).
Kitchen (floors, table and chairs cleaned, NEW RUGS IN PLACE (thanks to plumber), sink scrubbed and Brita filters properly cleaned.
Laundry (wash, dry, fold and put away ... In progress).
Dishes (emptied dishwasher, reload, put away all including hand washed).
Bathrooms checked and quick clean.
Compost, recycling and rubbish out.
Fitness: Went with the dog for a slow walk with the neighbor.
Declutter: Gave neighbor three doll heads (hairdressing toys) for her great G'daughters (she has 3) and some plant pots I'm not going to use any longer. Win-Win!
Dinner (Mediterranean chicken, cous cous).

Spring Clean: worked on DS's room. Have things to go to Thrift Store and tip ready. Moved some things, cleaned some things, but loads left to do.


Tuesday Hamster Wheel:
Kitchen (nothing)
Laundry (wash, dry, fold and IRONING AND MENDING by hand!)
Dishes (emptied dishwasher, reload, put away all including hand washed).
DD (morning: breakfast, bag check, hearing equipment sorted, out to school/afternoon: oversee dog walk, piano practice, homework and swimming gala).
Fitness: Dog out with the neighbor. I did ab work and KettleBells.
Declutter: put stuff in car to donate and rehung DS's washed and ironed curtains.
Dinner: steak and ale pie (bought at butcher's)

Errands: priced blinds and bought a pull down shade (Dunelm), priced paint, blinds, shades and bought white spirits (Wilkenson's), walked high street and bought cleaning supplies and toiletries (put in car), bought dinner at butcher, and bought food items at Sainbury's.

Spring Clean: worked a bit on upstairs, but not much.


Wednesday Hamster Wheel:
Kitchen (counters, glass and sideboard). DONE!!! And: cleared, cleaned, decluttered several drawers!!! DONE!
Bathrooms: downstairs loo cleaned! DONE!
Family Bathroom:
En Suite:
Laundry (dry, fold) DONE!
Dishes (emptied dishwasher, reload, put away all including hand washed). DONE!
DD (morning: breakfast, bag check, hearing equipment sorted, out to school/afternoon: oversee dog walk, piano practice, homework and swim practice -- if she wants to go). DONE!
Fitness: Dog walk with the neighbor. DONE!
And, ab work.
Declutter: sorted drawers in trash or to go bags DONE!
Dinner: steaks and cous cous DONE!

Errands: Avon paid, book returned

Spring Clean: Finish DS's room. DONE!

Anti-procrastination Day: delayed

XXXXXXXXXX: Thursday! (Updated)

Thursday Hamster Wheel:
Kitchen (usual tidy: rubbish, compost out plus some paper clutter)
Bathrooms: downstairs loo swish/swipe (DONE)
Family Bathroom:
En Suite:
Laundry (wash, dry, fold and put away) (Some Done)
Dishes (emptied dishwasher, reload, put away all including hand washed). (DONE!)
DD (morning: breakfast, bag check, hearing equipment sorted, out to school/afternoon: oversee dog walk, piano practice, homework and FREE DAY -- if she wants to go). (DONE!)
Fitness: Dog walk with the neighbor. (DONE!)
Declutter: Cleared, cleaned and decluttered a drawer (DONE)
Dinner: fajitas

Spring Clean:
Vacuum DS's room (Nope)
Work on storage room (BIG TIME)
moved cabinet downstairs and sorted DVDs and found several that go. Move wardrobe and hanging rail into "storage room" -- organized contents and got rid of a few items. Put formal dresses in dress bags (anti-procrastination). :)
Cleared, cleaned and decluttered a drawer (DONE)

** Anti-procrastination Day (supposed to be Wednesday) --
Call or online contact Sky and cancel multi-room. (DONE)
Sorted the "On Demand" which had stopped working. :) (DONE)
Repotted the living room plants and a kitchen plant that'd been outside suffering in the cold and wind for a few weeks now! Cleaned up the mess on the patio and kitchen floor from repotting. (DONE)

**Errands Day: nada

XXXXXXXXXX: Friday! (Updated)

Friday Hamster Wheel:
Kitchen (usual tidy: rubbish, compost out, plus some paper clutter)
Bathrooms: downstairs loo swish/swipe (Done)
Family Bathroom:
En Suite:
Laundry (wash, dry, fold and put away) (Done)
Dishes (emptied dishwasher, reload, put away all including hand washed). (Done)
DD (morning: breakfast, bag check, hearing equipment sorted, out to school/afternoon: oversee dog walk, piano practice, homework and swim practice).(Done)
Fitness: Dog walk with the neighbor. (Done)

Declutter: Cleared, cleaned and decluttered a few drawers and cupboards (Done)

Dinner: brats

Spring Clean:
Work on storage room (Done)
Work on craft room (Done)
Box up or shelve books to keep (Done)

** Anti-procrastination: sorted some videos to go. Sold textbooks back to Amazon and other website (made over $140 and £30).
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Saturday Hamster Wheel:

Kitchen (usual tidy: rubbish, compost out plus some paper clutter -- clean fridge in) DONE!
Vacuum Living Room
Bathrooms: downstairs loo swish/swipe DONE
Family Bathroom: clean properly, put stuff back and toss outdated or not used products
En Suite: clean properly, put stuff back and toss outdated or not used products
Laundry (wash, dry, fold and put away) DONE
Dishes (emptied dishwasher, reload, put away all including hand washed). (DONE!)
DD (morning: breakfast, dog walk, ice skating lesson, piano practice, homework and FREE Afternoon! (DONE)
Declutter: Cleared, cleaned and decluttered a drawer, shelf, cupboard DONE
Lunch/Dinner: DONE

Spring Clean:

Vacuum DS's room
Work on storage room
Work on craft room

** Anti-procrastination Day (supposed to be Wednesday) --
Do errands! (DONE)

**ERRANDS DONE: food shop, bank for Euros and transferred funds, possibly post office check and mail out, thrift store and library drop off, recycling center (DONE)
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Sunday is supposed to be renew your spirit day. I'd like it to be a family day, as well, but I have loads to do.

Sunday Hamster Wheel:

Kitchen (usual tidy)
Vacuum Living Room (DONE)
Bathrooms: downstairs loo swish/swipe
Family Bathroom: clean properly, put stuff back and toss outdated or not used products
En Suite: clean properly, put stuff back and toss outdated or not used products
Vacuum Whole House or as much as possible
Laundry (wash, dry, fold and put away)
Dishes (emptied dishwasher, reload, put away all including hand washed). (DONE!)
DD -- morning: breakfast, dog walk (DONE) Homework, Piano Practice and Packing
Declutter: Cleared, cleaned and decluttered a drawer, shelf, cupboard

Buy Water for car, get petrol, clean and get it sorted for trip.

Spring Clean:

Work on storage room
Work on craft room
Work on Dining Room

** Anti-procrastination Day (supposed to be Wednesday) --
Pay BX, buy petrol and water, clean and organize car, finish trip plans...
I'll be away, but just in case anyone is reading this thread - here is next weeks' sort your house, stay busy and stick to your diet plan:

Zone 5: Living Room this week, we have a full week in Zone 5: the Living Room

Mission #1 Monday

Today, I want you to spend 15 minutes getting rid of anything that does not belong in your living room. Things that have gotten thrown in a corner, on a chair, or even the floor. The things that you almost don't even see because they have just become part of the room, get it out! If it does not belong there then out it goes!

This does not mean that you have to spend three hours in your living room, do what you can do for 15 minutes and then stop!
Zone 5: Mission #2 Tuesday

For today you are to take 5 minutes and dust the decorative items in your living room. The picture frames, lamps and knick knacks; this is a detailed dusting. Turn on the music and move quickly, you will be amazed at how fast you can to this!!!
Zone 5: Mission #3 Wednesday

It is Anti-Procrastination Day and today we are going after the neglected areas of our living room/family room. Grab a feather duster or dust rag and go after the tops of door jambs, tops ofpictures, moulding, windows, corners of the ceiling and the tops of
your curtains.
Zone 5: Mission #4 Thursday

It is time for a 27 Fling!! Take 5 minutes to fling your way through the Living Room! Nothing too hard here folks, just that old 27 Fling Boogie! Grab that trash bag and release yourself from things that are causing clutter! Toss those magazines and newspapers! Toss that Junk Mail!!
Zone 5: Mission #5 Friday

Today, let's have a quick vacuuming session. This means to vacuum the room in the center getting as close to baseboards and furniture as you can (without actually moving the furniture out of the way). This is not a detailed vacuum, just a quick one. Don't obsess, this will take less than 10 minutes. Have fun and don't get sidetracked!
Hey MinnieMel, I'm still reading. Have got myself back on SW so reading MM more regularly again. I've been continuing with the fly lady basics, but need to start doing the zones again. Was lovely to come back from camping to a nice clean kitchen and bathroom and knowing I'd got all my ironing out of the way before I left though. :)

Have a nice day/week. Where are you off to, anywhere good?
Despite feeling ill all day I got the main bathroom cleaned. Weather has been too nice to stay in & clean -this is probably the northern Ireland summer!

Sent from ARCHOS tablet :)

We dropped DD's friend at her house on our way home and were able to remove her stuff from the car without disturbing ours. I handed her mum the carrier bag of laundry and informed her that we'd done most of the laundry the night before -- having started the washers, gone to get dinner to go, returned to dry, fold and go.
So, the suitcases have only clean laundry! She was impressed!

Every time we stopped the car (petrol, leg stretch, etc.) we did a quickly tidy. The car will need to be vacuumed, wiped down, the glass cleaned and washed -- but at least it's not a moving bin!

Our car is unloaded and the little bit of laundry washed or in progress. Most of the things are put away -- including gift items (I bought DH some wine and beer) and I'll unpack the suitcases and return them to storage today.

DD has homework to finish for Tuesday (she'd gotten most of it done before we left) and other homework that is due Thursday that we need to do.

I had DD call "the boys" from the EuroTunnel UK side to let them know we'd be home in about 3 hours -- and they "tidied up". I'd left the house pretty clean and they "know better". So, dishes were washed, a few groceries bought, kitchen floor swept, and not too bad overall.

Tomorrow, I'll be hopping back on the "Hamster Wheel of Housework" full stop (or should I say "restart").

Hey MinnieMel, I'm still reading. Have got myself back on SW so reading MM more regularly again. I've been continuing with the fly lady basics, but need to start doing the zones again. Was lovely to come back from camping to a nice clean kitchen and bathroom and knowing I'd got all my ironing out of the way before I left though. :)

Have a nice day/week. Where are you off to, anywhere good?

It's is nice to come home only need to sort the trip mess. :)

Planning another de-clutter mission of my house -don't know where it's all come from again!

I'm STILL working on my house. I seem to "redo" areas and never get to some. I AM going to set up a Control Journal and I'll create my own zones.

I'm a bit house confined this week due to rainy half term and work being done on garden. I want to chill out a bit myself, but will do a bit of decluttering too hopefully.: -)

I hope you did -- I find it "freeing". As the FlyLady says, "You can't clean clutter!"

Despite feeling ill all day I got the main bathroom cleaned. Weather has been too nice to stay in & clean -this is probably the northern Ireland summer!

Sent from ARCHOS tablet :)

I hope you enjoyed the weather and are taking care of yourself and the "baby on board".
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I'm Back and plan to "Breeze" through this Zone to find time to do last week's...but I'll "jump in" right here -- as the FlyLady recommends. :)

Sneak Peek for the Week: June 03 - June 08, 2013: This Week we are in: Zone 2 - The Kitchen

This month's Habit - Drinking Your Water

Zone 2: Mission #1 Monday

We are in the Kitchen this week and we are going to work our way through from top to bottom!!

Your mission for today is to look UP! Today we are going to look up, set your timer for 10 minutes and take a broom or duster and get those dusties and cobwebs that are hanging on the upper walls that are taller than you, the corners of the ceilings and the ceiling. If you are feeling adventurous ask someone in the house to help you and take a damp rag to the light fixture and/or ceiling fan. Please be careful!! Check out the top of your refrigerator as well. I am always so floored at how much dust accumulates on top of the fridge!! Don't get obsessed and take your light fixture apart or repaint the ceiling! Babysteps!!!!
Zone 2: Mission # 2 Tuesday

Back to the kitchen we go! Your mission for today is to wipe down the doors of your cabinets. Use a damp rag and wipe down the fronts and the edges of your cabinets. This is really a simple thing to do but we have a tendency to ignore the cabinets because there is always so much more going on in the kitchen. Finger prints and grease attach themselves to the cabinets and make them a little sticky. A good wipe down will make such a difference. Remember we are taking babysteps!!! Small little missions that add up to a shiny kitchen.
Zone 2: Mission #3 Wednesday

It is Anti-Procrastination day we are diving into the refrigerator! Grab your trash can and take it over to the refrigerator and throw open the door. First toss out any leftovers that have gotten pushed to the back and have now started to turn into a science project. Second, check the fruit/vegetable drawers and toss what no longer is appealing to eat. Third, check the meat and cheese drawer, check the expiration dates on your items in there and toss what needs to go. Fourth, check out the doors of the fridge, toss the empty condiment jars and bottles that always seem to magically go back into the fridge when empty, but when full get left on the counter. Recycle what you can!

Last, grab a damp rag and wipe down the shelves. Do not take every single thing out of your refrigerator and then take the shelves out to clean them. Just wipe them down. How many times have we decided to tear the fridge apart and three hours later we would rather move out than ever do it again.

Don't let yourself get sidetracked!! Enjoy your sparkling refrigerator!
Zone 2: Mission #4 Thursday

It has come to the time to go after those counter tops!! Your mission for today is to scrub those counter tops. Not just the average wipe down that we do after dinner. Now it is very easy to make this task overwhelming but if you take this slow and easy you can do this! DO NOT TAKE EVERYTHING OFF OF THE COUNTERS AT ONE TIME!!!! I promise you will get sidetracked. You just move your toaster (or coffee pot or whatever this is an example here! :>) ) over to one side and wipe down the counter, then move over a foot or so, move aside what is there and wipe down some more and so on. We are not marathon cleaning the kitchen here, just getting all the crumbs and junk that seems to build up behind and under things.

Don't obsess! Enjoy!
Zone 2: Mission # 5 Friday

Today is our last day in the Kitchen!! For today I want you to grab your broom and your mop. Sweep your kitchen floor really well and then mop. There are several ways to mop a kitchen floor and no real wrong way. Hot soapy water and wipe. There is no "perfect" mop and no "perfect" way to do it. Just Do It!

Don't obsess and get caught up in perfection! It won't matter if you don't mop the way your Mother did as long as you do it. Remember House work done incorrectly still blesses your family!
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Welcome back MinnieMel. Glad you had a nice trip and are all on top of it.
Sadly I got very little done. So much mess was getting trodden in and out of the house that it was barely worth it. So a couple of jobs today, but as I'm generally on top of things, it should take only an hour or so.