diet buddys welcome !

You really mustn't miss packs - they contain everything you need so if you don't have one, you are missing a third of what you need. You'll end up getting ill. Are you having all shakes? Perhaps try having a bar - they are easier to get down than a shake when you aren't feeling like it x
I can't do it Elvira, I feel like I'm going to cave in any minute now!!! I feel crying and binging on all the junk food i can think of!!!
I'm really trying not to cave in but this seems impossible!!!
It's not at all! Look at the people on here who are sticking at it :) You are just going into ketosis - that's why you feel crap. Have a nice bath, and an early night and tomorrow you'll wake up feeling so much better, and so proud that you didn't cave in xx
Noor, like Elvira says you MUST have all 3 packs. Dont stress about having one just now, its early yet, leave it a few hours but you MUST have them all x
I will try to have another shake in a few hours....
Hi, may I jump on the buddywagon too please? just finished week similar amounts to lose... I heard too about some of the tesco waters having malic acid.. thinking of going to get some... I bought the water flavourings but the blackcurrant is horrid :(

I like to have my last shake at suppertime noor.. its evenings when I want something sweet.. hot if its choc or vanilla and cool if strawb or banana.. helps with the sweet cravings. and sometimes I dont want it earlier . (I bought the bumper pack so I have soup at breakfast and a bar much later)
Hi, may I jump on the buddywagon too please? just finished week similar amounts to lose... I heard too about some of the tesco waters having malic acid.. thinking of going to get some... I bought the water flavourings but the blackcurrant is horrid :(


Yes, the strawberry and the apple flavoured still water from Tesco is fine.

Everyone is welcome - of course you can jump on the buddywagon! x
Hi All

I started Exante last Monday weighing in at 18.13 and a half, had a bad week with cramps and feeling cold but on Moday I weighed myself and I had lost 18.5 lbs:D so the discomfort was worth it.

I am looking to stay with it until May does anyone know if Exante withdraw their offers?
I hope not kd... I pushed the boat out and bought 3 months worth on the bumper pack special offer but expect to need to be on it for about 9, so I hope it lasts :/
I was on it a year or so ago, and the offers haven't gone off in that time - I think they are permanent.

I'm on it for at least another 6 months! xx
Thanks Mumsie, I was a bit dubious at first having done the lighter life about 7 yrs ago I had never heard of Exante and was pleasantly surprised by the shakes and bars, dont like soup without bread! I have been reading about the porridge and will try it next time i order I am impressed at the price so I thought it was a con at first.

Good luck on your 8 month journey
Yeah me too with LL I was on it about 4-5 years ago I think.. it was £44 when I started and I had been on it 8 weeks when they upped the price to £66 a week and I couldnt continue...shame I was doing well, lost 3st+ in the time but it was just too much money..
was so chuffed when I saw exante :)
I like to have my last shake at suppertime noor.. its evenings when I want something sweet.. hot if its choc or vanilla and cool if strawb or banana.. helps with the sweet cravings. and sometimes I dont want it earlier . (I bought the bumper pack so I have soup at breakfast and a bar much later)

I don't like soup at all Pam, but i'm hoping the bars arrive tmrw and i can try them..... :)

Who would like to be my weight loss buddy, only got 16wks left and need all the help and encouragement i can get, lets do it together and spur each other on , anyone plz :)