Re: 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge

So my cheat ramen was

Quarter bag stir fry veg and 3 or 4 mushrooms sliced.
Start to fry in a pan and then add hot water to just above veg line.
Add dried noodles (I used linguini snapped up!)
Spices I added were chilli flakes, smoked paprika, chinese 5 spice,Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce and half a tbsp tom puree.
Simmer till noodles are cooked (noodles cook quicker than pasta)
To serve add quarters of boiled egg and stir through garlic n herb prawns.

Lushness in a bowl! Xx
Wow that's so simple, thank you x
Here's my soup I made tonight for tomorrow's lunch.
Tomato, chilli, red pepper & chicken....

<img src=""/>

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been following you about in 3 threads to see if there was a recipe for the soup lol....wd you mind posting it ppppplease?
been following you about in 3 threads to see if there was a recipe for the soup lol....wd you mind posting it ppppplease?

Very easy to make Hun.

Tin of chopped tomatoes
One red pepper
One red chilli or chill flakes
1 piece of chicken
Oxo cube
150ml water

Put everything in a pan and simmer for 20 minutes. Add salt and pepper for extra flavour x


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Have made a chickpea spicy soup today(inspired by the ingredients on the Ready Steady Cook thread!), also have lots of mushrooms so think wil make a mushroom soup over next couple of days

That looks really interesting Hun. Is it tasty? I have a tin if chickpea Dahl lol xxxx

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Very easy to make Hun.

Tin of chopped tomatoes
One red pepper
One red chilli or chill flakes
1 piece of chicken
Oxo cube
150ml water

Put everything in a pan and simmer for 20 minutes. Add salt and pepper for extra flavour x

<img src=""/>

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thanks for that. your chicken soup looks great. do you always use fresh chicken breasts?
thanks for that. your chicken soup looks great. do you always use fresh chicken breasts?

Yes Hun, My hubby's friend is a butcher and he gets us massive fresh chicken breasts which are £22 for 20 pieces. Well worth the money compared to the supermarket and they are much bigger xxx
I've started the new challenge & I must admit I'm finding really difficult, I had a bowl of berries with breakfast, banana for snack, carrots & green beans & onions with tea, but I'm stumped now how to fit the rest in today & what the flippin eck to have. I do have some red peppers so could have them with cheese on toast/ryvita for supper, I may have a nectarine later, but unsure.

Anyone any thoughts or ideas for this one?
I've started the new challenge & I must admit I'm finding really difficult, I had a bowl of berries with breakfast, banana for snack, carrots & green beans & onions with tea, but I'm stumped now how to fit the rest in today & what the flippin eck to have. I do have some red peppers so could have them with cheese on toast/ryvita for supper, I may have a nectarine later, but unsure.

Anyone any thoughts or ideas for this one?
What is it?