Down with Spanx!

Will do Honda - I have made it tonight, but am not feeling great (see below!), so I will have some for a snack tomorrow.

Completely fell off the wagon tonight - my son wanted some chinese ribs from morrisions chicken counter and I ended up eating two of them because 'they wouldn't keep'! have had a quick look in the book and reckon I must have had about 20 syns worth - scraped off the fat and they were in a BBQ sauce, not a chinese sauce - but still a guesstimate... I have no idea why I ate them and I've felt sick all night since! :mad:

Thursday: Green
Brekkie: All bran (HEB), mullerlight, mixed berries
Lunch: Chicken (HEB), pasta, pesto (2.5 syns), green beans, leeks
Dinner: 2 ribs (20 syns), McCain's rustic chips (4 syns), baked beans

Total syns for day: 26.5 :mad:
So far this week: 65

Still got tomorrow night's wine and curry evening to go as well before WI...:(
Oh dear :( ribs are them but they are evil things :)

You'll be ok for WI just up your running a bit chicky ;)
STS this week - partly disappointed, partly think that's a lucky escape after last night's blow out!

I feel like this week, I have been a bit complacent. Not that I've wildly gone over on syns or anything, but that mentally, my head's not really been in the game and I've not eaten enough fruit and veg etc. Back to basics next week!

Friday: Green
Brekkie: Allbran (HEB), mullerlight, mixed berries
Lunch: Baked potato, beans, cheese (HEA)
Dinner: 2 poppdums (8 syns), tandoori chicken dhansak (HEB + 12 syns), boiled rice
Drink: 4 glasses wine (20 syns)
Snack: Slice banana cake (2.5 syns)

Total syns for day: 42.5
Total for week: 107.5

Honda - banana cake is worth a go - I don't think I whisked the egg whites enough, as it didn't rise quite as much as I would have liked, but it tastes nice!
A better day today, although still not enough fruit and veg, mind you I had a lie-in this morning, as my son was at his Dad's, so I've only had 1 non-breakfast meal!

Saturday: Green
Brunch: All bran (HEB), mullerlight, mixed fruit
Snack: Alpen light (3 syns)
Dinner: Thai green curry (made with schwartz sachet, chicken (HEB), mushrooms, spring onions, milk (HEA) 2.5 syns (for a third of the sachet), jasmine rice
Snacks: banana cake (2.5 syns), apple
After reading about it on the recipes forum, I decided to have a go at Smash pizza today, mainly in the hope that my son would eat it too (which of course, he wouldn't *sigh*)

I was really impressed with how it turned out - fantastic for those times when you feel like having some 'junk'!

I used chopped tomatoes, balsamic, hot chillis and fresh basil, reduced in a pan for 10 mins for the sauce, 2 X HEA for the cheese and topped it with mushrooms and Quorn Tikka pieces (free and absolutely delish!)

Pictures attached so you can see what it looked like!


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Oh yes! The SW smash pizza, its so so yummy, may try one later in the week :)
Hi Spanx
You did me good with your list There are others who feel as I do!!
Its great to have company
Hi Bailey52 - glad to have helped and good luck on your journey!

Hi Honda - what do you put on yours?

Well, another pretty good SW-day:

Sunday: Green
Brunch: Allbran (HEB), mullerlight, apple
Snack: Banana cake (2.5 syns)
Dinner: Smash pizza made with instant mash, chopped tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, basil, garlic, pepper, topped with Quorn tikka pieces, mushrooms and 80g low low (2xHEA)
Snack: Banana, kitkat (5.5 syns)

Total syns for day: 8
So far this week: 16

Honda - pics of the banana cake!


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Heya chick,

Well I have been known to stick tom puree on as a bass but i mix some herbs into that or even pesto :D, yum, love pesto. Last one I made I had cooked spinach, peppers and mushrooms. I bought some of that pre cooked and sliced chicken, any flavour and topped with Mozzarella (HEA) then smothered in chilli sauce!

That banana cake looks like a giant pancake!! Oh and how I miss pancakes :p I'll have to have a go and see what happens. Maybe next week? I'm trying to super good this week :eek:

P.S. I use onion flavoured instant yummy :D. xx
Hi Spanx! Hope you don't mind me popping by :) Just looking around for some inspiration as having a rubbish week :(

the smash pizzas are lovely - how I miss green days!
And your banana cake looks lush too.

Well done with your 11.5lb loss, and good luck with this week xx
The smash pizza looks yummy.I'm going to have a go at making that.Thank you so much for your support on the princessess thread you are a star!:D
Yum yum yum. Your pizza looks great. I hadn't been that interested in it but think I might give it a go soon. What's it like cold the morning after ?? (I love cold pizza !)

Thanks for the photos. They always make it more inviting.

Well done on your STS. If you had a blow out the night before then actually STS is really good and will set you up for a good loss this week. Fingers crossed.

Gail x
Hi all, thanks for your posts!

Mmmm, Honda - I hadn't thought of adding pesto to the base - I love pesto, it's one of my staples - throw in some pasta and veg and get a fab dinner in 10 mins and for low syns! Banana cake does look like a pancake, but didn't taste like one!

Ela_ine, thanks for your post, hope your week is getting better! x

Surreygal, you completely deserve it - and for anyone who hasn't read it elsewhere - Surreygal is celebrating reaching 100lbs lost this week - WOOHOO! :D:p

Ha, Gail - it didn't last long enough to find out! I think it would be ok though, the base goes quite crispy, so don't think it would go soggy!

Well, Monday seemed to go well - although I went out for a Wagamamas, but think I kept the syns pretty low!

Tonight I had friends round for tea and cooked Capricorn's Slow-cooker Goan Pork Curry and a Chicken Mushy Pea Curry - both went down well with non-dieting friends. Felt quite virtuous that I avoided Nan bread, although cooked some for them. I did have one onion bhaji though, at 110 cals, so I counted 5.5 syns...

Monday: EE
Brekkie: All bran (HEB), Mullerlight, mixed fruit
Lunch: Wagamamas Chicken tama rice - chargrilled chicken, rice, onions, courgettes (stir-fried), oyster and wine sauce (but not lots of it!), son's green leaf salad - counted 8 syns
Snack - (in cinema, so quite proud of fact avoided sweets/popcorn!) Alpen light (3 syns)
Dinner: Syn-free leek and potato soup, mullerlight, fresh fruit salad
Snack - banana

Syns for day: 11

Tuesday: EE
Brekkie: Allbran (HEB), mullerlight, fruit
Lunch: Baked potato, beans, apple
Dinner: Goan pork curry, Chicken mushy pea curry, rice, 1 onion bhaji (5.5 syns)
Snack: KitKat (5.5 syns)

Syns for day: 11
So far this week: 38
WELL DONE on the cinema snack. That is a great achievement. I know how much willpower that must have taken.

WOOOOOW to Surreygal. Amazing :D. I'm not sure where to post that but I'm going to go and have a gander at 'queen size to princess' because that may be where she hangs out (and I suspect she may see it here too !).

Gail x
Another good day:

Wednesday: Green
Brekkie: Kellogg's Fibre plus (HEB), banana,apple
Lunch: Baked potato, beans
Dinner: Mushy pea curry, with chicken (HEB) and mushroom, rice
Snacks: Alpen light (3 syns), skinny cow mini dipper (3 syns)

Total for day: 6 syns
Week so far: 44

No HEAs for 2 days - must remember to take low-fat cheese to office, as I've given up asking for a small portion at the local cafe - they don't know the meaning of the word! :D
Starving today - I think it's something to do with eating breakfast - seems to make me hungrier all day. Hope that means that my system is working well!

Thursday: Green
Brekkie: Allbran (HEB), mullerlight
Lunch: Baked potato, beans, cheese (HEA)
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Chicken (HEB), McCain's rustic chips (3 syns)
Supper: Baked potato, beans, cheese (HEA), Skinny Cow mini dipper (3 syns)

I know - potato, potato, potato - but as I said, absolutely starving today!

Total syns for day: 6
Week so far: 50
Heya lady,

I dont think I could do that many tatties in a day :hide: I would be a bloated mess! But I sooo understand the evil hungry belly! :D

I may try banana cake today.....I have time on my hands and I fancy making something!
I know Honda - I feel a bit bloated today to say the least! Don't know what was up with me yesterday, just felt starving all day - hope it doesn't take its toll at WI tomorrow!

Hope you enjoy your banana cake! x
Hey spanx it's been a while but WOW you're doing fantastically! Keep at it and well done to Surreygal too, 100lb is immense :D
Thanks K - lovely to see you!

Another good day today - and not a potato in sight! I decided to have an EE day, as I fancied cooking up a big batch of spag bol for tea.

Wi in the morning, fingers crossed for a good week after my STS last week. Would 2lb to reach my 3.5stone shiny be too much to ask for?! Onwards and downwards!

Friday: EE
Brekkie: Allbran (HEB), mullerlight, mixed fruit
Lunch: Noodles, chicken, apple
Dinner: Spag bol with lots of extra courgettes and mushrooms, pasta, parmesan (0.5 HEA)
Snack: KitKat (5.5 syns)

Total syns for day: 5.5
Weekly total: 55.5