Eggs :(


Full Member
Since having my little boy 4 years ago i suddenly develop an aversion to eggs, as soon as i had one it came straight back (sorry tmi). Things over the years have developed with skin problems and after loads of trips to the gp and hospital they have decided that the skin problems ( they cant agree on whether its severe excema or mild psorirosis) have some link to the egg allergy. I now have to remain egg free to see if it helps my skin. Its sore at the min, spreading and embarassing so will try anything. But OMG egg is in everything, does any one else have a similar problem or any ideas what to stay away from. Ive looked in the freezer etc and most of the ww products have egg in
Skin conditions can develop from pregnancy (hormone changes) so it could be that causing the skin problem. (especially with psoriasis - its known for sufferers to have it disappear throughout pregnancy, or it trigger non sufferers!)

Have you seen a dermatologist? If its your gp hmming over what it is you should ask to be refered for treatment!

I'm not sure about eggs being a trigger. You could go to any good health shop who would be able to advise you on a detox diet, and if its food related that will tell you. I tried one but my psoriasis is so severe that it made no difference at all.

Loads of hugs your way, hope you get a resolution xxx
Agree with above poster. My psoriasis went completely when I was pregnant I also have ichthyosis too and that was alot better when I was pregnant along with the fact I hVe a benign brain Tumor and I suffer awful headaches and am on betablockers to stop them! Came off them and only had the odd headache then min he was born back they came!

Mad isn't it? But get a second opinion, there's a big diff between excema and psoriasis! Xxx
Completely different but when I had my son he got mouth thrush and subsequently Breastfeeding meant I got nipple thrush. Ouch!
The dr kept prescribing us stuf and it didn't work and it took for me to look on the net to find what works and when I took it in he asked to keep it so he could treat other mums.

Another one my son had a bit of d and v and she told me to stop Breastfeeding!!!!! Idiots! Breast milk is like liquid gold and far superior to any meds!

Rant over!
haha cheers guys, im under a dermatologist and he says its psoriosis and is more than likely linked to eggs and my gp argues if they are relating it to food it must be excema! Dont know if im coming or going. treatment not really working but yesterday was the first time it had been painful. Trying epaderm now on recommendation from a surgeon who uses it on burns patients
There's a foundation of psoriasis suggested u can join hunny. Also get out in the sun that really helps. X
Psoriasis isn't caused by eggs, its a genetic problem with the immune system being too active (and causing your skin to regrow to fast). People can have psoriasis in their genes their whole live and never develop it if they don't get the initial trigger.

Psoriasis Help Organisation - Online Psoriasis Forum - What are the Causes? (there's some info)

PHO is a very useful site, you should have a nosey around it and see, there's also a forum if I remember correctly...loads of info on relevant treatments there :)
Hi I suffer from scalp psoriasis. I only developed it in my mid thirties (42 now) and I generally keep it under control by use of steroid ointment (used only sparingly when necessary) and medicated shampoo. It's the oddest thing....I don't have it anywhere else, thank the lord but worry in case it spreads. My worst episode was a couple of years ago when I thought my scalp was on fire!! My GP wasn't really that helpful but I personally believe it's caused by both a mixture of diet and stress. I also have arthritis but my doc has yet to make the connection although I know there is psoriatic arthritis!! Mind u I too have an egg intolerance so that's interesting???? It's a dreadful condition and I count myself lucky I only have it on my scalp.
Hi I suffer from scalp psoriasis. I only developed it in my mid thirties (42 now) and I generally keep it under control by use of steroid ointment (used only sparingly when necessary) and medicated shampoo. It's the oddest thing....I don't have it anywhere else, thank the lord but worry in case it spreads. My worst episode was a couple of years ago when I thought my scalp was on fire!! My GP wasn't really that helpful but I personally believe it's caused by both a mixture of diet and stress. I also have arthritis but my doc has yet to make the connection although I know there is psoriatic arthritis!! Mind u I too have an egg intolerance so that's interesting???? It's a dreadful condition and I count myself lucky I only have it on my scalp.

Ahh I've had the scalp on fire thing too...on occasion I used to have to cover my arms with bandages because they bled so much :( Its the worst sensation!!! And scalp psoriasis is such a pain with its flaking and gettin on :p

I also have psoriatic arthritis, IBS, and Raynaud's phenomenon (which are all associated). If you have a dermatologist, you should say you've been having joint problems and ask to be referred to a rhematology specialist if they can. Any good specialist should be more than happy to send you on for an assessment :) I know a lot of people with scalp psoriasis only, seems to be pretty common!


Just as an FYI; Psoriasis isn't caused by bad diet. You won't get psoriasis by eating badly EVER, it's genetic. It can stay in your genes for a lifetime without making an appearance if you never get the infection that triggers it.

The only thing a bad diet/stress etc will ever do is make existing psoriasis worse.

In 2008 I had a PASI score of about 65 (out of 96) and I was critical because psoriasis can affect temperature control and heart function when its very severe. They put me on a few drugs which did nothing, then I got onto Etanercept, which has put me into complete remission. (pasi score of 2!!) Years and years of silly diets, creams, uvb light therapy and drugs which did so little! I've had mine since I was 4.. so its really weird for me to have nearly normal skin heh ^_^