Ellie's fitness diary (start 10.11.2008) Marathon training...

Good to see you're feeling better, nex, and made it through a good workout. Mental focus certainly does help!
Tuesday 10th March

Am feeling sore today, womanwise (sorry to any men reading this ach!)...am a bit worried about my hormones and the between totm bleeding, but am waiting results from the swabs taken as well as having to go for a scan just in case...

Today warmed up for 10 minutes on the dreaded treadmill: 10% incline at 4.5 miles per hour then 5% incline at 5.5 miles per hour then 1.5% incline at 6.5 miles per hour...felt great...then went straight into my 7500m row (36 minutes, slacking!) and then did an ab workshop with Lewis for about 15 minutes ooh it was a killer one...gym ball stuff, planks side and frontal, hard russian twists and jack knifes, etc...argh!

Tired and lightheaded this avo, have refuelled with some nuts and a protein shake before dinner time...

Must remember to put some more music on my mp3 player, am tired of the old stuff and also some of it is the wrong rhythm for rowing...very wrong, it puts me right off stroke!
Wednesday 11th March

I AM NOT A MACHINE! I'm just an average person with huge determination...

Ran to the gym from school run (1.5 miles) then did spin class for 45 minutes then did the octathalon session for an hour (it was way awesome again - shoulder supersets, loads, steps with heavier weights three times, was using the 10kg dumbells today, rowing intervals, ab routine, an absolute killer, then some awesome stretches, had Jake leaning on my leg to get my glutes really stretched after the rowing) then ran home after the gym (1 mile)

Have am hour session with Jake tomorrow, something tells me we are going to be timing the octathalon all the way through again...at the start...
No your not a machine.... "she a wrecking machine" lol. Sorry quoting rocky again :D. But fair play to you keep it going I think your showing us all here its down to doing and not saying..... Just getting on and pushing forward towards your aims. Well done you and thanks for proving someone can do it. :happy096:
I'm pretty sure you are a machine...no human could do this ;)
No your not a machine.... "she a wrecking machine" lol. Sorry quoting rocky again :D. But fair play to you keep it going I think your showing us all here its down to doing and not saying..... Just getting on and pushing forward towards your aims. Well done you and thanks for proving someone can do it. :happy096:

Thanks! I'm the most average of averages and with the drive/will anyone can do what I do...even if it does seem crazy/tough/impossible...

Today (Thursday 12th March) was the most incredible slump...I mean after training...felt fine this morning, although I had the runs last night...so possibly feeling a little weakened...carbed up a bit as a consequence...so my eating was out of the norm for a training day really...maybe it was the extra carbs, maybe it has all caught up with me...

I did the hour with Jake and it was HARD! I was sweating buckets...had people in the gym giggling at me as one of the exercises he had me doing was one of the hardest things I have tried so far...hard to explain it...toes on gym ball, lying face down plank position, you then bring your arms towards the ball (walking them backwards on the floor) with your bottom in the air...like an extreme jack knife position, but balancing on the gym ball on your toes...you then do presses (shoulders) towards the floor...how I didn't hit my face on the floor or fall off the ball I don't know...it was really really hard but I did it!

Yeah, the level of core work we do now is pretty advanced and it hurts like heck, but worth it if I can improve my physique and octathalon times...I have told him I am training for the half marathon now (although today I was supposed to be running, but did not have the energy bah!), so maybe he is stepping it all up to help? It sure feels challenging and fun but very hard...he doesn't allow much rest time, so we cram loads into the session...did several harsh circuits today, pushed myself really hard as usual. Blimmin' feet cramped up early on in the session though YIKES! Then they relaxed and I was okay...I hate feet cramps!

Did 5000m row in 24 mins. Thought I would do a 23 minute row, but I was feeling tired by this stage and a little giddy...but finished the row...

Rinsed out all my energy today...feel absolutely wiped...not really felt this slumpy before...sat in a nearby cafe to refuel and have a huge black coffee with whipped cream on top mmmmm....and read for about an hour...

Feel all heady and eyey...spaced...not been sick yet, although extreme biliousness did strike this afternoon when I had to pick littlest up from school...am trying to recover now...feel like I need a good sleep and a really grand massage...

Apologies if this sounds moany, it's just extreme tiredness, and maybe I have overtrained this week...whoops! Body is telling me it's time to take a break now...off I go...
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Friday 13th March
Day began okay, felt rested and well. Dropped kids at school, went for a coffee and read some of my book then did some grocery shopping. Then off to the gym. It was 7500m row (35 mins 20 or so) and spin class today. I completed both but did struggle with fatigue. Was sweating profusely again. I normally sweat buskets, but this seems more than usual?! Thankfully it is the weekend and carb up time...

Am up late as have a cold and feel a little restless although very physically tired...not feeling sick like yesterday though...

Fingers crossed these two days off are enough rest for Monday onwards...
Yeah good idea, my calves and by butt really hurt today...lactic acid build up I am sure, even stretched properly Friday...never had such sore calves before...

Am tired still...meh!
Sunday 15th March
My calves are really really sore still in the middle, am going to try and stretch them again. Am tired, crotchety and think I need some more rest. Very irritable and need space for me today...ach! Am having lunch with my dad and then going for a ride with my kids to Ashton Court with Lee and his kids...not sure I am up to it, feel like the crabbiest crab ever...

Tuesday 17th March
My running shoes felt worn out, I could feel the support and the things that they were doing before had worn out...six months ago I bought them. Asked at the running shop by the hospital (scan is all clear whoo hoo!) how often I should be changing them. Sure enough 6 months is the time, soooo I bought some new ones, same ones New Balance 859s and as soon as I out them on (took half a size smaller this time, as the ones I had before were just a little too big) I could feel the difference. So the others can be walking shoes even though as runners they are knackered...wow I didn't realise how quickly the miles add up!

Yeah my scan is all clear, nothing untoward causing the hormonal fluctuations and things...WHEW!

The hill was jolly good exercise yesterday, had forgotten what great hill work you can do in that part of town (St. Michael's Hill). So did some yesterday, people thought I was nutty running up the steep hills! Ha!

Anyway, dunno if it was the scan results, the new trainers and socks (two pairs of proper running socks!) or the weather. It was FANTASTIC outside yesterday, absolutely wonderfully gloriously SPRINGY....loved it! I went to spin, got there just in time off the bus, ran in there, and got on with it, tough session as usual...although I am aware my sweat smells like ammonia and am wondering what to do to stop it or mask it? It's not unpleasant as in body bodge or odour, but it is a sharp smell...maybe use extra strength washing powder?! Lots of deoderant? Hahhahahaha! Sounds awful...feels awful cos if I whiff it then oh boy! And I sweat loads, so I am soaked like I have jumped into a swimming pool almost...oops! Bah!

So spin was great, then I decided to overcome my mental block or fear of the treadmill. I don't want to do long distances on it as road or grass or trail running is the best you can do, BUT I cannot get my mind to do what my body wants to on that blasted machine...I set the time for 30 minutes and the incline for 1.5% and set speed for a comfy 6.5 miles per hour. I was surprised how the time went by when I covered up the screen (all those numbers and flashing lights argh!) with my spare t-shirt and concentrated on my breathing pattern like I do outside. It worked, I didn't want to come off or stop once, and in fact I could've run more and possibly for as long as it did take to get tired, really tired. I managed to run 5182m so just over 5km in the half hour. I am really really chuffed with that. I chose the incline for my shin splints (to prevent them) and to mimic off treadmill terrain.

Chuffed, remotivated and rearing to go. My cardio fascination has begun and I know now that I CAN DO IT! It was a 75min session in all and I seem to have hurdled over some mental barrier. I was almost punching the air with excitement and verve yesterday. Such a small step for some, but a bog one for me. The 5km run on Thursday is going to be grand!!!

Have been speaking to my beau about his food issues (he is a compulsive eater) and I said it takes time to overcome such and addiction just like any other, only difference is we cannot live without food...it is hard, but in order to go forward you have to make a small change at a time in order to set the old patterns straight and to dispel them. It's hard for him as he has only just in the last 6 years lost a load of weight and I have been battling for longer so seem to have coping strategies (which he sometimes calles obsession, etc) that work and keep the mind and body happy at the same time.

Anyway rambling, it was nice to chat about it, as he seems to want to keep to hmself in times of trouble rather than share, so a step forward there. He feels I may judge him on his eating, etc...Hey I am the last to judge when I have been there, done that and know exactly how it feels to do and be what he is going through.

Enjoy the Spring weather, it is awesome out there folks...I am out to the gym in mo, just got to check my rowing schedule and then chuck a weights routine in my bag and we're off! Oh and Lee bought us a coxing kit (isn't that great as I was going to buy myself one when and if I reached my training targets this month! Wheee!)
Sounds like you're doing great, nex! It was gorgeous here yesterday, as well, love the sunshine, tried to spend some time outdoors. It's gotten overcast and cloudy today, which is a drag. I'm playing catchup with a bunch of stuff today...will write about it in my diary.
Ha! Coxing kit? I meant boxing kit, doh!

Yeah training was awesome today, worked the glutes and abs today and then rowed 10 000m. Twas a goodun. Tired and hungry now, so eating and having a nice cuppa decaf coffee mmmmm...
Wednesday 18th March
Dayum, where is the week going, it is whizzing by...am boxing tonight with beau...today did spin 45 mins then and hour of intensive circuits for octathlon training, there were 7 of us today, it was awesome as usual and we worked our backs, tummies, did step ups and sprints on the bikes, treadmill work, hey I have beaten the blasted machine - I was running at 9 miles per hour for my last interval wheee! And we even went outside to do some fartleks (sprinting and jogging) and lunges and plyometric squat jumps and things! Whooo, it was way sunny today, the weather is helping with endorphins very muchly...it was stonking today, hot that is!

Tomorrow will work upper body, possibly chest and arms and then do my 5km run tomorrow evening along the beach promenade...am looking forward to it, hope the beau can give me and the kids a lift there and back (it's at Weston Super Mare)
Friday 20th March
Kids are both off school with dodgy tummies ARGH! I have two dentist appointments, both spread out at different times, how silly is that! Same dentist too...and I have soooo much to do today, grocery shopping, dentist, had plans to do a mega row before the weekend, but THAT ain't happening!

I did plan to go to the Weston run last night, but because my legs have been a bit sore and because I had no-one to give me a lift there, etc, I mapped one out locally and set off at rather a blistering pace...I estimate 7.5 - 8 miles per hour...Oh dear! My shins 10 minutes in decided to really really really hurt. I have never had that level of pain from them before and I had to walk home again. Really slowly, the waves of agony were excruciating! What made me most miffed was that my lungs and the rest of me as well as my legs weren't tired and I could've done the 5km in a brilliant time had my shins not just flared right up...they are achey today (tender to touch too), as is my chest and back from weights yesterday. Also did a 7000m row yesterday in excellent time am improving...I think the higher carbs this week and the rowing I have been doing has been improving my running immensely...

Poo about the shin splints though ARGH!

Double ARGH!
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Sunday 22nd March
After a relaxing morning I am now stressed out with the kids, have had them home since Friday and my head is being done in! They made me a hot choccie this morning (well cocoa it turns out mmmm) and they gave me my card and pressie. This was all before 7.30. I am tired and irritable still, but well....they are but younguns!

Yesterday went to the running shop and got myself another pair of running trainers and some compression socks which can be used to ease shin splints. I wore them for three hours yesterdy and they are pretty impressive. Paula Radcliffe uses hers whilst she trains even...yeah they are the ticket, well partly...if they continue I need to consider orthotic insoles...man...I really thought they had gone, how deceived was I?!

Bought the beau some proper running trainers in the sale at the running shop too and some anti-blister socks...he was well chuffed. He is in New Balance now too, lucky him he is a neutral runner!

So my motion control trainers from the sale look naf (they are men's colours and style) but boy do they feel the most comfy shoes ever!!! Really pleased.

Am going to do callanetics tonight and maybe some boxing the beau...let's hope he isn't too knackered to box, have been looking forward to doing this all week!

Back to the grind tomorrow. Dentist for eldest again though in the avo.

Have a good mum's day all the mums out there!