EE Diary of a second/third new starter

thanks so much girls, will do that!! heat low, bit liquid. Having a lovely lazy sunday. Making a roast dinner for the oh and kids. I seem to be having a craving for fruit and natural yog & sweetner at the moment. I know I should vary my diet. I think my body is crying out for nutrients.
hi again,

Now posting my last day of week one ee diary!!!!! I cant believe I have just about done a whole week on a diet! never managed that in a very long time and its thanks to all you super peeps on here. so here it is.



Breakfast - One kiwi, apricot, ¼ melon, grapes, banana with natural yoghurt sweetner & honey 4syns.

Snack - Bowl raspberries with natural yoghurt & sweetner

lunch - 3 pagan crisprolls (heb)
2 laughing cow light (½ hea)

Tea – sw quiche with big salad – free.
Big fruit salad with fromage frais – free

two alpen lights- 6ysns

drinks 1tr water
tea with dash of milk

Weigh in tomorrow. Fingers crossed for me!! xxxx

thanks so much for all your help so far donna & claire. xx​
I did not fancy a roast dinner. Its too heavy for me. I really like fruit and quiche at the moment but I know that if I am not careful I will get bored. I am also not trying to eat past six o clock as it tends to just make me feel bloated. I am trying go bed about 8 everynight - to read or watch tv, I know it is really early but I find it helps me with the drinking. My oh still drinks his vodka & coke and he eats about nine every night. SO its to stop me falling prey just until I get used to the new regime!! I have gone right off carbs at moment. I think I am eating too much though of quiche etc. Can this be a bad thing? Can I still lose weight even eating this much fruit & eggs? x x
I don't think its a bad thing at all I am a very faddy eater, i will eat the same thing for lunch for 2-3 weeks and suddenly hate it and find a new "love" for lunch if you get my drift, but your body does need protein and carbohydrates, look upon SW as your new healthy lifestyle, its not just a diet, its for life. I would worry that when you do start eating protein/carbs again you might gain a litle that week, not that I am an expert!
thanks donna, I suppose I will just wait and see what the scales say tomorrow. That will be the best clue as to if the ee is good for me. If it not good I can always try red or green. Ill update tomorrow with a big smiley face hopefully! xxxx
Good morning girls,

Well the big monday weigh in was not as big as I wanted - just 2lbs loss. I know its better than nothing but i really thought I would get a bigger loss than that. I have heard that you should get more than normal. I hope that does not mean I am going to dwindle along at a snails pace with my weight loss. oh well at least it is going in the right direction. Maybe I should switch plans?
good luck prawnchopsuey.xxxx
No, definitely don't switch plans yet. Everyone is different in terms of what they lose. I've seen plenty of people here not have particularly big losses week 1 and then a big loss in week 2 or just steady losses from then on. I've also seen those who have a big loss in week 1 and then nothing or even a gain in week 2 but those who have stuck it out have continued to lose. Stick on what you've chosen for now. 2lbs is a great start.

Well done.

Gail x
2lb is a great loss - well done!!
I lost 3lb so am chuffed to bits - first week magic! My usual loss is 0.5-1lb a week which is entirely normal, but remember that even little losses all add up in the long term :)
Thanks gail. Yes I will stick to the ee plan. I am so glad that I have this site for times like this!

Prawnchopsuey (would it be ok to call you by your first name?what is your first name btw??) Well done you. 3lbs loss That is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!!!! you look so amazingly gorgeous already! well done - you deserve it. xx

Monday 10th January

Breakfast – chopped fresh pineapple, kiwi.

Tea with dash milk hea

Lunch – Quiche & Salad

Tea – SW homemade cottage pie with sweet potato topping.

Snacks – 3 pagan crisprolls heb – with 2 laughing cow lights ½ hea
few grapes
two alpen lights 6syns

1.5ltrs water

Hey hun!

2lbs :party0011: hurray!!

How are you getting on this week? Keep going honey!

Hi guys,

Lost my thread! Looking all over for it. But found it now. Updating with last two days of the ee plan. This week going really well. Still not had a drop of vino and stuck to plan 100% so hoping for a goodish loss on monday.

Day 9 Tuesday 11th January

Breakfast – Bowl of fruit salad, one alpen light 3syn
Tea with dash milk – 0.5 syns

Snack - 2 pagan crisprolls heb with 1 laughing cow light. 1.5syns

Lunch cold chicken pasta salad with beetroot

Snack - Blueberries & low fat fromage frais with sweetner.

Tea - Spaghetti Bolognaise with 28g low low cheese (hea)

5 melba toasts – 2.5syns
1 alpen light
Day 10 Wednesday 12th January

Breakfast – Blueberries & ff fromage frais. Sweetner
1 alpen light – 3 syns
1 tea with dash milk 0.5syns

snack 3 pagan crisprolls (heb)
1 laughing cow light (¼ hea)

6 melba toast 3 with 1 laughing cow light ¼ hea

Lunch chicken pasta salad

Snack – one alpen light 3 syns

Tea SW smash pizza with 28g low low cheese. ½ hea

Meringue nest 2.5syns with strawberries & % total.

Total syns 9 syns

Hope everyone ok and doing really well !! xx


Day 11 Thursday 12th January

Breakfast – Fruit salad
1 alpen light syns ½ heb

Snacks 6 melba toasts ½ heb with 1 laughing cow light ¼ heba

Lunch - SW superfree soup
1 meringue nest (2.5) with one chopped banana & 0% greek yoghurt

Tea SW luxury fish pie – 2 laughing cow lights ½ hea

Total syns - 2.5

Day 12 Friday 13th January

Breakfast – Fresh fruit salad – 1 alpen light (½ heb) or 3 syns

Snack – Bowl of SW superfree soup

Lunch – Salmon salad

Snack 6 melba toasts 3 syns with 1 laughing cow light 1.5 syns​
Hi everyone.

OK time to own up. I had a lapse last night - feel really bad about it now but at the time I felt ok about it. Yes I had two bottles of wine and fish n chips from the take away - to many syns to even think about I know. I did pop on scales and have still lost some weight this morning so hoping that I can still carry on losing ! Back on this morning with a vengenance and no wine for a while!!!!! So stupid. Done so well then ruin it with a friday night slip up. kicking myself!!
Hello :wavey:

Don't worry about last night, treat it as a flexi syn, maybe only have 10 syns per day for the rest of the week and draw a line under it!!

Slimming world if not about being perfect forever, its a way of life, and sometime in your life you need fish and chips and some wine! Or life would be very boring without some treats :)

Don't let it get you down and like you say come back 100% and hopefully you will still have a good loss!!

Claire xx