
I do love you!!! you always see the up side.....Thank you xx
Hi hope you don't mind me joining in this thread. Im Jen, 29 and live in Edinburgh. I stay on my own with my 6 dogs + 1 foster dog :D I started in June 09 and have lost around the 4stone mark but have gained a horrific 11lbs over xmas and want to get back on track asap. I am starting back on my packs as of now. I will be on here a lot as need some moral support to keep me going ;)
Hi Jennifer!! I have also put on a bit over xmas!! but am also back on the packs. We can get back into ketosis together!!

Good luck!! Im here a lot so we can keep each other going!! xxx
Well done ladies, you are really getting into the exciting part of it all now when the clothes get binned!! I gave away literally everything!! It was the most liberating experience, new wardrobe, new look, new me!!! Mel you have done really well hun, just stick with it and it will be gone in a flash!!! I loved the whole decluttering thing, I went through the house from top to bottom getting it all sorted, I really wanted to be rid of all the links to the old negative, overweight me. Enjoy it ladies, this is such a fun part of the process!!!!!!

I have just got back from my pop in. I put on 3 pounds. I have topped up on my packs and have my new group time for 2010.

She has merged some groups together so there are more of us now....which is good as there was regularly no meeting to no no one staying!!!

roll on next Wednesday, my 1 weigh in of the year!!
Day 3 and still no nibbles!!! Im looking forward to weigh in this week!!
Hey Mel, Well done on making the decision to go back to 100%. Also your xmas gain was not too bad at all and as Peony said, it will be gone by your WI on wednesday. I have gone from week 9 of RTM back to complete abstinence. I am on day 3 too. Last night was a nightmare, carb headache but 3woke up feeling great today.

Looks like we have about the same amount to lose. How tall are you may I ask?

Good luck Mel. We can do it!!
Hi Becks - I am a little 5'3'' :)

Its weird, I feel amazing today!! To be honest I started nibbling quite early on and couldnt stop. So now I am back in full abstinence, I have already lost about 4lbs (i think) so I am hopeful for a good weight loss and full ketosis by Wednesday!!

Keep in touch!!!
I feel like im the only one posting on here!!! lol

Day 4 - still hungry!! Surely it will kick in soon!!
Hello lovely ladies - sorry have not had time to post but have been keeping track when poss on my groovy new iphone - still need to improve my tapping skills so I can post from it.

Good luck tomorrow Mel, you sound like you have returned to abstinence like a duck to water - hopefully in ketosis by now, and a fab loss to show for it tomorrow.

I know everyone is cold but hell it's getting worse. I was at a Tai Chi class today with thermals on and was still freezing - and I had that funny scalextric smell coming out of my leccie blanket control last night as I had it on the highest pre-heat setting with me in it for an hour! I am really finding it hard, sometimes I am so cold it hurts (especially up front if you get my drift!) Can't wait for this cold snap to pass!

Had a brilliant breakthrough today as I can now say I am in the 12's yay!!!!! so pleased, ok so it is 12 stone 13 lb but hey it's still in the 12's! Am now in size 13 (yes 13, go figure!) asda jeans but still bigger on top - maybe 18?

Good luck to you all this week.
Keep warm

Hi peony - I am getting my Iphone in about 9 days! I stupidly excited!!! I dont think i am in ketosis yet, because i still feel hungry, but i am certainly much better this time round that last!

I am hoping for about 5lb tomorrow. I was hoping for more but i seemed to have stayed the same weight since sunday! (i know, i shouldnt be weighing myself!!) mind you, i am due on, so its possible it will show next week.

I find it weird at how different we all are. Even though we weigh about the same, im still in a 18 bottom (although they are getting a little loose) and 16/18 on top. I have even gone down another back size in my bra (34H now) which is the same back size as my size who is size 10/12. It just goes to prove how different shapes we all are!!

has your little one started school yet?
Hiya Mel
I know what you mean about shapes - I am pushing a 38 bra size (v.tight) yet could probably squeeze into a pair of size 12 jeans - it is bizarre!
Daughter has her last day at nursery tomorrow, she has been there from 6 months (4 years 9 months old now) and starts school on Thursday - am going to be a wreck lol!

Good luck tomorrow. xxx
I lost 6lb tonight....only 3lb to go to my 7 stone. Ill def do that next week!!!! (hopefully ;-p)
Well done Mel, fantastic x
Thanks Girlies - To be honest, I am feeling extremley proud of myself at the moment. I feel like I have overcome a massive hurdle. Not only am I within reaching distance of losing 7 stone and 100lbs (it still amazes me to say 7 stone) but I think I have really got over the nibbling thing too!!!

I went all out over xmas, and felt like a walking lump of lard. I think the thought that I could be at target by March/April without eating was enough to completely change my mindset. Its really hard to explain, but I feel like something has just 'clicked'. I feel really lucky, like i have a 2nd chance. once i had that 1st bite the 1st time i ate, it became more and more and i couldnt stop. But i think xmas must have been like some overdose because now i havent eaten a thing AND i am armed with the knowledge that i CANT do it again, because of the struggle I had last time climbing back onto the wagon.

I am still getting hungry, but it passes soon enough and I am not seriously tempted by anything. I just really hope this motivation sticks!!! But I do think I have got over a mental block that was 'making' me eat.

(lol sorry of none this rambling makes sense xx)
Peony - I think you need to set yourself some more goals!!! You have flown through those ones!!

Good Luck tomorrow. (if the snow doesnt put things back!) Im sure you will both be fine. Try not to cry in front of your little one, it only starts them off too lol. And no camping outside the school door until home time, she will be fine in the teachers care! (i worried that she would escape some how, and when i came back they would have lost her lol)

She will have great fun once she settles in xxxxxxxxxx
Look at you girls.
All those red ticks and all those dancing bananas.
Great stuff.