

Silver Member

Does anyone know how many calories are in a poached egg done in water?the egg is 85 calories so does that mean its still 85 due to being done in water?

Also has anyone tried the tilda steamed rice you get from asda,they are delicious and are around 280 calories for the pkt!!!!
I have them with salad and you can get wee bombay potatoes and other chiled pots in asda which are around 300 calories and i have them with rice and salad for around 600 cals for dinner.

They are a calorie bargain!!!!


Yes to the poached egg query. It's still the same :)
KD, I've been allocating myself 200 calories for a two scrambled eggs, but I cook them without oil in a non-stick pan and I don't add milk; just the eggs. So do you think I should be thinking 85 calories per egg instead?
Yes Jim. If you aren't adding anything to them it'll be about 85 each maximum :)