Don't you just love it when...

Dyjliw you are going on a spa day....even if it does mean have got to be up at silly o'clock on a Sunday morning!

Ahhhh how nice, have a lovely day.

DYJLIW OH brings you a cup of tea in bed.

And Phoebe cat puts her head under your hand for strokes, then just leaves when she's had enough......... Who is the boss:cool:
DYJLIW your kids have been really sick all week and because you are a single mother you have had to take the week off even though you have just started a new job and they wake up this morning and all are better!! Finally get to spend a day not having to take temperatures, give medicine and clean up really messy nappies!!
DYJLIW your seven-year-old with behavioural issues has been an absolute darling all weekend and you really don't want him to go back to school tomorrow!
Jenna I'd love to see your 'leather' jacket as I'm looking for a new one right now and I'm veggie!

They had some really cute non leather jackets in primark recently too. Same with me - I avoid leather as much as possible :)
Oooh that's lovely! I'm looking for one in black, I've got a short one like that but I'm looking for a longer one - to the top of my jeans, preferably - to hide my jelly belly. If you see one on your travels, let me know! :D

Missy - I'll take a look in Primark next time I go there. :)
DYJLIW you realise Missys avatar is Pusheen cat! I must have looked at that image a dozen times a day but always thought it was a mouse!

Hehe! Pusheen is one of my favourite famousontheinternet cats ;)
*Emsie* said:
Ha ha should see mine! Still got all the oil and stuff on it from after my massage! stopped at the petrol station like it too....does smell nice though

Hahaha! Bet you look like you should be on Jeremy Kyle lol ;)