Dukan Website

In the original French book, it's "if you've no problem with cholesterol, unlimited eggs"!

I think that was one thing which other nutritionists would have flagged and picked up on when criticising the diet (as they all do each other's diets!!).

So obviously a bit of common sense has to come into play because while, in France, it's common to have blood tests each and every year you see your gynae, in England you don't! So most of you probably have never even had a cholesterol test and so wouldn't have a clue? Am I wrong there? If things have improved since I left, please correct me!!

So I reckon that's why they're erring on the side of caution. Some of those recipes are ridiculously egg heavy... and if they contain "ok Dukan" foods are theoretically "eat as much as you like". Hence some could be eating 6 or 10 eggs per day...

I am being more careful this time, but two or three a day is normal for me!
how annoying is this... so basically one gallette per day (if you eat them) and you're done on eggs :S.....cripes!
Dont worry, like Jo says unless you suffer then cut out the yolk. Otherwise, carry on as you were
I saw a "Tonight" programme (or was it "Watchdog"?) not that long ago on home testing and they weren't usually very reliable.

For a start, as Cheryl and I know (cos I freaked out and contacted her when my cholesterol levels rose), there is GOOD and BAD cholesterol... and in France they split them out and give you a total (so if, as in my case, you have high GOOD cholesterol, add that to the BAD and you've got a high TOTAL reading). Which, if you're in England, is all they're going to tell you about anyway...

And if I've confused anyone another good reason not to home test!! haaaaa!
Well I just dug out my results to compare to the "total" ok reading on that site and I'm way over! So glad my paramedic (and GP) confirmed that it's OK cos the GOOD cholesterol is too high!!

So home testing would have freaked me out!
ive requested one. Its free :D lol

i have only ever used egg whites in my galettes :D
That's good Vicky, so you never got used to the lovely taste with an egg yolk in!

I tend to dump a yolk or two in any recipe using four or five... I can't tell the difference!
no ill save my eggs for my omelette :D
omg. talk about changing their minds. This is from the official chat on the Dukan site.

lpryiav : i just drink alcohol on the weekends, friday until sunday and no more that 3 glasses of what ever drink, wine, vodka, but no more than 3 or 4. do i have to stop during the second fase?

cathy : Hello Priyav, alcohol is not allowed but if it is not possible to avoid it totally, please don't have more than 2 glasses of wine. Thanks a lot and have a nice day

:D lol
the spelling and the way they change their minds is unreal lmao!
yes i agree - to please the masses!
Yeah I've said that all along... for some people though, paying to be coached is a good incentive to actually stick to it. (I'm thinking particularly of the heavier people, with more to lose so harder to get started perhaps, and higher bill to pay.)

By reading the chat on there at the moment, I also see that the "food choice" part of coaching isn't even available yet. When I signed up for coaching in France, I could click on a list of foods I loved, and those I hated, and therefore the menus proposed to me didn't include the nasties and hopefully included more of my favourites. Not at the moment it won't, so a poor vegetarian is PAYING to receive menus with MEAT in! DUH!

If they're "not ready", they should wait...

And I hate reading pigeon English...
