Dizzydellys back again.....

Evening DD... Sorry to hear you're struggling! I relate to your white stripe ! I hate leaving it - another one of my obsessions lol

Loving the loose trousers!! Yay lol xx
Not sure why some days suddenly go off the rails, there does not have to be a reason for it, it just happens, stay strong xxx
Morning all

Feeling better after last night, took myself off for a walk to try and distract myself which worked :)

B 2 bacon 1 egg
L beef salad with mayo
T steak with cabbage
S cheese
W failing miserably :(

Have a lovely day xx
Morning Delly, we all have off days love
Morning Delly, how are you this morning, it's all misty here.
Well my mood related wine drinking came back last night :( at least I didn't eat anything illegal so that's a positive :)
But feel absolutely lousy, Stomach aches and sickness.
Away to Filey this weekend so at least I can relax and do as little as poss! :D
Have a good weekend babes.... I'm on the hangover wagon this morning!
Morning but only just!
Iv been really lazy and only just got up, I only thought it was about 10!
Off to Scarborough for some retail therapy later, fingers crossed! I'm a terrible shopper for myself, way to critical!
Have a lovely day xx
Happy mothers day everyone!

Well i was unsuccessful yesterday tried some nice stuff on but didn't get anything, I need gok wan!

Daughters 12th birthday today so will be a busy day when she decides what she wants to do!!

Have a lovely day everyone xx
Morning Delly, happy birthday to your daughter love
Afternoon Jim and all
She had a great time, ahh to be 12 again!!!

Had a lovely weekend and only had 3 glasses of wine! Pat on the back for me as normally it would have been 3 bottles!!!

Menu today
B bacon egg mushrooms
L chicken salad with mayo
T steak fried courgette cabbage and blue cheese sauce
S cheese n chicken
W 2 glasses so far

Starting kettle bell exercise tonight wish me luck!! X
Hi dizzy, well done on a restrained weekend and getting going on kbs:)