Dirteewrongen's Diary x

Crazy isn't it to feel like that, spesh when given a week ago I would've trampled over anyone if I'd heard the word buffet. I've got a big night on on Sat too and I have been swaying between whether to drink or not. I've decided I'm not going to make any big plans or resolutions and I'm just going to let the night play itself out. If I do have a jar or nineteen then I'm not going to beat myself up about it. Life happens and I'll just pick it up and start afresh the next day. I'm sure lots of us will have the odd slip now again - the important thing is for us not to think we blew it and to give up - but to think ok I had night off, and get right back on it.
Hi Deezer <waves>

Spandex, noticed that you started on the same day as me - good luck for weigh in :). Share our Fab first week weight losses tomorrow !

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Excellent I'll go find it now.
Just had some gorgeous hazelnut custard - really enjoying a custard in the evenings which is odd as I'm really not a sweet person. Couldnt care less about sweets and chocolates, give me potatoes any day!

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Excellent I'll go find it now.
Just had some gorgeous hazelnut custard - really enjoying a custard in the evenings which is odd as I'm really not a sweet person. Couldnt care less about sweets and chocolates, give me potatoes any day!

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Dont say the p word!!!! HAhahahaaa!!!

My devils the B word!!!!!

My first weigh in this morning, 8lb loss, bit disappointed but as I said on the other thread, it's totm and I generally gain between 4 and 6 lb that week so i should still consider it an achievement really.
Hoping to lose 5lb next week - but I have Saturday to worry about..........
Deezer, have only just properly looked at your signature - you've done amazingly well!!!
Having a bit of a sort out with meal times today. I've slowly slipped into my old ways and have been having a shake around 11 then a meal packet, protein meal and another shake between 5-6. This is generally how I eat normally, either nothing or a little something before lunch then I eat too much at dinner time. Need to break the habit!

How's everyone else doing?

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Dirtywrongen, why do you think your old meal times will be a problem? I've read on here that some people don't have their 1st shake til 2pm. Over the last few days I've been eating early 6am and it's made me feel hungry earlier than on a weekend when I normally eat later.
Because although I have one earlier on, the rest are all bunched up together - best thing I learnt from ww is going long periods of time without eating just puts my body into starvation mode very quickly. Space the meals out throughout the day and get a much better weight loss :). I just find it hard to eat during the day.

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I try t stick to the times I will be eating when at goal.... Good habits n all....

The earlier in the day you eat the earlier your metabolism will be jolted into action!!

Eek! Finally happened, just accidently popped food in my mouth - twice!
I've been baking soda bread and cheese straws this morning, I put a dice sized piece of red Leicester in my mouth and ate it before realising. After kicking myself and almost crying out of stupidity I then proceeded to bite the end of a warm cheese straw without thinking - I realised straight away and spat it out (very lady like) and quickly washed my mouth out. I'd be the first to tell anyone else not to worry and to forget about it, but I feel an absolute idiot right now.

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right. deep breath and phewwwwwwww blow it out. it's done. can't be undone. not so long ago it'd have been more than a small piece of cheese going in yer gob I bet. Your body's not suddenly going to gain 5 stone.

Here comes the jedi mind control bit (well it is star wars day after all)...... Say to yourself cheese? what cheese? I am a paragon of virtuousness and slimness gorgeousness will be mine, I'll have some water and straight back on track. I bet it doesn't make a blind ha'peth of difference x
Oh that did make me chuckle!
Just felt such a pleb, been doing so well til then. As you say, it can't be undone so best get on with it!

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Chopping veg for the rest of the family is the hardest thing - love my veg! Couldn't care less about chocolate or sweets, give me a potato any day lol

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Thought I would say hello

Keep on trucking we all have blips, hang in there and the losses will be worth it!!

Enjoy all the lovely veg we are allowed :)
lol..love this diary, lots of chuckles! i too pop things into my mouth without thinking..im a newbie, day 2 has gone great..its so good to be able to read the diaries on here. read you soon, lol x