de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

April 22, 2013

Today is Monday: Weekly Home Blessing Hour

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom

This month's Habit is: Making Your Bed

* Morning Routine:

* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth
* - Make Bed
* -Swish & Swipe
* -Empty Dishwasher
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away)

* -Check Your Calendar

* -Check Your Control Journal

* What's For Dinner?

* Drink Your Water

* Declutter for 15 Minutes

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise)

Zone 4: Mission #1 Monday

Ahhhh the Master Bedroom!! This is the one room that seems to get things tossed into it when you can't find any other place to put something away.

Your mission for today is to set your timer for 15 minutes and gather up some things that just don't belong in your bedroom. Spend 5 minutes gathering and 10 minutes on a delivery mission to either put things away or toss them in the trash!!

No obsessing or criticizing yourself as to why these things are there, just focus on getting them OUT!!!
Hi, can I join you all. My house is getting more and more cluttered, I am not too bad at clearing downstairs but upstairs is a total mess, not helped by older kids who are at college and leave their rooms in a total tip. It took me 6 trips up and down the stairs this morning just to bring down dirty dishes from their rooms, and that is just stuff from Fri. rather than stressing out all the time and feeling overwhelmed by it all I am going to take baby steps as flylady says. I have decided I am going to set the timer for 15 mins every hour today and see what headway I can make.
Really pleased with myself, I gave totally tinned downstairs, kitchen us sparkling and so is utility room, other than clothes to be put away need to make space it them upstairs. It usually takes me all morning to do this because I get distracted....15 min timer is a great drs. Just going to sit down and have my breakfast,then I will venture upstairs...eek.
How come, some days I'm so energetic and infusiastic to de clutter and do housework. Next day I opulent give a stuff and do minimum!

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Stolen Mel's breakdown:

April 22, 2013

Today is Monday: Weekly Home Blessing Hour Tidied up before bed last night as I have a tots group on a Monday

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom

This month's Habit is: Making Your Bed

* Morning Routine:

* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth Done
* - Make Bed Done
* -Swish & Swipe
* -Empty Dishwasher Just on will empty when done
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away) Not enough for a wash yet

* -Check Your Calendar Done

* -Check Your Control Journal I use mine more long term, day to day I use the calendar

* What's For Dinner? Salmon & veg for me, fish fingers & potato shapes for the kids with veg

* Drink Your Water Working on it

* Declutter for 15 Minutes Nothing to declutter

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) I walked briskly on the treadmill for 15 mins this morning

Zone 4: Mission #1 Monday

Ahhhh the Master Bedroom!! This is the one room that seems to get things tossed into it when you can't find any other place to put something away.

Your mission for today is to set your timer for 15 minutes and gather up some things that just don't belong in your bedroom. Spend 5 minutes gathering and 10 minutes on a delivery mission to either put things away or toss them in the trash!!

No obsessing or criticizing yourself as to why these things are there, just focus on getting them OUT!!! This was done last week but I do have some clean laundry to be put away

Hi, can I join you all. My house is getting more and more cluttered, I am not too bad at clearing downstairs but upstairs is a total mess, not helped by older kids who are at college and leave their rooms in a total tip. It took me 6 trips up and down the stairs this morning just to bring down dirty dishes from their rooms, and that is just stuff from Fri. rather than stressing out all the time and feeling overwhelmed by it all I am going to take baby steps as flylady says. I have decided I am going to set the timer for 15 mins every hour today and see what headway I can make.

Hi, babysteps is the Flylady moto :) Can you give penalties for the college kids not helping? My mom used to threaten to take bin bags in to throw all our stuff away if we didn't clean our rooms -it worked cause she meant it :)

Really pleased with myself, I gave totally tinned downstairs, kitchen us sparkling and so is utility room, other than clothes to be put away need to make space it them upstairs. It usually takes me all morning to do this because I get distracted....15 min timer is a great drs. Just going to sit down and have my breakfast,then I will venture upstairs...eek.

Well done, that's great so far :)

How come, some days I'm so energetic and infusiastic to de clutter and do housework. Next day I opulent give a stuff and do minimum!

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Try to follow the flylady tasks if you can. 15mins a day really keeps things under control:)
All of my clothes & the kids clothes have been put away :)

Just the man child to sort but I'm holding my breath for a miracle that he'll actually do them.

Time to empty the dishwasher, make dinner & get kids ready for bed before sw weigh in :)

Sent from ARCHOS tablet :)
UPDATING: The week at a Glance: April 21 - 25, 2013

Zone 4: Mission #1 Monday

Ahhhh the Master Bedroom!! This is the one room that seems to get things tossed into it when you can't find any other place to put something away.

Your mission for today is to set your timer for 15 minutes and gather up some things that just don't belong in your bedroom. Spend 5 minutes gathering and 10 minutes on a delivery mission to either put things away or toss them in the trash!!

No obsessing or criticizing yourself as to why these things are there, just focus on getting them OUT!!!

NOTE: Monday is also "Home Blessing Hour". NOT DONE, YET!
Zone 4: Mission #2 Tuesday

Today is the day to attack the clothes pile. Now you all know what I am talking about. This pile is either on a chair, on top of the hamper, dresser or at the foot of your bed. Set your timer for 15 minutes and grab some hangers or start folding. While you are doing this do not hang up or fold something that you hate! This is the time to let it go!! If you do not love it, send it right out the door!
Today is Wednesday: Anti-Procrastination Day

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom

This month's Habit is: Making Your Bed X

* Morning Routine:

* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth X
* - Make Bed X
* -Swish & Swipe X
* -Empty Dishwasher X
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away) X

* -Check Your Calendar X

* -Check Your Control Journal. DON'T HAVE

* What's For Dinner? KABOBS

* Drink Your Water X (started)

* Declutter for 15 Minutes X

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) NOT YET

Zone 4: Mission #3 Wednesday

It is Anti-Procrastination Day and we are going to clean off the nightstands!! Get the tissues, cups and stuff that has piled up;
toss and put away. Then grab a feather duster or dust rag and dust the surfaces. Place a pretty candle or picture there. Something that is new to that spot that you love to see.

Waking up and not seeing a pile of things on the nightstand and a pile of clothes will make your morning a little brighter!

PS : If you have some extra pretty, nice sheets for your bed, make sure they are washed and ready for Friday's mission.
This means pillow cases and blankets also.

XXX The master bedroom and en suite were very thoroughly cleaned yesterday. These two zones are sorted.

For "anti-procrastination" I'm going to return something I've needed to do for a few weeks, send some emails (including scanned documents), plus check my base mailbox.

I still need to do the "Home Blessing" and have the usually never ending lists.
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Where'd we all go? Yesterday was the usual cleaning, an hour of yoga (which I'm in agony from) & a visit from a friend & her kids.

Today is Wednesday
: Anti-Procrastination Day

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom
This month's Habit is: Making Your Bed
* Morning Routine:
* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth Done
* - Make Bed Done all three
* -Swish & Swipe Done main bathroom & powder room
* -Empty Dishwasher loaded & put on
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away) Load in dryer & new load in washer

* -Check Your Calendar Done
* -Check Your Control Journal I don't use mine daily
* What's For Dinner? Turkey dinner
* Drink Your Water Working on it
* Declutter for 15 Minutes De-clutter top of microwave & put new one in place
* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) Done treadmill

​I've vacuumed the bedrooms, landing & stairs too.
Zone 4: Mission #3 Wednesday

Dear Friends:

It is Anti-Procrastination Day and we are going to clean off the
nightstands!! Get the tissues, cups and stuff that has piled up;
toss and put away. Then grab a feather duster or dust rag and
dust the surfaces. Place a pretty candle or picture there.
Something that is new to that spot that you love to see.

Waking up and not seeing a pile of things on the nightstand
and a pile of clothes will make your morning a little brighter!


PS : If you have some extra pretty, nice sheets for your bed,
make sure they are washed and ready for Friday's mission.
This means pillow cases and blankets also.

​Nightstands are clean from big clean last week. New bedding is ready for Friday :)
Or you could start today...even if you just picked your folder out. Remember it doesn't need to be perfect so don't waste time typing etc just write on paper & stick in the folder :)

I have all the materials -- I've even printed things. I can't today because I am going to be driving 1.5 hours round trip to go and spend a couple of hours visiting someone silly enough to move to the boonies and is now very bored and lonely. Sigh! I really like her and admire her -- but I'd rather be "doing" something. She won't work out, doesn't like to shop (even just window shop, doesn't craft, it isn't interested in museums, gardens, the cinema, read books, etc. ) we'll be sitting drinking tea and talking about our kids -- whilst I keep trying not to think about everything I need to do.

I might get her to walk her dog with me.
I have all the materials -- I've even printed things. I can't today because I am going to be driving 1.5 hours round trip to go and spend a couple of hours visiting someone silly enough to move to the boonies and is now very bored and lonely. Sigh! I really like her and admire her -- but I'd rather be "doing" something. She won't work out, doesn't like to shop (even just window shop, doesn't craft, it isn't interested in museums, gardens, the cinema, read books, etc. ) we'll be sitting drinking tea and talking about our kids -- whilst I keep trying not to think about everything I need to do.

I might get her to walk her dog with me.

Tomorrow's another day so just go & enjoy yourself :)

Sent from ARCHOS tablet :)

Today is Wednesday: Anti-Procrastination Day

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom. ALL DONE

This month's Habit is: Making Your Bed X

* Morning Routine:

* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth X
* - Make Bed X
* -Swish & Swipe X
* -Empty Dishwasher X
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away) X

* -Check Your Calendar X

* -Check Your Control Journal. DON'T HAVE

* What's For Dinner? KABOBS

* Drink Your Water X (started)

* Declutter for 15 Minutes X

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) X (extra dog walk)

Zone 4: Mission #3 Wednesday

It is Anti-Procrastination Day: I packed up fancy dress costumes to mail to DD's younger cousins. I had other errands -- but then tomorrow is errand day.

XXX The master bedroom and en suite were very thoroughly cleaned yesterday. These two zones are sorted.

For "anti-procrastination" I'm going to return something I've needed to do for a few weeks, send some emails (including scanned documents), plus check my base mailbox. (I DIDN'T -- BUT I WILL TOMORROW.)

I still need to do the "Home Blessing" and have the usually never ending lists. (TOMORROW)
April 25, 2013
Today is Thursday: Errand Day

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom. THIS IS DONE

This month's Habit is: Making Your Bed. ALWAYS

* Morning Routine:

* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth X
* - Make Bed X
* -Swish & Swipe XX
* -Empty Dishwasher X
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away) XXX

* -Check Your Calendar X

* -Check Your Control Journal DON'T HAVE

* What's For Dinner? GRILLING BURGERS & SAUSAGES (I had tuna)

* Drink Your Water XXX

* Declutter for 15 Minutes X

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) X

Zone 4: Mission #4 Thursday

Dear Friends:

Yesterday we worked on the nightstands and today we are going after the dressers! Get rid of anything that is not necessary! Instead of a pile up of cosmetics, place them in a Ziploc bag and then store them in a drawer when not in use. For perfumes and colognes, toss what you no longer use and place your favorites on a pretty tray, plate or mirror. Keep this space neat and clutter free, you will love to wake up to the flat surfaces in your bedroom.

ERRAND DAY: bank, post office -- mailed a box & collected mail, food shop, dropped off gift, spoke with friend, called a friend, returned an item... Could have done more, but it was a lovely day (too lovely to waste on errands).
UPDATING: Friday, April 26, 2013

Today is Friday: De-Clutter Your Purse and Car Day. (Plan to vacuum it out and wash it) -- DIDN'T DO THE CAR :(

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom. DONE

This month's Habit is: Making Your Bed. ALWAYS

* Morning Routine:

* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth X
* - Make Bed X
* -Swish & Swipe X
* -Empty Dishwasher XX
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away) XX

* -Check Your Calendar X

* -Check Your Control Journal. DON'T HAVE

* What's For Dinner? Leftovers

* Drink Your Water XXX

* Declutter for 15 Minutes X

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) I DID LESLEY 2 MILES!!!

Zone 4: Mission #5 Friday. DONE

Today is the day to remake your bed. This may take a little longer than usual but so well worth it. Strip your bed and remake it. Get someone to help you flip the mattress, if you can't, then try just to turn it around. If you have some fabric spray that you like,spray your mattress and pillows. Then place those crisp freshly washed sheets and blanket on. Take extra care when making the bed. Really tuck those corners in and fluff the pillows. An extra tip is to toss your pillow in the dryer for added freshness and fluff. Use your bedspread or comforter and make up the rest of the bed. Take your time and know how much you will enjoy getting into your bed tonight and how wonderful it will feel.

Maybe tonight you will go to bed a little earlier or stay in bed a little longer tomorrow morning just taking some time to enjoy something so simple yet rewarding.


Master Bathroom Detailed Cleaning List

Wash area rugs DON'T HAVE
Straighten up makeup OTHER BATH
Straighten drawer cabinets DONE
Clean shower/stall demold. DONE

Master Bedroom Detail Cleaning List

Polish Furniture X
Clean off the desks DON'T HAVE
Clean cobwebs X
Wash mattress pad/dust ruffle DONE RECENTLY
Flip mattress DONE RECENTLY --And we turn don't flip it's a pillow top
Empty trash X
Wash windows X
Cull some books from bookcase SORTED AND DISCUSSED CULL
Straighten drawers X
Clean under the bed DONE RECENTLY

Closet Detailed Cleaning List

Straighten the top shelves NOT NEEDED
Arrange the shoes DONE RECENTLY
Take Suitcases to basement DONE LAST WEEK TO GARAGE (except ones we store under the bed)
Dust shoe bookcase DONE RECENTLY
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April 25, 2013
Today is Thursday: Errand Day -no car to go out

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom. THIS IS DONE

This month's Habit is: Making Your Bed. ALWAYS

* Morning Routine:

* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth X
* - Make Bed X
* -Swish & Swipe
* -Empty Dishwasher X
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away) X

* -Check Your Calendar X

* -Check Your Control Journal X

* What's For Dinner? mushroom pasta, fish & veg

* Drink Your Water X

* Declutter for 15 Minutes None needed but did general tidying

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) not allowed at min so rest day
Today is family fun day! My DH will take our DD to her ice skating lesson - and I will clean the living room (next weeks' zone). I want to get my craft room a dining room under control next week, plus the office needs a tidy. We are having some work done on the house and the repair people in and put and will need to get into those rooms.
Today is Sunday: Renew Your Spirit Day

We have HOMEWORK -- but I'll try to do this as well.


Daily Focus Monday: Weekly Home Blessing Hour

On Mondays, The Weekly Home Blessing hour is the time FlyLady spends blessing her home. No detailed cleaning required; vacuum the middle of the floors only! The time on this can depend on the size of your home, could take less than an hour or more than an hour but on average about an hour. Set your timers and have fun - you are blessing your home and family!

FlyLady sets her timer for 10 minutes to work on each of 7 ways to bless your home:

Quick Mop
Polish Mirrors and Doors
Purge magazines/catalogs
Change Sheets
Empty all trash cans

This takes approximately one hour; some tasks take less than 10 minutes.

"Don't obsess, set your timer for 10 minutes for each task, then QUIT!" ~ Kelly

--------------- I'm going to try and do this every week. I'll not "do" the things I've already done and work on not getting caught up detailed cleaning. I tend to get into the corners every time and never to got to basics. ---------------

This week we are in 2 Zones:

Zone 1: The Entrance, Front Porch and Dining Room

April Habit: Making Your Bed. (ALWAYS)
May Habit: Moving (NEED THIS!)

* Morning Routine:

* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth
* - Make Bed
* -Swish & Swipe
* -Empty Dishwasher
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away)

* -Check Your Calendar

* -Check Your Control Journal

* What's For Dinner?

* Drink Your Water

* Declutter for 15 Minutes

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise)

Zone 5: Mission #1 Monday: Today we are headed to the Living/Family Room!

Let's have a detailed vacuuming session. This means to vacuum the room, making sure to get up against the baseboards and to get under the furniture. Please be careful that you don't hurt yourself trying to move furniture. If it is too difficult to get under the couch or chairs then just try to get as close to the base of the furniture as you can. Don't forget the corners!!

Did anyone see the hoarder next door? Omg a guy lived in a 4million £££ mansion in London and he def needed minimel on hos back lol!!!
If you didn't see it try watching it was very good.

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