
Aw thanks folks. I am pretty pleased with how it is going still. Really enjoying getting to the gym too. Can't believe I look forward to exercising fir the first time in my life! I had one if those lightbulb moments. Learning about the more scientific part of weight loss through lighter life I realised that i would have to work pretty damn hard In the gym to work off the 3500 cals required to shift a pound. I suppose I could have thought why bother to exercise but instead I thought hurray the burdon to do all the gym stuff I hate was lifted so I just do the stuff I enjoy. My aim being to get my body moving and tone. No more treadmill and cross trainer for me. I adore pilates, body balance and aqua with reststance weights for the upper body. Also really enjoy resistance training. It is like I am a different person where exercise is concerned.

It is all helping me to tone up. I seem to be one of the luckier ones so far as excess skin goes. I have my bingo wings and my tummy ain't brilliant but overall I am really relieved that the skin seems to be gradually going back too. Huge relief. The exercise is all helping too.

Hey Mel, got your iPhone yet? Mine got replaced today as they couldn't get the superglue off. Doh- stung for £126 but just so pleased to have a shiny new undamaged one. Overall I am happy happy bunny with life hope everyone else is doing ok.

Yep got it and typing on it now lol . I will jump on the lap top to respond cos I will be here all night!
Hi pancras - we always have room for one more!! Especially now we are all so skinny lol.

You will notice that I always come on here moaning and peony always makes me feel better.

Peony - 8 stone....what can I say!!! You skinny minimin you!!!
peony - i cant believe u got superglue on your i phone!!! i think i would have cried. Well done on your gym efforts. i really would love to start back at the gym but i really dont know where i can fit it in. i am up and out the door by 7.45 every morning with the 2 girls, then i start work at 8.30. work till 2.30 then pick the girls up, cook dinner, do pack lunches and iron clothes for the following day, housework, girls bath and bed then i sit down and study for my BA i have started.....phew. i think i need to get a housekeeper!!!
I know what you mean Mel about fitting the time for the gym in - this time last year I couldn't have hoped to take so much time out of my week to do it. I am just really lucky at the moment that I can squeeze it in. I have to admit that this week it did mean I ended up working on Saturday morning as I got a bit behind. I think doing a 3 hour round trip to sort out my replacement iphone yesterday did tip the balance a bit tho. Tip - buy a case for your phone and an LCD cover - I have splashed out on a decent air cover for mine which you can't really see - I learned the hard (and expensive) way that you need to protect them lol. It was only 4 days old when I damaged it - I felt sick I can tell you.

Really recommed the tap and track app - I have spent the last couple of weeks working out the nutritional content of all sorts of meals that I want to make when this is all over and tapping the info into the application. I know it will really help me stay on track after I finish RTM in the long distant future. I have worked out cals etc for all the things I cook with - and the different measures I use. I have even entered the data for my downfall - wine - dry white and red in 125, 175 and 250ml quantities. I ordered bar style wine thimbles in those measures online today. I am such a control freak - I want to manage what goes in quite closely for a time till I feel confident I can do it without tracking everything. Ain't NO WAY that weight is going back on again!

The beauty of tap and track is that it can calculate the calories you need to maintain your weight (or lose some if preferred) and every time you add something on for a day - say your bowl of shreddies etc it tells you how many calories you have left to eat that day.

Enough - they should be paying me!

Pancras - how are you getting on getting back into your groove?

Sounds like a fab app Peony, will get it asap. I get irritated when I cant log on Food Focus during work hours, so this will help to keep a track of things. Might also be useful when eating out etc

Glad to hear you are all doing so well.

I am having a bad day! Really stressed. I feel like I don't do anything for myself. Whilst this does not usually bother me, today I feel really fed up. Then true to form the rebellious child has come out and I bought a cadbury cream egg and ate it in the toilet! How degrading is that!
You are such a tinker why sabotage yourself? I have to say that I don't think it is degrading, try not to look at it in that way. I know it's really tough being a mum, try and make small spaces in a week for yourself - if it is only having one uninterrupted bath it will be wonderful. I always try and remind myself that this stage (mummy, mummy, mummy, MUMMY, MUUUUMMMMMYYYY! - sound familiar?) in the grand scheme of things will be a blink of an eye. Before we know it we'll be banging on their door at noon on a Sunday trying to get them out of bed and we will be able to finally have some time to ourselves. Hang in there, try not to let it sabotage your good works - when youfinally get that time to yourself in a few years you want to be slim enough to make the most of it! Try something similar to one of those big fat diet tips - do something like go and make yourself slowly sip a large glass of water, then look at your notes of weight lost so far, time 5 minutes on a kitchen timer and after all that if you still want to eat something like chocolate then let yourself.

Yoooo hoooo Jez, you slinky minx. Has sister bliss got kittikins yet? Had a feeling it was around now sometime. Hope all is well with you. The tap and track is a bit US biased, but if you invest a bit of time up front entering your own items it is brilliant.

Have any of you seen those portion pots by Rosemary conley? Rosemary Conley : Rosemary Conley introduces the Portion Pots® drag the video time line in a bit to miss the blah blah blah about her book and you will get to the portion pots. Wondered what you thought of them - particularly you Jez, I see you as a bit of a RTM/early management Pro especially with your cheffing knowledge. Waste of money or handy tool to keep you on track?

Hi Peony

Those pots look rathar handy....particulary as a tool for retraining the eye to what is the right amount. And at 4.99, hardly a bit investment in case they turn out to be a flop. Might nick me a set, as I think sometimes I go overboard with rice and pasta.

I am sure the wine measure will be a real eye opener for a lot of people!!

If they aren;t any good, they will make nice colorfull scoops for dry goods. :)
Hi Guys

Well my weekend started terrible. I have binged instead of talking through my feelings of inadequacies . Since losing my hair I no longer feel femmine or sexy. I have resentments towards my step family and I really felt invisible.

Last night my hubby who I love even more after his words of wisdom sat down with me and wanted to know what was wrong as he felt I had been doing so well and knew that there was something deeper going on to have me faltering like I was. I was finally honest about my feelings about his children and their selfish behaviour, something he has fostered due to his fear of losing them. The long and short of it, we will work more together as a team and he will ensure that certain behaviours are curtailed. I promised to be more open and honest about what was bothering me and to accept that he loves and wants me with or without hair.

So here I am again starting over Day 1 for me.
U and me both pancras! I'm really glad u sorted through you're issues x
Sorry to hear you have been having a tough time of it Pancas but your OH sounds like a great bloke. It is brilliant that you have been able to talk through your concerns and he has taken them on board.

How you doing Mel honey? I have to admit I am finding I have been having some real head hunger esp. tonight. Mind you last night my tummy was growling really loud. I don't think I have been drinking enough water.

Keep at it ladies, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger....

ps cheers for your thoughts BL if you are reading this - I more or less thought the same in the end and ordered some of those pots - portion control was a weak spot before - with my plate getting the same amount heaped on as my six foot hubbie (and his was too big as well!). Will let you know how they go once I get to use them in a few months,
I'm not doing too bad. Back on the straight and narrow. It really annoys me that when I get really stressed I turn to food. It makes me feel like a gluten. I stArt my degree next month and am now worrying if that will make me worse. Although I am enjoying setting up my study area with a desk and highlighters lol
Hopefully when you start your degree you will have so much going on it will distract you from food - it will be a big challenge for you. That has come up really quickly - are you still in work? are you starting the degree part time around your work?

Blow me I am growing tired of abstinence now, I am obsessed with food, calculating the nutritional data for everything in preparation for some hardcore calorie counting when I have done RTM. I know I don't have to be calorie counting recipes yet but I just need some sort of relationship with food and planning how I am going to control it rather than let it control me seems to make me happy at the moment.

I lost 2 lbs this week - a good enough loss but you know what I am worried the losses are slowing off as I need less energy to move and do stuff as I am smaller than I was. I know I shouldn't be so prescriptive with myself but my spreadsheet which my weight losses have followed in such a well behaved manner is indicating that my end target date is starting to go out. It is not good for my head, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and every week that goes back really brings me down.

The slowing has coincided with increased activity - Pilates/Body Balance & Resistance Aqua. I just hope that it is because i have built some muscle and that over the next few weeks the harder working muscle will speed the weight loss back up again.

I know in the grand scheme a few weeks or even months extra to target is nothing but this has been such a hard journey mentally. I don't know how far beyond what I originally got my head around doing I can handle mentally.

Oh and my tummy has been actually rumbling all day today - contributing too the head hunger already there it ain't a great combo.

Hopefully I will feel a bit more 'up' about things tomorrow. xx
Hey P....I went through exactly the same thing with the spread sheet...the more I watched it the further it seemed to make my goal go, for just the reasons you said. But then, there would ocme the week with an unusually big loss, which the spread sheet cannot fortell, and it would then bring it back closer. But I did consider not watching it because of the head games.

Hang in there love...only 40 pounds left to go. You are doing so well. ANd when all is said and done, and its over - you will look back and think BLIMEY that was FAST!!! You really will.

Hang tough!!! You can beat these doldrums. :)

Hey Peony - You are allowed down days, its how you deal with them that makes the difference. I must be great to know that you can deal with good and bad times without turning to food. 40 lbs in comparison to what you have lost is nothing!! My LLC suggested I go onto LLL as I am so close to being BMI30. I decided against it for now, but it is maybe an option if you are thinking about food all the toime. My llc thinks you still get a good 3lb loss from it and it does not make much difference.

With regards to my degree. I decided to study through open university. I asked around the teachers i knew and at my litle ones school, and they all said that it looks good on my character if i take this route as it shows dedication. I will take longer, but I have already done a social science course with them which i can use towards my degree in english. there are some compulsory courses I have to take, but i can choose between some. Its handy as this will knock 9 months off and i know i have already passed one!!

i am still working, so it will be tough, but it takes the pressure off financially, as we are supposed to be saving for our wedding too!! so i thought it was for the best!!

I hope you are back to your chirpy self tomorrow. I have weigh in tomorrow....its not looking great, but i am back on track and chin up to crack on.

Me and hubby have a weekend planned just the 2 of us in March. My mum is having the girls and on the Friday night we are going out down this part of the world then flying up to scotland early sat and coming back late sunday. I am planning on eating then, but again, to me it will be so nice having a break without the kids. we havent done anything like that since before they were born. i might get to know him again lol.
ive just remembered you are not on LL anymore....does exante do a similar thing to LLL?
Thanks BL - you are right, it's a bad a trap as scale hopping really. My husband said to me that I shouldn't think about an end date to which I replied that without one I couldn't continue, mentally it would just be too hard to NOT EAT ANY REAL FOOD indefinitely! He got it in the end that I wasn't looking for solutions, just for him to go - "god yes, it's hard isn't it". He also reminded me that I do this periodically with this diet, go through a down patch, but that in a few days I will feel really confident and focussed with it all again.

Thanks for pointing out that I could have a random great loss one week in the future that could bring the date back in again. I also needed reminding that the body is an odd thing.

Hubbie said maybe my body is finding it harder to get my energy from fat as there is less of it, so it thinks it would be easier for it to get it from food so is doing it's best to fight my head and make me eat by making my tummy rumble etc. It's a possible theory, and it has made me feel a bit stronger about defying it - I'm in charge, not my body lol. ( I sound like a nutter!)

Mel it is funny that you said about LLL, one of the things I have been mulling over is bringing forward my target from where it is (7lb below top bmi)to the actual top bmi weight, and trying to do the Exante version of LLL to shift the last 7 lb. My fear is that I end up putting on 7lb on top whilst my glycogen refills and then have a whole stone to try and lose. I will keep a watching wait and see how I feel when I hit that healthy bmi weight (10 stone 3 I think).

I think it is brilliant that you are starting your degree with the OU - you are right that it will really demonstrate your determination. It is also v.good that what you have already done will count towards it. I really really wish you the very best of luck with it all, you are some lady!

Hi Peony - how are you getting on? I hope you are on the up again now!! I went to weigh in and had a chat with my LLC and told her that I cant be the only one in my group anymore as it defeats the object of me going!!!. ShI told her that once I know when my tutorials are for my course then I will change groups to one with more people. Up until now, I have waited, as there is a lady in my group whom I really lie, but she keeps swapping to a pop in more and more, so i never know if she is going to be there anyway. i didnt see the point in changing yet, as i didnt want to move it to a day i have my tutorials and then have to move it again.

I had a chat with her last night and determined my 'bad time' so i have decided to keep my yjummy pack (peanut bar) for the end of the day as something to look forward to rather than eat it 1st. My thing seems to be peanut buter, so if i chop it up and put it in the microwave, that may help m the peanut butter and bread craving i get at the end of the day.

on a brigbht note, its geoffs 21st birthday saturday and we are having a party. I have been umming and ahhrring about what to wear and my LLC has lent me the THE most amazing size 16 dress. (phase eight!) it is soooo flattering and looks really lovely. So I am Really lookin forward to getting ready to go now. And have my 7 stone loss picture taken!!

Pancras - How are you doing?? are you back in the zone?