Dirteewrongen's Diary x

Hi Rebekahr and sortitout!
Nice that we've all started around the same time - so nice to have people who understand the reason for spitting food in the bin, sniffing the kids packed lunches and weeing constantly :S
day 3 has gone surprisingly well...lots of water and loving the shakes...vanilla crispy cereale ones a bit odd but i think ill just add less water next time. loving the yummy bars too..it has helped that its a bank hol and i havnt got to do much!
Well done hunny

Relax enjoy the weekend xxx when's your weigh in day??
OK, so the dreaded birthday meal I had to go to is over and the damage is done in the form of chilli prawn salad and grilled sea bass with braised fennel - not bad I hear you say, well, now this is where it all starts going downhill.... sticky toffee pudding, well over a bottle of red, what looked like a goldfish bowl of white, 3 Tia marias and diet coke, 5 shots of anis........ it doesn't stop there either because at about 2 am someone thought it'd be a really brilliant idea to get chicken shish kebabs, admittedly I had 2 chunks if chicken before binning mine but even so..... OMG! If I do say so myself!
Its done, I glugged a load of diet coke this morning but from this second onwards - its water and shakes for me!
I'm hoping I worked off a few cals trotting in new shoes lolol!

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Fresh start today. Clean the slate and start over. I can tell you i've had my fair few blips and restarted as of yesterday, finding it hard but am distracting myself. You can do it too.
Slipped easily back into routine yesterday - which was my main worry I think. Shakes and water all the way :)

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Bet you weren't as bad as me though :( how have you found getting back in the shakes?

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Draw a line and jump back on hun.

Loads of water! Xxx
Just ordered another 2 weeks supply - added a few new shakes, meals and bars :)

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dirtywrongen I tend to eat mostly meals, I still can't quite get my head round a milkshake or bar of choc being a replacement for a whole meal. I also tend to spread my veg allowance out during the day so that most of my meals are 'bulked up' dunno if this has helped me or not but I feel like I'm eating normally along with the rest of the family.
I love the shakes, they're really filling - also I thought we were supposed to only have 1 cooked/hot meal/shake a day??

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Week 2 - lost 8.3 lb. I was initially shocked but tbh I would lose more this week as last week was totm and I generally gain 4-6 lb that week and it comes off over the next week or so.

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Week 2 - lost 8.3 lb. I was initially shocked but tbh I would lose more this week as last week was totm and I generally gain 4-6 lb that week and it comes off over the next week or so.

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Yay well done!!!

Think you can have any combination of packs you want as long as you only have 1 bar!!!

I love the bars and shakes for work... super convenient!! X
Sorry spandex - if its any consolation I'm gutted cos I could have had the odd soup during the day if I hadn't believed that :(

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