Electric Lilac's diary

OMFG I've only just really realised that i'm going to be in the 11's soon like really soon. I'm going to be 11 stone something, not since i was a child was i 11 stone something lol AMAZING !!!

What a milestone for ya sweetie!! Feelin' ur joy babe xx :D
Fantabulous is a good word too and suits your story perfectly lilac. You are fantabulous!! So happy for you, you are nearly where you want to be and you have earned it. Well done. Xxx
Hear hear!! Bravo girlie! x
Goodness its 7.15 Friday night and i am contemplating going to bed lol i just can't keep my eyes open, must be all the excitement of today. I'm so rock and roll its untrue !!
woop woop Lilac :D SO pleased for you and omg you made me giggle when you finally realised your gonna be 11 something ;) x x x
Thanks everybody for your words of encouragement you lovely lovely people!

With that in mind i think i am going to up or should that be down my goal again if i get down to 148 lbs then that will be 8 stone lost exactly and rather pleasingly will mean that my bmi will have dropped from 42 to 24 i like that its the same numbers but the other way round, i can't quite face updating my ticker and my stats yet, need to mentally prepare lol but i'll do it soon.

hope you are all getting along swimmingly x
So close! Isn't it odd how it is such a huge thing psychologically to make the change to our tickers. I set mine back to 24.9 but I'm contemplating changing it to 21. I've decided to wait until I reach 24.9 though as feel it will just seem too far off to do it at the moment. 25lbs is within my reach in my planned timetable so that will doe for now. I think 21 can be my new year goal.

Im so excited for you. I can't believe how quickly I've grown to love your updates and hearing about how you are doing. I rooting for you and everyone else too. Hope you had a fantabulous weekend lol!!

Pamela xx
Thanks Pamdev i enjoy reading your updates also, its lovely seeing other people doing well. I have been working this weekend but at least it was on something a bit exciting ( have been working on the new series of Room 101 for the telly box) so kind of fantabulous although lazing in bed would have been more so lol. I'm only upping my goal by 6lbs not a big deal in the great scheme of things but while 17lbs seems fantastically close 23 doesn't, funny isn't it. I also need to update my christmas goal to add the 6 and then to change my present to myself to being a beautiful new tattoo (hopefully executed by the lovely Deezer *fingers crossed*).
Thanks Pamdev i enjoy reading your updates also, its lovely seeing other people doing well. I have been working this weekend but at least it was on something a bit exciting ( have been working on the new series of Room 101 for the telly box) so kind of fantabulous although lazing in bed would have been more so lol. I'm only upping my goal by 6lbs not a big deal in the great scheme of things but while 17lbs seems fantastically close 23 doesn't, funny isn't it. I also need to update my christmas goal to add the 6 and then to change my present to myself to being a beautiful new tattoo (hopefully executed by the lovely Deezer *fingers crossed*).
Yippeeeee..... Mwah ha ha!! x
Just look how amazingly you are doing - I'm so pleased you've managed to get back to it all so well following your holls!

You are so very close now - keep plodding.
23lbs will be gone before you know it hun, you know you can do it you are the incredible shrinking girl!!!!
Ohhhhh Lilac.... this was so amazinggggggggg to read. I can feel your excitement jumping off my screen hahaha It's obvious that this LT journey has done incredible things for you, and making your goal just a little further away is very temporary!! Before you know it that 6lbs difference will be blown away in a (relative) heartbeat :D :D And oh wow, to be able to say you have lost 8 stones will be mindblowing!! xx
So mind-blowing here i come lol, Thanks Peach Pip, uklady, Deezer, Miss cherry and the lovely T.E.Bear, have just got up the courage to change my stats and ticker thanks to you lot xx

Here i go then 89lbs gone 23 to go, bullet well and truly bitten x
Lilac ..you've been an inspiration to me personally for keeping 100% as it does work if you keep on track :)

Those lbs are gonna fly off you at the rate you've been losing :) x x x
ElectricLilac said:
So mind-blowing here i come lol, Thanks Peach Pip, uklady, Deezer, Miss cherry and the lovely T.E.Bear, have just got up the courage to change my stats and ticker thanks to you lot xx

Here i go then 89lbs gone 23 to go, bullet well and truly bitten x

Good on you girl you will smash it don't you worry! :) xx