
Hi mel hon
I lay in the bath last night and gave myself a bit of a talking to. when I first started my end date was the end April/beg May and it is only because I have made such good progress that this looked like it was going to come forward to end March and now it still looks achievable within my original time frame. I had a good think about how heavy I want to be when I start the hard bit where food is involved again and I do still want to be within my 'safe' zone- 7lb below top bmi so that is what I am going to do. Refocus on my original goal. While long term abstinence is really hard, I know trying to shift extra pounds while avoiding putting new ones on would be even harder out of abstinence.

I don't want to finish this 'slim by comparison to when I started' I want to finish it 'slim' fullstop.

Sounds like your developers group is similar to how mine got. there were a couple of women I really liked catching up with but they more often than not went to pop in instead and not much was being gained in group. I think you will feel better when you get into a busier group but agree best to wait till you know when the best night is.

Regarding the bar last thing- I have always done this. I look forward to sitting down after dd gone to bed. Choosing something on the sky+ and chomping my bar. In the early days I worried it was a throwback to old rewarding myself days but decided as long as I manage it in maintenance by rewarding a low fat snack rather than a bar of chic then it's ok.

Funny you shoul mention phase 8. Ocado have been promoting them and I checked out their website last week. I love their stuff. I am so going to go mad in there when I finish. May not be cheap but I deserve it! You will look beautiful in that dress - can't wait to see a photo of you in it.

How you going getting back on track? Also Pancras- how are you doing?
Going well so far. It's made me feel better that I have a plan. I'm a bit worried about me organising the food for geoffs party. I would usually nibble while I eat or sneak the sarnies. I really hope I am strong enough not to eat while I am on my own with the buffet! I am just going to keep that dress in mind and how horrible I will feel while getting ready knowing I have eaten
Hi Ladies

I had weigh in last night and I had lost a pound. I was really surprised because I was sure that I had done a lot of damage. Anyway I am looking forward to next week and a good loss.

Melanie I totally understand about the groups, due to my length of time, I have seen many come and go, at times there have only been me, myself and I, lol. I think I may stop going to groups for a while as I am all grouped out and just do pop ins.

I have a load of stuff to start getting ready for Ebay this weekend, I hope to make a few bob for the holiday pot and maybe do some shoe shopping.
Mel honey you can do it. Whenever you feel like stuffing something in when you are preparing the buffet imagine how you would feel if someone walked in and saw you eating when they know you are doing abstinence. And failing that just choose the low carb stuff. Good luck.

Lovely to hear from you Pancras. great news on the loss, must have been quite a relief and hopefully the boost you need to really get your head in the zone and smash your target this year.

I am feeling back in the zone a bit more- been making a concerted effort to get the water down me- had been struggling to drink my usual 4 litres since the cold snap but last few days have been concentrating on getting it down and the hunger pangs have stopped so that may well have been contributing to the hunger a few days ago.

I have noticed my arms look
almost slim ( apart from the bingo wingy bit at the top lol) and at the risk of tmi sex is much better these days (when I can be bothered lol!)with being more light and agile!!!!
So it is nice to see day to day different parts of my body starting to look nicer.

Have a fab weekend both of you, I haven't much planned - just helping sis in law out with updating her cv tomorrow and spending some time with hubby and dd.

Hi Peony - Im so glad you are more in the zone now. It will make things much easier for you on the lat stretch. I had my OH 30th birthday party yesterday. I had to prepare all the food and take it to the venue on my own!!! I did fine all day, and then when everyone started to eat I had my fudge bar. Then, right at the end of the night, I really wanted to eat...because there was so much left!!! I had to keep telling myself that I wasnt a dustbin and went off to boogie!!

I have put a new 7 stone picture in my album. The dress was kindly lent to me by my LLC!!! lol.

It was a great night for stokes!!!
Hi Ladies

Glad you are both feeling better about your journeys. Peony you did make me laugh with your if I can be bothered. It is weird trying to get use to the new you, but I am sure over time you will make the transition and embrace the new looking you with gusto.

You look fab Melanie and well done on you for recognising your worth at the party. I was reading on another forum people slating LL, but it made realise that many of the people who do stick to LL and are successful, change their life as once they realised they have the strength and commitment to do a diet like LL, they realise there is so much more they can do with their life and go on to do so.
Wow Mel you look stunning in that Pic - your waist is so tiny, you really are looking amazing. I keep meaning to get an up to date picture taken, will try and find the time this week. Glad the party went well - and well done not having a blow out, really really well done. You looked gorgeous, it is nice to know that feeling great about yourself helped you sail through a tough (not eating wise) event.

"many of the people who do stick to LL and are successful, change their life as once they realised they have the strength and commitment to do a diet like LL, they realise there is so much more they can do with their life and go on to do so. " Really agree with you Pancras, it changes the way you think about everything, not just your weight.

Have a strong week both.
Happy 30th. Mel.Lovely picture, super dress.
Congratulations you look gorgeous. xx
Sorry this is a bit random - i have been doing lighterlife since June and just discovered about putting a vanilla shake into my coffee :D it tastes amazing :p
Lol jennifer - I have heard that before. I just wish I liked coffee!

Thanks for the compliments girlies!!! All strokes are welcome ;-)

I hope everyone is having a lovely week x
I think you need to have 50 posts.......just put another 21 on here then you should be able to (i wont tell anyone ;-p)
Hello Ladies, hope you are all well. 3lb lost this week - think that takes me to 40% of my body weight lost! No wonder it takes forever to fill the bath now ha ha!!!
Good luck with your weeks.
Great Peony, but think of the Planet - all that water !

That dress is fab Pancras, I can't wait to go shopping, hubbie gave me a load of money to spend for christmas and organised a personal shopper at house of fraser for when I feel ready for it. How many years have I wished I was slim in summer? this year I will be. YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
That must be a wonderful feeling peony knowing that you will be slim for summer. What a great Hubby to treat you to a personal shopper, I may try and drop some hints to my one, but he is so tight his pockets send out the Town Crier every time his wallet sees daylight.
"so tight his pockets send out the Town Crier every time his wallet sees daylight"
pmsl @ pancras