Don't you just love it when...

....when your new pillows are amazing :)


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DYJLIW your FIL has his final radiotherapy tomorrow. Since beginning of December they've been travelling to Athens every week (8 hours round trip) and staying up there Monday to Friday. They were there for Christmas and New Year too but on Thursday they'll be home :D
M Louise H said:
DYJLIW your FIL has his final radiotherapy tomorrow. Since beginning of December they've been travelling to Athens every week (8 hours round trip) and staying up there Monday to Friday. They were there for Christmas and New Year too but on Thursday they'll be home :D

Yay that's brilliant!
My hubs tries this one on average 3 times a week along with 'while you're down there' at least once a week :)

15 years & betters ever worked, but you've gotta love a tryer :D

Oh yes such a charming line....surprisingly enough its never worked here either lol I often wondere how many times men think that but then its best not to wonder ha!

My OH wiggles or thrusts his pelvis and informs me that 'there is potential'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Makes me swoon every time :serenade:
When you get a fun debate going in the office:

"Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses, or 1 horse-sized duck"

Personally I'd go for the horse-sized duck.

I don't know a horse sized duck sounds terrifying... I'd go with the duck sized horses
When you get a fun debate going in the office:

"Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses, or 1 horse-sized duck"

Personally I'd go for the horse-sized duck.

In our office it's always a little less wholesome!

Yesterday was would you rather sleep with Pat butcher or Mo Mowlam ?

I work with a bunch of small boys!
But there's 100 of them they may surround you and trip you and trample you?

Yeah but ducks can be really nasty so imagine a massive one! Swans and geese are bad enough for me.

I'd take my chances with the small horses
Duck sized horses ftw.

Ducks can be horrid and they really hurt when then nip you! One that size you nip your head off!! Eeeeek too scary!!
I gave as good as I got too but think I just encouraged him lol!!

Did anyone else notice that he was online from last night all the way up until some time this afternoon? Every time I had a peek on my phone he was online lol x

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MrsWilsoncroft said:
I gave as good as I got too but think I just encouraged him lol!!

Did anyone else notice that he was online from last night all the way up until some time this afternoon? Every time I had a peek on my phone he was online lol x

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I think you had a soft spot for him ;)