Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

I only have it because it's easy to make it big batches and then freeze in portions, so it's just one less thing to sort out every night when I get home! I usually have 3 or 4 on the go at time though so it's not too bad normally, for some reason I keep ending up with the bloody speed soup at the moment though which is getting a bit much!

A new batch of butternut might be the answer...
Thars a shame. Were shopping there friday and im a little bit sad is that?!

I have been for a dog walk today, heres some pics to show you where we walk most days



Petes red pepper curry went down a treat last night!


Todays breakfast- satsuma, yoghurt, banana

Lunch- butternut squash soup and brocolli and cheese omelette hexa

Tea- 2 cod fishcakes ( i think these are 7 syns each. Eeeek!. I will tey just have the one as they are small anyway!) butternut squash wedges and mushy peas

Snacks- soup, pink and white

Due to going away in may , and there being a hottub (yey!) i tried on a bikini and yukkk! I am going to start 30 day shred tonight. Im not committing to every day but mixed with 3 days a week jogging it should help :) fingers crossed...i might keep a before and do an after pic?? But i hope to do it from now until may but who knows lol.ive started 30 day shred about ten times and never got past level2!
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I didnt end up doing it in the end, my friend came round for a coffee instead!

I caved and made some more soup! Brocolli and stilton. It tastes goood though! Just had a bowl for supper!
O wow...i booked in for kettlebells once but never went! Im not good at classes..i find the time it would take me to get changed and travel there i could of done a decent workout already...when i finish work at 5 im usually ready for my tea already so like to be done by 5.45 ish!
Snowboarding sounds fun!!

Im in such a miserableee mood today! Dont know maybe :(((

Breakfast- scrambled egg on toast, i only managed half though. Ketchup 1syn. Hexb


Lunch- broccolli soup and two linda mcartney sausages


Tea- spaggetti bolognase with lean beef mince and courgette spaghetti. Pic is from last time we had it


I made two bowls of spaggetti sauce, one for tonight and one for our prawn pasta tomorrow


Snacks- satsuma, chewee bar(4.5), banana
Courgette spaghetti is just a whole courgette peeled with a peeler. I like it. Its a lot less carbs for the days when i want something a bit lighter!
Breakfast- 2 boiled eggs, half a banana and two linda mcartney sausages

Lunch- broccolli soup

Dinner- prawn feta tomato linguini with basil..our fave!

Snacks- chewwe bar 4.5, pink and white 2.5 peanut butter on toast hexb (2syns for PB. I only used a smidge!)

Im babysitting tonight so may pop to the shop before to get some fruit to snack on..they always leave me something naughty to eat though!!

Exercise- one 40 minute dog walk
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I walk around 40 minutes to an hour everyday with my dog. I jog after work when i can usually 2-3 times a week for around 20 minutes. I was aiming to attempt workout dvds this week but im really un motivated :(
I would like to do workout dvd 3 times a week and jog 3 times a week. But need to get a routine up which is easy enough to stick to. How about you?x