Diary of a jellybelly....


Full Member
Well I'm currently on day seven of Exante Total, and thought I'd get round to starting a diary, better late than never. Thought I'd share the reasons I've ended up 'obese' and the reasons I have to shift the weight. I've never been a skinny moo but up until mid 20s never had a weight problem, ate what I wanted, partied hard and was miss average really at around 9 stone. Put a load of weight on with first two pregnancies but managed to lose the weight both times with diet and exercise within a year or so. Five years ago I had a horrible miscarriage and I nearly died, for the next year I felt totally crap, kept getting shingles and the weight started to pile on. Then I got pregnant again in 2008 and I was so determined to keep this baby safe I stopped working long hours and running round like a bluebummed fly and I chilled....proper chilled....and ate and ate....and put on five stone, I looked as if I'd eaten a baby by the end and at aproaching 40 it really wasn't a good idea. My beatiful boy is now three and I'm still four stone overweight, he has autism and needs my round the clock care, and as well as two other children and a fella to look after for a long time now my weightloss has been bottom of the pile. I have tried dieting the past three years but I eat to keep going, I eat for comfort, and because I no longer go to work, and socialise very rarely I've got very complacent about my weight. I have two massive fibroids and if I don't lose the weight and detox which shrinks them down, will have to have a full hysterectomy, which is just not possible with my little boy as he is so here I am on Exante Total. My other half is a lovely lovely guy, a guitarist in a rock band, looks amazing for his age with a great image and never once has he made me feel bad about myself. On the rare occasions I've been able to go and see his band it is a mission of coverup - control pants, suck it all in jeans, massive batwing top that hides a multitude of sins, massive high heeled boots and big hair in an attempt to disguise the fact I am four stone heavier than I used to be, but I have to be honest its little more than polishing a turd, I still feel absolutley awful and like everyone's big fat nana. So I need to lose the weight for health reasons and to help me gain back my confidence and feel comfortable again, and most importantly I need to get back more energy to help me keep running around after my little boy. This week hasn't been half as hard as I thought it would be, and tomorrow I do my weekly weigh-in, been already sneaking peeks and it aint gone to bad I think. Already feel a hell of a lot better than I did a week ago and a lot lighter on my toes. What I like about exante total is that its hard to cheat (unless cheating yourself) if you stick to the three things daily you have no reason to think about any other food and I wish I'd heard about it a long time ago. The forum is brilliant and every time I've felt hunger pangs I've had a quick look on here and I feel better seeing we're all in this together xx
Good afternoon amarsaday. Loving your name, didn't twig the meaning until I typed it! :D
Part of the reason I'm on Exante is the fact I (USED to) love putting a mars bar (or 2 :ashamed0005: ) in a bowl, nuking it in the microwave for a min or 2 then eating (well scraping from the bowl) with a spoon! That looks so piggish now I've written it down :eek::ashamed0005:

Wow! You have been through the mill hun, but you're on the Exante road to success now.

I have the same 9st 7lbs goal as you, there are a few of us aiming for this target!

Wishing you good luck, success and shed loads of positivity and motivation.
This diet is so do-able, just stay focused and remember the reasons why you're doing it.
Like you've said yourself, pop in for a read and catch up if ever you're struggling. This place keeps me on track :hug99: xx
Thank you so much gigglepants, loving your name too, think you're the first person to get the name too hahaha! Wasn't sure if I should share all that I did with everyone, but its basically why I'm a fatty in a nutshell and I need to admit it and do something about it. This forum is doing me the world of good, should have done this ages ago, hugs xx
Well done girlie,
U r on d road 2 a 'new u' Dyin 2 hear how much u lost after Ur first wk! B4 u know it Ul b a super slim sexy hot babe at Ur OH's concerts and will pop til u drop with all d energy Ul have!
Miles of smiles

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Hi there hun, well done for you, for being four stone over and doing something about it. I mean not letting it escalate even more. Know what you mean about yourself being at the bottom of the priorities list. Congratulations for making the decision x. Stick with it and this diet is the most effective I have come across (and Ive tried few lol). You WILL see results and YOU WILL reach your goal.

And watch out for Giggle she's such a moo......only joking (I love er really) lol :)
Hey :) Well done on getting to day 7 :) I always find the 1st week is the hardest! Sounds like you've had a tough time of it :( But well done on making the change and starting exante, I'm sure you'll see fab results at your weigh in :) Good luck! You can do it! :) and love the name too! hehe :) x
Thanks guys xxx
Thanks Busy, had a good one today, how are you getting on with it?
Good morning amarsaday, looking forward to seeing how much your first week loss is later today, good luck! :hug99: xx
:doh: I've only just got your name after Giggles mentioned it. It's a great choice and a great way of motivating yourself too. Sounds like you're doing fab on this diet, the first week is definitely the toughest.
That 9st 7 will be showing up on your scales before you know it. :D
Morning marsaday!just caught up on your diary and I admire you for getting on the exante wagon with all you have going on:)
First week over and bet you have had a good loss , looking forward to hearing how you are getting on,
You will foind loads of motivation on hear if it gets touch, I am a relative newbie but am loving the diet so far xxx

Good luck with your journey xx
Hi guys, thanks for the kinds words of support, I have a total week 1 weightloss of 9lbs, so I'm happy with that. Its usually at this point on other diets that I stay the same and find it hard to lose any more and get so disheartened I give up so I'l be interested to see how this week's loss goes. Another half a stone to lose and I will hit the 'overweight' zone and get out of obese which has got to feel a lot better mentally and physically. Family told me today that I'm looking slimmer, they all thought I was mad to do it but now they all think I look a lot better in myself too, which is a big boost. Hope you've all managed to get through the bank holiday ok xx
Well done :) 9lbs is fab! x
woweeeeeeeeee, you should be very pleased. 9lbs, well done hun :clap:
Cheers guys, this forum is a massive help xx