Dirteewrongen's Diary x


Full Member
Hi all started s+s yesterday
I had a go with them last year but my friend quit hers 2 weeks in and I flopped shortly after without an understanding ear/motivator so I'm back trying again!
I've never felt any hunger on this diet but my main problem last time was forgetting and popping food in my mouth when cooking for the family - resulting in lots of spitting half chewed food into the bin lol!

The shakes are so much better now and I'm so surprised at how lovely my chilli was last night - I honestly expected the meals to resemble wet cat biscuits or something lol.

Have bought myself some gorgeous shoes as a reward for when I lose the first stone - which hubbys hiding! Hopefully such treats will help keep me going.

Would love to hear some motivational stories from anyone :)
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Surviving very well, no slip ups which is amazing considering I chopped a whole load of fruit and made a fruit salad for the rest of the family last night :S
Just had some lush custard!
Mixed a sweetener with a vanilla caramel shake and a little over 100ml hot water. Was sooooo good!
It's just so easily done though isn't it? It's just such a natural thing to nibble whilst prepping food - or tasting it whilst you're cooking it! I've not slipped up this time - yet!
I did however, find myself inhaling the wonderfully spicy aromas of a bag of chilli tortilla chips that hubby and kids were devouring during our moving night last night :S I curbed the craving with some jelly though!
Eeh thanks for that. I've just found 6 sachets in the cupboard (an old slimming world favourite)

So like the strawberry jelly says a 1/4 of a packed made up with water is 8 cals, 0.4g of carb and 1.8g of protein this would be ok? but what about the acids? It also includes adipic acid, fumaric acid and aspartame, are these dodgy for ketosis? blimey who knew there were so many acids kicking about.

Oh and you know the bit about us needing to keep our carb intake to I think it's under 60g per day - please correct me if I've got that wrong anybody - does that mean if I'm reading a packet and it says for example one serving provides 6.0g of carb of which 5.6g sugars, do I count the carb amount of the sugars amount? Btw that was just an example, the jelly's aren't that much.
I just follow the 100g of chicken/fish/cottage cheese and 200g of certain veg a day with the occasional jelly or cuppa soup made from vegetable boullion (sounds gross, tastes lovely). I have tried the asda smartprice cola, which you can have a glass of - not great lol!

Edit: I think it's just citric acid thats the one to avoid
This may be too much info for some lol, but hopefully someone knows if there's a link or not.
Started totm yesterday, although I'm always very heavy I'm very lucky as i might only have a little pain like once or twice a year - if that!
But omg I'm in agony! Feel like a truck has run over my stomach! Does anyone know/ think this is linked to the diet?

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it can be, as fat melts it releases hormones x
Really??? Thanks for that! Here's hoping theres no more unwanted hormone related problems then lol!
Lol spandex!

I soooo nearly jumped on the scales this morning! I managed to resist - I only have to wait til tomorrow anyway :)

Getting v worried about Saturday as will be having a night off. Its a friends 40th birthday so a big deal! Luckily its fine dining so smaller portions lol! Managed to wrangle a healthier meal of chilli prawn salad starter and sea bass with prawn, fennel, pesto and rocket so that's not too bad, but let's face it - its the wine! I rarely drink, but when i do I love a good red! Plan to balance it out with ice water at least. I feel like I should be looking forward to eating and drinking - but I'm really dreading it :( Don't want to scupper what I've already done and don't want to scupper next weeks weight loss either :s. It would have been so much simpler if I'd waited until after his birthday to start a vlcd lol!

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