Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

Todays plan

Breakfast- two boiled eggs

Mid morning snack- banana

Lunch- leek and potato soup

Afternoon snack- mushy peas

Tea- pork casserole ( pictured above)

Supper- going to have an options hot chocolate and a pink and white. 4 gherkin

Im trying to eat little and often to stop my hunger and keep my metabolism going
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My new favourite winter snack!


Mushy peas and mint sauce! If i remember rightly mushy peas are superspeed and im assuming mint sauce is free but i will double check. Yum! ( mint sauce is 1 syn per tblsp )

My new running gear was delivered today too! :)))
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Tomorrows plan-

Breakfast- 2boiled eggs.

Mid morning- ww yoghurt

Lunch- leftover casserole

Mid afternoon- banana and apple

Tea- salad and scampi


I have planned a run with my friend tomorrow at 5 pm. Looking forward to it!
Todays plan

Breakf- 2 boiled eggs

Snack- banana

Lunch- syn free tuna salad. Mug shot ( hungry today!)

Snack- apple, alpen bar

Tea- quorn shephards pie with carrot and swede mash



Supper- syn free parsnip soup

I have snacked a bit tonight on seafood sticks and celery with peanut butter. Im just so hungry today!
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Tomorrows plan-

Early shift so 2 boiled eggs and magic porridge at 7.30 as i wont eat till 1pm

Lunch- parsnip soup, banana

Afternoon snack - tiny portion of last nights tea

Tea- ww sausage stuffed marrow topped with hexa of cheese

Thts as far as ive got. Will amend any changes tommorow! Will hav all my coffees black and drink sf squash....speaking of squash i hope to book a squash court for me and hubby tomorrow evening!
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Today will be a free for all! No plans. Shopping is arriving tomorrow but until then....

Breakfast- 2 boiled eggs

I have some parsnip soup left but im getting fed up of it! We have a squash court booked for 5 pm so i may have some of the soup for a ore workout snack. Tea could maybe be sweet potato and fish? I will update later!....


Mid morning snack- 4 seafood sticks and carrot

Lunch-left over pork casserole which was in the freezer

Pre squash snack- syn free soup

Tea- sticky chicken and sweet potato

Been to aldi and bought some persimmon nice!! Stopped me snacking! I am having a bottle of beer or 3 tho but i went for a run earlier.friday night treat!
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Todays plan-

Breakfast- persimmon fruit. We dont have a lot in till shopping arrives. I have been for a 25 min jog this morning. Have a headache too.

Lunch- tuna and cous cous

Tea-homemade pizza using asda wholemeal bread mix as the dough and hexb.

I have bought myself a bottle of weight watchers wine as a treat. But if i still have my bad head i wont be drinking it! X
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Breakfast- 2 poached eggs on toast

Lunch- stir fry with soy sauce. No meat or noodles and i didnt enjoy it that much!

Natural ff yog with blueberries strawberries and honey for after



Tea will be chinese fakeaway- spring rolls made from cannelloni tubes, may flower curry and beansprouts.

Ive not felt very well this weekend. :( hopefully i will feel better for tomorrow
Change of plan for tea i think, i feel worse :( dont know what it is though. Sicky feeling, but stomach feels empty even though ive been eating and have an appetite. Bit achy weak and sore throat. I will not be cooking tonight..or doing much else for that matter. Im hoping it goes after a nights sleep and im ok for work tomorrow. Only been at my job since beginning of sept and i really dont want to have to take time off!

Off for a bubble bath and pjs :(

Naughty mcdonalds it is. Surely it will make me feel better right?
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Feeling better today but still dosing up.

Breakfast- ff natural yoghurt with blueberries and strawberries. I have two boiled eggs for mid morning if i get hungry.

Lunch- carbonara with a big rocket salad

Tea- chinese fakeaway which was meant to be yesterdays tea.
A bit paranoid that im ill from jogging and possibly not eating enough?! I have mega run down feeling. I had my lunch, some prawn crisps and a microwaved pink and white. Didnt need all that but i want to be better! Im having throat sweets too and not synning them. I just want to feel ok and not stress about that
Feeling a lot better. Even managed a 20 min jog tonight.



We went to sainsburys tonight especially for the 2.5 syn popcorn. Going to have a bag whilst watching im a celeb :)


I dont know why my pics upload sideways :/
Been jogging again today! Im so pleased. Altho my dog knocked me over which i wasnt impressed by!

Breakfast- ff yog. Blueberries and strawberries

Mid morning- 2 boiled eggs

Lunch- not sure. I have a stirfry which needs eating but im all.stir fryd out! Think i will try make it a bit more interesting somehow.

Mid aft- apple, carrot. Pink and white.

Tea- cauli mash. 2 ww sausages and veg.

Supper- persimmon ( need to get more of these! Sainsburys popcorn..also my new fave thing!)
Tonight after tea i ate a huge carrot, 2 bags of the popcorn, a tin of mushy peas..
Does anybody think im eating too much? Even though ive not gone over my syns?