Don't you just love it when...

I love johnny depp, but he's lost at least some of his appeal since finding out my brother fancies him too. yeah. me and my brother have the same taste in men. which desturbs me more than it should lol.
I only fancy johnny depp when truussed up in his pirate regalia :rolleyes:
Tinytootz said:
Same here, it ranges from Sting, Gordon Ramsey, David Bowie in Labyrinth, Johnny Depp, Jason Statham and Pete Wentz! There are others, but they escape me at the moment, the lucky devils!

am with you all the way with Pete wentz! my all time man is billie Joe Armstrong though and I'm not prepared to share him lol x
JezVonSavage said:
I only fancy johnny depp when truussed up in his pirate regalia :rolleyes:

I'm like that... I used to really like kris off hollyoaks but garard Mccarthey who played doesn't do out for me x
Tinytootz said:
See, I prefer him when he has scissors attached to his hands.......

I suppose that's one way to get your clothes off quicker :eek:

Punk Star I used to have the biggest ever crush on Tim Armstrong- then I met him! Toothless midget is all i'm saying.
JezVonSavage said:
I suppose that's one way to get your clothes off quicker :eek:

Punk Star I used to have the biggest ever crush on Tim Armstrong- then I met him! Toothless midget is all i'm saying.

Boo :(
Dyjliw you wake up to find your husband has slid down the bed to tummy height and is having a full blown conversation with your not in existence only 12 weeks pregnant baby belly :D so cute

X x x
JimofTroy said:
All fine for a bit of eye candy.
But far too young for me!

I do believe this whole thing started whilst trying to establish that a man is ever "too young"!
Dyjhiw you spend 2 hours travelling to dance comp with daughter to find out you've been told wrong time & missed her section by 5 minutes! Result: one heartbroken daughter, one VERY grumpy mummy & a 2 hour bus ride back...
I do believe this whole thing started whilst trying to establish that a man is ever "too young"!

Yeah, but some of us said we like them older. I'm sticking with that.

Oh, and the Lucius Malfoy thing?
He's just CREEPY.
Mind you, I don't do blondes.
KittenKat said:
Oh ladies, after a really miserable frame of mind on Friday night (though I'm not sure the word 'miserable' does Friday night's mood justice!), and most of Saturday (thanks to bevhunter1986 for the supportive shoulder on Friday night!), with this thread you really had me chuckling last night and this morning... I salute you!

You're welcome anytime chick :) xxxxx

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Yeah, but some of us said we like them older. I'm sticking with that.

Oh, and the Lucius Malfoy thing?
He's just CREEPY.
Mind you, I don't do blondes.

Ah, but do a search for piccies of Jason Isaacs when he's not in Lucius Malfoy guise... yummy!
Ok, I've just google-ogled.

Quite nice. Well, not too bad.

But not a patch on Colin or Patrick.
So you're ok, I won't be challenging you for him!
MissSlinky2011 said:
Dyjliw you wake up to find your husband has slid down the bed to tummy height and is having a full blown conversation with your not in existence only 12 weeks pregnant baby belly :D so cute

X x x

This is adorable put a big smile on my face :)
chiefbridesmaid said:
This is adorable put a big smile on my face :)

It was the best way to be woken up and makes me really excited for when baby is kicking and stuff :D x x x