I've started the new challenge & I must admit I'm finding really difficult, I had a bowl of berries with breakfast, banana for snack, carrots & green beans & onions with tea, but I'm stumped now how to fit the rest in today & what the flippin eck to have. I do have some red peppers so could have them with cheese on toast/ryvita for supper, I may have a nectarine later, but unsure.

Anyone any thoughts or ideas for this one?

I would have something like this:

Breakfast: banana, grapes, apple, satsuma, pineapple and melon with Mullerlight yogurt.

Lunch: speed soup (there loads of S and SS foods in that) or a salad with lettuce, cucumber, tomato, onion, carrot, celery, radish etc with ham or cheese.

Spag Bol (onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, garlic, carrot)

Cottage pie and loads of veg.

Chilli (onions, peppers, carrot, chillies, mushrooms)

Stew - potatoes, carrots, onions, petit pois, mushrooms, Brussels, broccoli, cauliflower etc.

There's a short idea if I think of more I will let you know lol xxx

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It's 10 isn't it I eat a lot of food but don't think I could eat 40 types a day plus syns and healthy extras. I think the number 1 just has a bit if a flick on it.
Have you had any fish or meat or pulses that are speeds Happy Holidays?

I've not had fish or meat today, & no pulses either, obviously I need to go back to week 1 & re-read my book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha my bad, I miss read it lol!

Yes it is 10 lol thank F for that lol xxx

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Lol, my thoughts exactly x

I would have something like this:

Breakfast: banana, grapes, apple, satsuma, pineapple and melon with Mullerlight yogurt.

Lunch: speed soup (there loads of S and SS foods in that) or a salad with lettuce, cucumber, tomato, onion, carrot, celery, radish etc with ham or cheese.

Spag Bol (onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, garlic, carrot)

Cottage pie and loads of veg.

Chilli (onions, peppers, carrot, chillies, mushrooms)

Stew - potatoes, carrots, onions, petit pois, mushrooms, Brussels, broccoli, cauliflower etc.

There's a short idea if I think of more I will let you know lol xxx

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See it seems so easy when you put it like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you
I've not had fish or meat today, & no pulses either, obviously I need to go back to week 1 & re-read my book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol, my thoughts exactly x

See it seems so easy when you put it like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you

Your best bet is to look up some of your fave recipes and just bulk them out with tons of veggies and fruit snacks will help too xxx

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how has everyone got on with wi from soup week? i start my new week thurs so 2 more soup days!!

I get weighed tomorrow night xxx

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Well today's been a shocking food day. Had no breakfast as was rushing to work then I was that busy at work I didn't get a lunch break or even drinks.

Tonight I've had:

Jacket potato
Red onion
Green peppers

So only five speed foods for me today xxx

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