Diary to the new me :-):-)

And you can add that lovely second green tick after your second mini-goal!
Well day 3 almost done. Going to have my bar shortly when dh is eating his dinner then bed for about 9pm. Feeling alot better than i did last night, just hoping baby isnt up ill again. Day 4 tomorrow woohooo!!!!!!!!.xxx
Morning day 4 :)

Sun is shining and ive woke up a happy bunny. My mouth tastes vile though, my poor hubby having to sleep with me!

Really want to have a sp this morning but in another way i don't.
What to do, what to do

Well not much on today, school runs, bit of housework then might pick Evie up from nursery and head to the park. X
Morning early bird!
I'm trying so hard not to weigh myself...I dont want anything to make me go off track! Eek. X
Well done! It spoils the surprise for the weekly weigh in! ;)

Ooo just realised that last post was my 1,111th that's gotta be lucky?!?!
Morning day 5!

Baby been up since 5.45 (yawn). Gorgeous day today again, loving this weather! Plus i think it makes drinking the water so much easier. No nursery today so i think im going to have a day in the house/garden and do all the housework so hubby hasnt much to do over the weekend.when im at work.

Already had nearly a litre of water this morning, had 4.5litres yesterday. Still loving this diet so much. xx
Happy Friday! You'll burn off plenty of cals doing the chores! Well done on upping the water. That's the key
to this diet really. The more you wee, the less of you there'll be!!! Have a great day. x
Shivie said:
Happy Friday! You'll burn off plenty of cals doing the chores! Well done on upping the water. That's the key
to this diet really. The more you wee, the less of you there'll be!!! Have a great day. x

Thanks hun. I like that wee saying lol. Have a great Friday xxx
Just had my 1st banana shake, i was putting it off as ive heard people saying there horrible. I loved it. I have a really sweet tooth and it tastes like the banana sweets you can buy. It is really sweet though xx
Yay, I love it too, I make it thick and eat it like banana custard!
Just had my 1st banana shake, i was putting it off as ive heard people saying there horrible. I loved it. I have a really sweet tooth and it tastes like the banana sweets you can buy. It is really sweet though xx

Gonna try one too today in that case, dont remember if I ordered any as exante ones used to be foul.
Happy Friday! You'll burn off plenty of cals doing the chores! Well done on upping the water. That's the key
to this diet really. The more you wee, the less of you there'll be!!! Have a great day. x

The more you drink the more you shrink x