Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

Morning guys!

Lovely weekend! Although last night we were sat in the evening , bored, trying to decide what to do. So we drove to McDonald's for a mcflurry each. Then we happened to pass another McDonald's on the way back and I got a cheeseburger!! Naughty! I'm totally off plan atm.

I ran 4.6k Friday, and 4.3 sat. But it's still a working progress.

My tummy is still pretty bad. I have a shop coming today with GF bread, oats and some wafer things. I also have almond milk and some soy yogs. Hoping this may help for now before I'm at the docs.

We are out at a show tonight ' one man breaking bad' can't wait!

No idea about food today yet as we don't have much in till 2pm

Weighed today at exactly 9 stone. I'm going to copy pip and use my weekly syns to see if this helps.

So 0/ far . However I'm still in bed :/
Hey lovely,

Sorry to hear you're struggling with your tummy. Really hope the 'free from' shop helps - Tasha has noticed a massive difference since cutting out certain food groups.

One man breaking bad sounds brilliant! Looking forward to hearing what you think. xxx
Hey lovely,

Sorry to hear you're struggling with your tummy. Really hope the 'free from' shop helps - Tasha has noticed a massive difference since cutting out certain food groups.

One man breaking bad sounds brilliant! Looking forward to hearing what you think. xxx

I'm sure the McDonald's didn't help! But that's my own fault. I'm going to print off the lowfodmap diet today and sticking it to my fridge! :)
Enjoy the show tonight Becki! Can't wait to hear what it's like, it sounds different but also potential to be amazing for BB fans!

What's the low fodmap diet like? Does it seem really strict or do you reckon it'll be ok to crack on with and stick to? I don't know a lot about it apart from Tasha's meals which don't really seem to have changed too much but not sure if that's due to really good "free from" substitutes now being available! x
Here's the diet I can't see it changing massively. The other things I'm gutted about are watermelon, onion and garlic , beetroot, baked beans and mushrooms.
But if it helps me then I can substitute easy enough :)
Whoops forgot to add.

I think I'm the only person I know that is not a massive nandos fan! I've been once and didn't enjoy it.
We will probably end up in a pub/restaurant wetherspoons type place so I'm sure it will be fine :) it's just my willpower that may not be!
Ah bless him! I feel a bit icky if I'm in the back but fine in the front. Dave's good at being designated driver too, but I know Brighton much better than he does so can avoid all the traffic on the way in but sneaking 'round the back! xxx
Thanks Katie. My gluten free shopping has arrived , although they subbed the porridge for muesli ( damn !)


I have two of kirstys ready meals on those days I'm desperate for something, I'm still very new to this and not sure what I can /can't eat yet! I added cous cous to my lunch which I shouldn't of done.

I am counting the mini choc wafers as 1.5 syns each

So 2.5/105 so far
Love your '0/150 syns but still in bed' haha made me laugh :)

It'll be interesting to see how you do on gluten free!

The cheeky McDonald's pit stops could have been worse.... You could have had a meal xxxx
The low fodmap plan looks interesting. I remember my dad really struggled with ibs years ago as wasn't any plans or much information at the time. Hope it goes well for you ☺