Don't you just hate it when....

M Louise H said:
Bin them off!

It's not that easy! It's my boyfriend!!! Altho we did have a row last night! So didn't really wanna see him today-think he's sulking anyway! just gonna leave him in his man-strop til tomorrow x thanks tho x

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DYJHIW someone is asking for advice on a post, which you offer-and then they bite your head off and tell you that you are silly for giving the advice as I 'totally missed the point' have had enough of people snapping at sensible advice :banghead:

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I felt like that a few weeks ago, I thought I was offering some sensible advice and it got a bit tense :eek:

Bin them off too!
M Louise H said:
I felt like that a few weeks ago, I thought I was offering some sensible advice and it got a bit tense :eek:

Bin them off too!

Lol! Yeah I did! Altho after I pm'd her, she did apologise!

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DYJHIW you've got so much going round in your head that you're still awake!! 6 hours after going to bed-the sun is nearly out now and I've gotta be up in 3.5 hours :( not amused :(

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DYJHIW your darling fiance goes out on the piss with with his mates but forgets to tell you where he's staying and his phone is out of battery. Literally have no idea if he's ok, he was drinking from 2pm yesterday and was last heard from at 9.45pm tweeting "I'm drunk"...... Worried sick, barely slept and I'm going to kick his ass when he eventually crawls home.

On the plus side his parents will be bringing him home and his mother is going to wipe the floor with him.

Cazran25 said:
DYJHIW your darling fiance goes out on the piss with with his mates but forgets to tell you where he's staying and his phone is out of battery. Literally have no idea if he's ok, he was drinking from 2pm yesterday and was last heard from at 9.45pm tweeting "I'm drunk"...... Worried sick, barely slept and I'm going to kick his ass when he eventually crawls home.

On the plus side his parents will be bringing him home and his mother is going to wipe the floor with him.


Mine did a similar thing Friday night. They're a nightmare aren't they!
jo-85 said:
You have a dream about an ex that you believe may be mr grey inspired. Luckily u woke up before the dream went on for too long!!! ;) Then u wake up look on fb and whose face do u see on there first......

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I've had some bizarre dreams thanks to Mr Grey!
You read a book where everything gets sorted, then the last two chapters are all where everything you thought would happen, gets changed?
*Emsie* said:
Dyjhiw you are nervous about weigh in but its your own fault because you haven't been good this week!

I'm sure u will be ok good luck. If not a new week starts as soon as u get off them scales :)

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