de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

Tuesday, June 11, 2013.

Daily Focus Tuesday: Planning
On Tuesdays, We take some time out to Plan our week. Planning means taking time to look at next week and see what we can do to make things easier for us during the next week. Here are some things we can do to plan:

Menu planning
Activities planning
Date Night and Family Fun Time planning
Wardrobe planning
Checking prescriptions to see what needs to be refilled
And anything else you might need to plan. There are tons of things we can do to save ourselves time later!

We also get to have lots of fun on Tuesdays. This is where the play part comes from. When our planning is finished, we get to go play! Spend the rest of the day doing something fun just for you. See that movie you've been wanting to see, take a long bath with a good book, or get out and have some fun at the gym. Whatever makes you happy! This is all about you.

"See what you can do this week to make next week easier!" ~ FlyLady

Zone 3: Mission #2 Tuesday

We are back in the bathroom and your mission for today is to clean our your bathroom trash can. Use the tub to fill the can with hot water and add some general purpose cleaner or dish soap. Let it soak and then scrub the bottom, the sides and the outside. Turn it over and let it dry in the tub and then put it back before someone needs to bathe and ends up taking a shower with the trash can! Have fun! This is so simple and makes a difference!

Your mission for the kids room is challenge them to a 27 Fling Boogie! You know your kids - if 27 is going to be too much then scale it back, if they are small have them choose three toys that are broken or missing pieces and throw those away. Then have them choose three things that they no longer play with to bless another child with.
Choose the number based on their age and maturity. Use BabySteps, remember that this is a teaching moment - not a battle.

No kids? Do a 27 Fling Boogie in a room of your choice! Do it fast and don't look back!

XX my cans a cleaned regularly -- I'll try and get the ensuite cleaned today. Plus, I need to finish vacuuming downstairs, do the stairs and vacuum upstairs. I want to wipe down the banister and kitchen cabinets, too.

But, first I need to get ready for aqua fit and dropping my car off for its MOT.

Kitchen tidy (dishes) X
Swish & Swipe X
Laundry (wash, dry, fold and put away) X

Drop car
Walk to get son's car
Go by house grab swim kit
Go to Aqua Fit
Go home -- sort, do whatever
Swap cars at 1 for MOT on son's car
Errands: mail (out/pick up)
Grocery shop
Back home -- sort dinner
Today I shall try to keep laundry & dishes ticking over. Too tired for hardcore cleaning.
The kids rooms are tidy so no need to mission them. Bathroom needs cleaned again though thanks to C's gel soap!

Sent from ARCHOS tablet :)
So far:

laundry on
dishwasher on
counters wiped down
dining table wiped down
kitchen floor swept
hall floor & powder room swept
shoes rearranged in hall
living room floor swept
cushions straightened etc & toys tidied
tax credits form filled (just need C's signature, make a copy & post)

now having a cup of peppermint tea while J screams in his room & K sits in hers for time out -I have had enough of the fighting & squabbling this morning!
So far:

laundry on
dishwasher on
counters wiped down
dining table wiped down
kitchen floor swept
hall floor & powder room swept
shoes rearranged in hall
living room floor swept
cushions straightened etc & toys tidied
tax credits form filled (just need C's signature, make a copy & post)

now having a cup of peppermint tea while J screams in his room & K sits in hers for time out -I have had enough of the fighting & squabbling this morning!

Lots accomplished! Well done!
Lots accomplished! Well done!

Thanks :) Also managed to move wash to dryer & clean the hob & hood.

Getting there! Downstairs looks good -clean, de-cluttered.

The kids rooms just need vacuumed which I'm not supposed to do but it is beginning to bother me! My room needs clothes put away again & C needs to sort his side of the bed (bloody fire hazard but it'll be him who gets trapped)! Main bathroom needs scrubbed again.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013.

Daily Focus: ANTI-Procrastination Day! So, I'll try and finish Monday's Daily Planning and Tuesday's, too! :D

Daily Focus Tuesday: Planning

On Tuesdays, We take some time out to Plan our week. Planning means taking time to look at next week and see what we can do to make things easier for us during the next week. Here are some things we can do to plan:

Menu planning, make vet and doctor's appointments, book son's flight and get him to do his medical info, mail niece's graduation card, prep for posting UK packages, dog groomer appointment...

Zone 3: Mission #3 Wednesday

It is Anti-procrastination Day! It is time to take a look into the medicine cabinets and toss the empty bottles and boxes that are taking up space. While you are doing this also take a look at the expiration dates on the medicines that are there. If you have some that need to be gotten rid of take care of that as well. Grab a damp rag and wipe down the shelves. Don't take everything out, just lift,wipe and put back. If you are unsure of how to dispose of medicines in your area, contact your local department of public works or pharmacy for instructions. THIS WAS DONE RECENTLY -- BUT I'LLCHECK AGAIN.

For the kids room - Throw open the sock drawer and start flinging! (I NEED TO GLEAN SOCKS -- we have loads -- I'VE DONE THIS RECENTLY, BUT IT NEEDS REVISITING)

ALSO... Do a Hot spot Fire Drill in the room of your choice! (I NEED TO WORK ON THE "Art Area").



Your mission for the kids room is challenge them to a 27 Fling Boogie! You know your kids - if 27 is going to be too much then scale it back, if they are small have them choose three toys that are broken or missing pieces and throw those away. Then have them choose three things that they no longer play with to bless another child with.
Choose the number based on their age and maturity. Use BabySteps, remember that this is a teaching moment - not a battle.

AND THIS: v Do a 27 Fling Boogie in a room of your choice! Do it fast and don't look back!

Kitchen tidy (dishes) X
Swish & Swipe X
Laundry (wash, dry, fold and put away) -- NEED TO FINISH THIS and have a mountain of ironing (tomorrow)
Today is Thursday, June 14! It's Errand Day!

This week we are in Zone 3: The Bathroom and One Extra Room

This month's Habit is: Drinking Water

* Morning Routine:

* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth X
* - Make Bed x
* -Swish & Swipe x
* -Empty Dishwasher x
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away) xxx

* -Check Your Calendar x

* -Check Your Control Journal (working on one)

* What's For Dinner? Meatballs

* Drink Your Water (working on it)

* Declutter for 15 Minutes x

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) (need to do this)

Zone 3: Mission #4 Thursday

The bathroom sink is calling you! Let's shine our bathroom sinks and counter tops. Scrub the sink and the faucets, wipe down with Windex (remember to be careful that you are not mixing Windex with any bleach products, make sure you rinse very well before using the Windex). Take time to wipe down your counter tops and give them a shine as well.

For the kids room - get a damp cloth and wipe off the fingerprints from the light switch plates, door and door knobs. If your child is old enough show them how to do this and let them! It does not have to be perfect. Remember if you make cleaning something negative they will always think of cleaning up as something terrible and that they never did it right!

Pick a room of your choice and do one more Hot Spot fire drill. Get in there and put out the heat!

Daily Focus Thursday
Errand Day
Thursday at FlyLady is Errand Day. We use this day to get out and run whatever errands we need to do for the week. Make a list of wherever you need to go and whatever you need to do during the day today and then get to it. This can include:

Grocery shopping
Doctor appointments
Dentist appointments
School shopping
Dropping the clothes off at the cleaner
And tons of other things. If it needs to be done outside the house, today is the day to do it. Make a list of these things and check them off as you do them.
Still not flying to plan but...

We got the shopping
technically I did errands because I posted back my tax credits form; collected K's school uniform from M&S and baby bedding from Mothercare
I've had the dishwasher unloaded, reloaded & on
gathered laundry up from around the house
cleaned the downstairs again
made an order which was collected the same day
put the trash out

not a bad day actually
Oh I do so agree! How I need to join you de-clutterers!
Ok I need to start this.What is Mondays tasks?

The general Monday task is to do a mini clean (the lingo escapes me at this time of the morning). Basically you sweep the entire house in an hour -a quick dust, vacuum etc. No detailed cleaning!

Today is also the main bedroom - 15 mins decluttering, moving stuff that doesn't belong there.

Sent from ARCHOS tablet :)
Done both in the hour.:)
Brought back a suitcase of old clothes from the house and usually it would be sat there for a couple of days but I have sorted through it.Hanged what I'm keeping and bagged whats going to charity.
Vacuumed,dusted through house.:)
Washing done now in dryer.:)

Now what to do for the rest of the day.

Home Blessing! Sorry couldn't think this morning.

Feels good doesn't it?! I've swept the downstairs floors & tidied the livingroom; taken out trash etc. I need to unload the dishwasher & load again. I also need to get some laundry moving.

I also cooked pork loins for later.

Not my usual list of things but I'm slowly keeping the house ticking over :)
This Week we are in: Zone 4 - The Master Bedroom

This month's Habit - Drinking Your Water

Zone 4: Mission #1 Monday

Dear Friends:

Today I want you to spend 15 minutes getting rid of anything that does not belong in your bedroom. Things that have gotten thrown in a corner, on a chair or even the floor. The things that you almost don't even see because they have just become part of the room, get it out! If it does not belong there then out it goes!

This does not mean that you have to spend three hours in your bedroom, do what you can do for 15 minutes.


Zone 4: Mission # 2 Tuesday

Dear Friends:

Today is the day to attack the clothes pile. Now you all know what I am talking about. This pile is either on a chair, on top of the hamper, dresser or at the foot of your bed. Set your timer for 15 minutes and grab some hangers or start folding. While you are doing this do not hang up or fold something that you hate! This is the time to let it go!! If you do not love it, send it right out the


Zone 4: Mission #3 Wednesday

Dear Friends,

Wednesday is Anti-procrastination Day. We are going to straighten up the floor of your closet! No more putting this off!!!!

Do you think you have too many shoes? While you are lining up your shoes; pick two pair to give away or throw away. The next time you are looking for the pair of shoes that match your outfit, you will smile because you will be able to find them without getting down on your hands and knees. This will put another smile on your face and keep your hair from getting messed up!

Practice smiling!


Zone 4: Mission #4 Thursday

Dear Friends:

This week, we have been tackling clutter in our bedrooms. So, today we are going to clean off the nightstands!! Get the tissues, cups and stuff that has piled up, toss and put away. The grab a feather duster or dust rag and dust the surface. Place a pretty candle or picture there. Something that is
new to that spot that you love to see.

Waking up and not seeing a pile of things on the nightstand and a pile of clothes will make your morning a little brighter!


Zone 4: Mission # 5 Friday

Dear Friends:

Today is the last day in the Master Bedroom. Take 15 minutes to declutter your dresser. Get the things off the top of your dresser that you have placed there that you were going to put away later. Later is now. Take the time to take care of this; it really makes a great difference.


Ah my little convert! Well done, Mama Bear! ;)

My phone ist kaput. I'll not be on as much until I sort it.

Home blessing Hour (vacuum open ares - don't move stuff. Light dust.clear hot spots. Gather all rubbish -- empty cans.

Then dailies: empty dishwasher, reload. Start laundry (load a day...), swish and swipe...

Then Zone task.

Tuesday is planning (meals, holidays, appointments, etc.)
Wednesday (anti-procrastination)
Thursday (errands -- including food shop)
Friday (clean out your car and handbag)
It's amazing how much easier it is to keep the house clean if you tidy up after yourself throughout the day, and spend 10/20 minutes a day cleaning instead of having major afternoon-long sessions!
Re: de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

Im still ticking along but toilet training son has taken over. Eldest has finished nursery so it's almost summer -1 dance class party to get up for. Looking forward to organising days to suit my family instead of school, clubs etc. I'm planning lots of summer fun for the wee ones before school starts & baby arrives.
Sorry I was MIA! Started a new job and I can't be on the internet. When I get off I'm ready for bed.

I'm back to baby stepping (trying to!) with this new schedule. I really need to declutter my desk today and do some extra work in the kitchen like clean out the fridge.

I think I found the second greatest motivator!:) Waking up and realizing you finished the laundry the night before!!
Im still ticking along but toilet training son has taken over. Eldest has finished nursery so it's almost summer -1 dance class party to get up for. Looking forward to organising days to suit my family instead of school, clubs etc. I'm planning lots of summer fun for the wee ones before school starts & baby arrives.

YAY for summer days!
Monday, July 1st.

Today is Monday: Weekly Home Blessing Hour

This week we are in Zone 1: The Entrance, Front Porch and Dining Room
June Habit: Drinking Water
July Habit: Swish & Swipe

* Morning Routine:
* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth (Wearing painting clothes, but will walk dog, do Betty Rocker, then paint -- then shower, dress, start dinner, do home blessing and zone task.)
* - Make Bed X
* -Swish & Swipe Xx
* -Empty Dishwasher X
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away) X

* -Check Your Calendar X (Vet Appt -- afternoon, homework DD and Science Test tomorrow)

* -Check Your Control Journal X (Not together -- but I need to check that the new tax disk is in place)

* What's For Dinner? X (Beef in slow cooker)

* Drink Your Water (will buy new bottle)

* Declutter for 15 Minutes (Will set timer and work in living room and/ or kitchen)

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) (Starting "Betty Rocker")

* Before Bed Routine:
* -Lay out Your Clothes for tomorrow
* -Check Your Calendar
* -Put things needed for tomorrow at the Launch Pad
* -Where are your Keys?
* -Spend Two Minutes Clearing off a Hot Spot
* -Shine Your Sink
* - Wash face/Brush Teeth
* -Go to Bed at a Decent Hour

Zone 1: Mission #1 Monday

We are in Zone 1 this week, that is the Front Porch, the Entrance area and the Dining Room.

Today you are to sweep your front porch area around your front door. Shake out your welcome mats and wipe down your front door. This makes a huge difference in how your home looks. We have a tendency to neglect this area and yet it is the first thing that people see when they come to your home.

Spend 15 minutes taking care of this, you will be pleased with the results!
Dinner in slow cooker -- even remembered to turn it on. Dog walked. Going to do 30 Day Shred in lieu of Betty Rocker as vid not through -- that way I started today as promised. Then it's wash dog, self, go to vet - hope to paint tonight. Time has slipped away -